System Shock 2
i was up until 1am playing system shock 2. (and my wife made me get up at 6...i feel like death
warmed over.)
but the upside is that shock 2 is the most amazing game i've played in years. it is going to be
the "Dungeon Master" of 1999. it is that well executed, that clever.
last night i was sitting in a dark room, upstairs in my house, playing the game and jumping at
every creepy sound. my character is finally a badass (very specialized in a couple of directions.)
i think i'm like 80-90% done.
i'm not exagerating--i think this is one of the best games i've
ever played.
Planet Riva and Deus Ex
Voodoo from Planet Riva had some questions and i answered them.
most of my time lately has been spent with warren and chris norden, working
out some design feature modifications for Deus Ex. other than that i have been
playing a beta copy of System Shock 2, which is honestly one of the finest games
i have ever played. sensational.
meanwhile, here's the link to
Planet Riva
thief music
as you probably know, i think Looking Glass Technologies is the coolest game company
in the world. not just because of their awe-inspiring games, but because you can learn
so much from their developers.
well, to top off their design/programming might, they also have eric brosius, sound/music
engineer phenom. the Thief music was really innovate and suited to the game. the sound
effects were even better. anyway, as an MP3 fan, i'd like to pass along some Thief MP3
original Thief music by Eric Brosius, mixed by Dan Todd (Digital Nightfall).
U-Games DX Preview
i haven't been updating a lot. been busy of course. soon, i promise, i'll have something
cool to post here.
until then, this is a really good preview.
the U-Games DEUS EX preview.