Toxin Blade
- Prototype special forces combat knife. Microporous metal
releases toxins on contact. Designed for political assassination.
Mods Accepted - None
Location - Upper Seattle, Emerald
Suites. Go to the end of the hall and enter the last suite
on your left. Handle the businessman, go to his bedroom, and
look under the pillow.
Tips - It does more damage than
a regular combat knife butl not as much as an energy blade.
Red Greasel Hunter |
- Street-modified 9mm, equipped with infrared stealth light.
Used by mercenaries collecting sewer greasel bounties.
Mods Accepted - All
Location - Lower Seattle, Sewers.
After you leave the Inclinator look to your left for a sewer
grate. Hop in. Its near the Omar's body.
Tips - Aside from the infared
light its not that much different from a regular pistol. The
infared light allows you to illuminate an area but its invisible
to any organic.
Hellfire Boltcaster
- A Black Market accelerator that launches an incendiary bolt.
Mods Accepted - All
Location - Room overlooking Nassif's
Greenhouse entrance in Cairo. See walkthrough
for details.
Tips - Though not as stealthy
as the regular boltcaster it does do more damage and sets
your targets on fire. If you're looking for the fun of a flamethrower
minus its ammo consumption try this weapon.
Assassin Pistol |
- A 9mm pistol, manufactured by Mako Ballistics, but modified
by Omar Technosect for greater range and damage.
Mods Accepted - All
Location - Trier, Nine Worlds
Tavern, Second Floor. Look under the overturned bookcase.
Tips - Though its the best of
the pistols its still no match for the sniper rifle.
Dragon Tooth Sword |
- A product of early nanotech development, a non-eutectic
solid blade that can slice the hardest materials.
Mods Accepted - None
Location - Antarctica, Sanctuary,
"Hong Kong". Its atop the bookcase after you use
the first Helios interface.
Tips - Of all melee weapons,
this one does the most damage. Combined with the Enhanced
Strength biomod you won't find many organics that can survive
a swipe of this blade. Those that do won't live after a second.
Windowmaker SMG
- Rapid-fire submachine gun modified by Omar Technosect for
accuracy. Its alternate firing mode launches a Spiderbomb.
Mods Accepted - All except Refire
Rate and Silencer
Location - Arcology, Cairo (2nd
trip). On the lower maintenance level, make a left at the
bottom of the ramp and hop through the opening on your right.
Find the room. The SMG is under the steam venting from the
Tips - The king of SMGs. Be careful
with the alt-fire, it gobbles up ammo quickly.