Biomod Descriptions And Tips Pt. 3


Leg Biomod

Move Silent (Passive)

Level 1 - Dampens movement sounds while walking and increases the height from which you can fall and sustain no damage. No energy cost.
Level 2 - Dampens sound while jogging. Can fall safely and silently from a greater height without sustaining damage.
Level 3 - Damens all movement sounds and increases the height from which you can fall without sustaining damage.
Tips - A must have for the stealth player. You can toy around with cloak or vision but being able to sneak up and club someone requires this aug at level 3 to be affective. The big bonus of a stealth approach is that when you combine it with the arm strength biomod and a melee weapon you have an affective way to take guards down without using any ammo. Bot dominators can also put this biomod to use by sneaking up behind bots. Unlike Thermal Masking, you don't have to activate this biomod. Its always on and consumes no energy. You'll also find it possible to fall further without taking damage.

Speed Enhancement

Level 1 - Enhances movement rate and jump distance. Decreases fall damage.
Level 2 - Greater movement rate and decreased energy drain.
Level 3 - Maximum movement rate and decreased energy drain.
Tips - Definitely something to pick up if you are planning a combat approach. Speed allows you to dodge incoming fire with ease and allows you to fall distances without taking damage.

Health Leech Drone

Level 1 - Breaks down corpses and uses them for reconstructive healing. 2x healing from unconscious targets.
Level 2 - Greater healing.
Level 3 - Can also break down and use live ambient creatures. Maximum healing.
Tips - The drone works like regeneration but its limited. The catch is that the drone has to find a body (dead or unconcious) to target. Cats and rats can be leeched at any time. Unconcious targets, like a guard, provide double the health benefit. Combat heavy players should favor the Regeneration biomod instead. If you've already used your Eye slot for something else, this is your last option before resorting to medbots, medkits, and snack foods.


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