Witchboy's Cauldron
  March 31st, 1999
choke, choke

i am choking on the irony. we are making an Unreal engine game. but i have unsuccessfully looked through these hallowed ION Austin halls (meaning i have been pilfering through my co-workers' offices early this morning before they arrive), searching high and low for a copy of the original Unreal. DID SOMEONE HIDE THEM ALL?!? IS THIS WARREN'S IDEA OF AN EASTER JOKE?!?

i want to look over the Underworld Level One conversion someone recently did and the Thief conversion too. (UW is one of my all-time favorite games--whoever did this, WAY TO GO!) anyway, i need the original because i cannot look at these levels with the heavily modified Deus Ex version of Unreal. it's amazing--you'd think the Unreal CD would be everywhere here; all i find are empty boxes...

in other news, Deus Ex is looking like a game. we're a few days away from reaching Alpha. you can play missions 01 & 02, walk around, talk to numerous NPC's. since we're an RPG, we're trying to create believable NPC's, not just fast-action shooter villains. it's way fun to listen to them talk and otherwise interact with them. pissing off the hulking, cybernetically freakish Gunther Hermann is actually terrifying. (though part of me is yearning to work on a shooter...)

currently, you can also do things like collect inventory items and use the skills your character has (chosen and advanced by the player from a selection of skills). picking locks and jury-rigging mechanical devices is cool already, though obviously we will be tuning the entire skillset as we go. also, the various in-game nanotech powers (also carefully selected and upgraded by the player) are fun to play with. (no one can have all of them, so the character building choices in some way determine how you play through the missions.)

i think the version we have by E3 will be impressive. i look forward to showing it off. warren, chris norden and i (and maybe others) will be attending the conference. i wish it was back in atlanta...to hell with LA.

anyway, back to searching for the Unreal CD & crunching on the Alpha milestone. if i can find that CD, i'll take the time out to play through the Looking Glass conversions. (i've already rifled through half the offices, heh, which is what they get for not coming in at the crack of dawn like i do...i think one of team mates wears womens' underwear. i'm not saying who.

for more on the Unreal conversions, for those of you who are as interested as i am, go to Saam's way-cool Looking Glass fan site:

Through the Looking Glass


  March 28th, 1999
GameSpot Preview

sorry...still crunching for the alpha milestone. that character article will come eventually.

GameSpot Preview


  March 23rd, 1999
NEW Deus Ex Interview!

BEYOND 3D is a cool site. they just posted a new interview with me. let's hope it makes some semblance of sense.

ps--still crunching away on the alpha deadline.

Beyond 3D Interview's Witchboy


  March 19th, 1999
Shigeru Miyamoto Speech

well worth reading. check it out:

Shigeru Miyamoto's Keynote Speech


  March 15th, 1999
BEYOND3D: Deus Ex Preview

ack! still extremely busy bustin' it for the coming milestone. but check this out:

Beyond 3D Deus Ex Preview

ha, they mistakenly call warren by the name 'bob white' (our design team lead and ex-ultima alum). but the best thing is that they describe warren as "a small bearded man." heh.

otherwise, it's a cool preview.


  March 04th, 1999
Deus Ex interview and my recent schedule

i've been extremely busy lately. (thus few updates.) we are crunching away on getting a major milestone completed. this is a big one and it is really helping us shape the game. i should be able to take time in the near future to talk about some of the cool new stuff.

in the meantime, here's a new interview.

Deus Ex Incarnate

until next time. (when i promise i'll do something more elaborate...i have this article on characters and NPC's i've been meaning to do...)





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Travel Log - Melbourne

Freeplay 2004

GDC 2004: Emergence

Orthogonal Unit Differentiation

Systemic Level Design

Travel Log - Hong Kong

Sacrifice Review

Features Without Interface

Transcendent Moments

Half-Life review

Worlds Apart

Distinct Functions in Game Units

The Future of Game Design



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Content ©1998 Harvey Smith (aka Witchboy)     Design ©1998 TheZealot