The Rule of Many
Wars D20 Campaign
Initial Campaign Notes Created 08/09/03

A New Hope
- Chronology Event: Princess Leia sets out to find Obiwan Kenobi.
- Campaign Scenario: Kwevron—Heroes on a Quiet World (06/04/04)
- Campaign Scenario: Freeing a Rebel, Finding the Rebellion
- Chronology Event: Princess Leia Is Detained
- Campaign Scenario: Ice Moon, Sith Temple (07/16/04, 07/25/04,
- Chronology Event: The Republican Senate Is Disbanded
- Campaign Scenario: Recovery on Alderaan, Home of Bail Organa
- Campaign Scenario: Painted Faces (08/02/04)
- Campaign Scenario: A Sisterhood and the Empire (08/09/04)
- Campaign Scenario: The Chu’unthor (08/16/04)
- Chronology Event: Alderaan Is Destroyed
- Campaign Scenario: A Game of Pawns (08/23/04)
- Chronology Event: The Battle of Yavin
- Campaign Scenario: Kadann’s Vision (08/30/04)
The Empire Strikes Back
- Chronology Event: Alliance Command Establishes a Secret Base on
- Campaign Scenario: Bail’s Last Mission
- Campaign Scenario: Black Sun, Invisible Flower
- Chronology Event: The Imperial Raid on Hoth
- Campaign Scenario: A Price On Your Heads
- Major Chronology Change: Neera, a Jedi Knight,
has been awakened and joins the Rebellion.
- Campaign Scenario: The Plight of N’dal
- Major Chronology Change: Neera trains Luke for
a month before he leaves Dagobah.
- Campaign Scenario: Stolen Moments (09/27/04)
- Chronology Event: Luke Travels to Dagobah
- Campaign Scenario: The Bloodsparrow Strikes
Back (09/27/04)
- Campaign Scenario: Rebel Fleet, Rebel Ops
(10/07/04, 10/12/04)
- Major Chronology Change: Keval is sanctioned
as a Sith Lord.
- Campaign Scenario: The Sith Keep (10/15/04)
- Chronology Event: Darth Keval—newly ascended
Sith lord—is slain.
- Chronology Event: Lerketh strikes down her
adopted father in anger.
- Major chronology change: Kadann dies, along
with three of the dark prophets.
Return of the Jedi
- Campaign Scenario: The Calm Before the Storm (11/04/04)
- Major Chronology Change: The Emperor expedites the training of the
new Sith.
- Major Chronology Change: Dark Vader is named Lord of the Rim
- Chronology Event: The death of Yoda.
- Campaign Scenario: An Invisible Hand (11/04/04)
- Campaign Scenario: No Honor Among the Wicked (11/16/04, 01/09/05)
- Campaign Scenario: The Slave Girl (01/??/05)
- Chronology Event: The second Death Star is
almost complete.
- Campaign Scenario: The Last Dark Prophets (02/08/05)
- Chronology Event: Luke Faces Vader.
- Campaign Scenario: Death Star Rising (03/06/05)
- Campaign Scenario: Alone On the Death Star (03/15/05)
- Campaign Scenario: Coruscant (03/22/05, 04/08/05)
- Chronology Event: Emperor Palpatine, dark master of the Sith, is
- Campaign Scenario: Epilogue (04/09/05)
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