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Primary Objectives:
Work your way south past the bots. Disable the only human guard on duty, near the shack. Grab his nano key then pick open the shack door and enter. Besides the crates there is small panel containing two nano keys. Get them. Exit, turn right and head for the tall thick metal pole. Open the hatch on its east side and climb up, way up. When you reach an intersection the guards will be on your left, and a karkian tank to your right. Wait for one of the patrolling guards to pass for an easy takedown. Head north to the guard room. Another trooper to handle on your left in the next room. His patrol however is monitored by another guard in a connecting room. You'll have to be quiet in handling them or use the maintenance hatch in the northeast corner of the guard room. Open the vent to sneak past these two guards though you'll be better of disabling them so you can talk with the scientists. The locked door in the guard room is storage for a few crates. Its code is 12. Get to floor level where the scientists are and talk with Pinkerton, he'll supply a map. Exit southwest and sneak around the edge of the building knocking out the troops. If you face west you'll have a great sniping position for the guards around modules #1 and #2. Feeling brave? Jump atop the passage from the southwest corner and head to the roof of module #1. A roof hatch allows a safe drop inside it. Otherwise, return to the scientist room and exit southeast. Take the ladder down and follow the passage to module #1. Only one guard to handle inside the module, though some divers patrol the waters beneath the moonpool. Outside module #1 one more guard then follow the catwalk into module #2. Inside module #2, is another guard. Take the elevator down. The security terminal ahead on your left controls two turrets, ideal for handling the MJ12 troops. Head on back and chat with the scientists. Use the login to open the sub bay doors on the nearby security terminal. Climb the stairs and try the login you got from Pinkerton on a computer. Exit west into the sub bay. Talk with the technician for some background. Use the mini-sub. On a personal note, I'd like to say this part of the mission is my favorite part of the game. Combining some thoughts I've had with the feel of System Shock. Look around before climbing the stairs. The first flight is an observation area for the tank. Next level allows you to shoot the karkians in the tank and search the body for items. The final floor is tricky due to the turret. Either blow it up, bypass it, or if you have the skills, you can chop it with the Dragon's Tooth Sword. Having a master (or near master) level in low-tech and an upgraded combat strength gives you that power. A security terminal in the northwest corner is useful. Exit through the north hatch. Another rogue turret is down the hall on your left. Its tricky to hit but not impossible. Use the nearby crate for cover. The two rooms it protects are storage rooms. Entering the second will require some lockpicking or the nano key we pickup later. Grab the nano key near the dead body and use it to open the locked door on the north end of the hall. Two greasels to handle in the lab and one down below in the water. Climb down the ladder and proceed southwest through the door and down the hall. Three greasels in the next room. Kill them then look by the light in the middle for a datacube. Now the fun stuff. A locked room can be found in the northeast corner, sadly it only contains only a medkit but the nano key we get later will unlock it. Another door hidden in the dark is located in the southwest corner. If you don't have swimming skills, aqualung, or a rebreather you might want to skip this. Open the floor hatch and swim outside. Head south but glide left to go around the support. Keep going south past the window that looks into the sub bay, and then the next support. Turn right and look for the two red lights. Between them is hatch into a room with an air pocket and a crate containing a rebreather. Swim south again but slightly to the left. Look for the blinking light. It leads to a crack in the south portion of the base. Swim in and head south to the flooded room. No air pockets here but there is a nano key to the two storage rooms, a weaponmod: clip, and a GEP gun. Plus, a bioelectric cell on the dead body. Return to the half submerged lab. Don't take the ladder back up to the greasel lab, instead, use the code from the datacube to open the hatch in the northeast corner. In the electrified room, read the datacube on the corner of the table before turning right to enter the excavation area. Toss a LAM in the hall just ahead on your right. Kill the two greasels and baby karkians. Enter the hall you threw the LAM into earlier and grab the nano key. Exit out the hatch to the east. As you do note the switch on your right. It electrifies the rails. Hmmmmm. ![]() |
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