MOD:  Reign of Militias
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GamePlay with Armour:

The armour in this mod is realalistic, it blocks some things that hit it: 9mm / .45 / shotgun bb's are blocked as of now.Damage on other bullets is slightly weakened. Blunt melee isn't affected, peircing melee is to a certian degree.

Types of Armour:

There will be 5 suits of armour:

=[NSF]Covert Stealthsuit:

- Protection: 5/10

- Agility Deduction: 0/10

- Special: Stealth Option

- Price: $1500

=[MJ12]Government Issued:

- Protection: 10/10

- Agility Deduction: 5/10

- Special: N/A

- Price: $1000

=Hell's Kitchen Police Vest:

- Protection: 8/10

- Agility Deduction: 8/10

- Special: N/A

- Price $700

=Retail Vest:

- Protection: 5/10

- Agility Deduction: 4/10

- Special: N/A

- Price $200

=Unlabed Vest:

- Protection 2/10

- Agility Deduction 3/10

- Special: N/A

- Price: $50 (Can be found on ground..)