Biomod Descriptions And
Tips Pt. 2
Skeletal Biomod
Aggressive Defense
1 - Stops incoming rockets and grenades by detonating
them midair before they reach the user.
Level 2 - Stop incoming rockets
and grenades at a greater distance.
Level 3 - Stop incoming rockets
and grenades closer to the enemy.
Tips - Not very useful early
in the game but as more of your enemies carry the rocket launcher
this aug helps. Best used if you actually get your enemy to
open fire on you. Then move in so that the rockets detonate
on top of them. Watch what the enemy does when you make a
bold move like this. Those that have sniper rifles will turn
you into swiss cheese.
Thermal Masking |
1 - Provides near-invisibilty to bots/mechanical units.
User becomes visible when firing a weapon.
Level 2 - Decreased energy drain.
Level 3 - Decreased energy drain.
Tips - This boimod blocks your
heat signature making you invisible to all machine based sensors.
It works great as a combo with bot domination. For bypassing
security you could also use this mod though it usually just
easier to toss an EMP grenade or run past the camera when
it spins the other way. |
Discharge (Passive) |
1 - Charges melee attacks wiht EMP damage. No energy
Level 2 - Increased EMP damage.
Level 3 - Maximum EMP damage
and short-term scrambling of bots.
Tips - On the surface it sounds
kinda dumb but its not. Using this biomod with any melee weapon
(even the baton) enables you to quickly disable spiderbots
without using ammo. Strike a security beam emitter and its
disabled without using any emp grenades. I suppose you could
use this on bigger bots but unless you have Thermal Masking
you're likely to get hurt. |
Arm Biomod
Biotox Attack
1 - Fires non-lethal biotox darts at all hostile targets.
Level 2 - Decreased energy drain.
Level 3 - Decreased energy drain.
Tips - Not a bad mod but later
in the game you'll encounter enemies who are immune to non-lethal
darts. Though the drone consumes bioenergy instead of ammo
the fact that you can't control it or what targets it goes
after makes it hard to feel comfortable using this mod.
Strength Enhancement
(Passive) |
1 - Enahnces melee damage, throwing distance and damage
done to targets by thrown items. No energy cost.
Level 2 - Greatly increases melee
damage, throwing distance, damage done to targets by thrown
items and carrying capacity.
Level 3 - Maximum melee damage,
throwing distance, damage to targets and carrying capacity.
Tips - This mod benefits you
in several ways. For those using the ammo-less melee weapons
this is a must have. Combined with the right weapons you can
take a greasel down in one hit, many guards in one hit, and
even the karkians can be handled with only a few strikes.
The other benefit is the addition of extra inventory slots
allowing you to carry more stuff like wine and cigarettes.
Bot Domination |
1 - Enables first-person control of small bots, cameras,
and turrets
Level 2 - Control medium sized
bots. Increased domination time. Decreased energy drain.
Level 3 - Control all types of
bots. Increased domination time. Decreased energy drain.
Tips - Run up to the bot and
press your use key. Approaching a bot can be done by either
use of Thermal Masking, Silent Feet, or just being very quick
about it. Now, go hide somewhere until the domination occurs.
With control of the bot you can move and use its weapons anyway
you wish. Damage done to the bot does not affect you in any
way (unless a stray shot hits near where you are hiding).
Should you be in an area without a bot just toss out a spiderbot
and take control of it. Once you've released a dominated bot
it will be rendered disabled. You cannot control a disabled