Taking Out The Trash
Four guards patrol the area. You can either take them down stealthy-like
from behind the crates or for a bolder approach head north up the
ladder. Guards won't chase you up there and if you monitor the guard
patrols you can sneak up there with ease. With the guards out you
may still have to deal with the hangar turret. The guard that patrols
the south platform has a sniper rifle. Or, if you're very
sneaky, take down the guard on the north catwalk. From there you
can hack a Security Computer to disable everything. At that point
any remaining guards are pretty easy. Oh, and don't forgot the two
bots patrolling below.
Primary Goal: Pilot Sid: Notify
enjoying a peaceful moment.... WAIT, WHY ARE ITS EYES GLOWING? |
If you check down below shoot the toxic barrel to clear it out.
Look around and you can find a medkit atop a crate. Over
where the toxic barrel is are two areas. One, where the barrel is,
has an energy cell and multitool. The other has an emp
grenade, crowbar, and 100 credits. Climb up when you hear the
beeping. Its the Pilot Beacon. Below it is a datacube with some
details. Climb the ramp up and enter the weapon storage area (glass
destabilizer works well for this). Lots of stuff here, the most
interesting being the fragmentary round mod, ammo scavenger mod
and the repairbot. Under the weapon storage area you can find
a spiderbomb atop a crate. Leave the hangar.
Gob-Zilla, I Choose You!
Climb down the ladder on the side of the helipad. Grab an ammo
clip from atop the crates and open the gate. Go back into Heron's
Loft. Climb down to the bottom of the shaft and consider a few choices.
Crawl under the lift and grab the multitool and flashbang grenade.
Open the vent grate and climb up the shaft. Take out Gob-zilla and
perhaps its owner. Alternately, go outside and climb up the fire
escape. Break the window and take out Gob-zilla from there. You
can choose to tranq Gob-zilla but you lose your reward from Eddie.
Try it out.
Secondary Goal: Greasel Trainer: Collect
Either way, get into the apartment for a softkey and ammo
from atop the crate. Leave the apartment. If you use the exit in
the back alley to reach the slums, grab the multitool on
your left as you leave. Return to the Greasel Pit. After you get
past the weapons check, talk with Sid.
Primary Goal: Pilot Sid: Meet at Jet
Head down to the Greasel Pit. Don't make any bets yet. Talk with
Eddie. Now talk with the Bookie. Bet on Snake-Eyes. Talk to everyone
after the match is over. Collect your money from the Bookie. (Note:
Sometimes the Claw will win. I haven't figured out if this is random
or perhaps based on what trainer you stand next to.)
no... its not a spiritual thing. I'm just asking... how do
you SEE through the hood? Is it Zen or concrete kisses? |
Leave the pit and return to the Order Church. Don't enter it. Turn
around and you will find the QueeQuegs the Peqod's owner asked you
to torch. Check the nearby dumpster for an energy cell. Open
the front door and toss a grenade onto the four boxes of coffee.
Clear out before the turret goes live.
Secondary Goal: Coffee Wars: Collect Reward
Talk with the Omar if you haven't already. He has a black market
biomod available for purchse. You can try raiding the
Omar's chest of goodies but he may not like it. Inside you'll find
two ammo clips, medkit, and a scrambler prox mine. Probably
better to stay on good relations right now. Return to the Inclinator
by heading north. Enter the door on your left where Mack and Lo-town
Lucy are.
What Goes Down Is Coming Up
A few things have changed. The Templars have taken over. Carefully
take out the two guards on the other side of the crate and their
friend overlooking the room from a balcony. Take the inclinator
up. Sneak over to the west wall. Move forward over the railing and
then up the ladder on your left. Be quick and the two Templars won't
notice. Continue north. Crouch and jump over the railing and onto
the edge of the north wall. Follow it south to the I-beam intersection.
Turn right then left and into the vent. At the bottom of the vent,
close the grate if its open and move forward to hear the conversation.
Pop it open when they are finished and take out the Templars. Close
the vent cover between your shots. When done, crawl out and read
the datacube on the desk.
in the vent. When you shut the grate the Templars can't figure
out where you are. Strong on faith. Not so good on tactics. |
Primary Goal: Order Traitor: Report to Church
At this point you know where everything is so its just cleanup.
Report to the Church to discuss the Mako situation. Talk with the
manager of Pequod's for your reward. At the WTO, go to the Civic
Manager's office and use his Security Computer to help the manager
of QueeQueg who you will then have to report back to for your reward.
At this point you can leave on Sid Black's jet. Or tackle one last
challenge. Take on the WTO Air Terminal.
Flying High, Flying Proud, Flying

Use the Metro to reach the WTO Air Terminal. Go all
the way back to the office area. Enter the elevator protected by
the two guards. Get off and approach the door to the restricted
Secondary Goal: Pilot Ava: Disable Missile
Approach the crate to the southwest. Carefully go around its right
side to trigger the conversation then pull back to the entry room.
Be careful of the patrolling bot. Close the door when you need safety.
When the guard has his back turned riot baton him to sleep. Carry
his body to the entry room. Now, go out and wait for the female
guard on the left to return. Take her down. Climb up the stairs
you saw when you first opened the hangar door. Drop an emp grenade
on the patrolling bot. Now walk south and enter the Control Tower
(If you don't have hack get the code from a datacube down below.
Use the ladder on the southeast end of the landing pad. Wait for
the guard to pass then jump her. Head west. Just before you break
the green beams look left at the metal machine. Near it is the datacube.
Now get back up the ladder.). From the window of the tower, take
out the remaining bot. The nearby chest contains an increased
damage mod. Open the vent to the south and crawl down. Grab
the multitool on your left before enter the storage room.
Hack the terminal to disable the missile battery (or blow it up,
its right outside). Before you leave the room grab the softkey
on the floor next to the barrel. Proceed north across the landing
pad to the other room. Dodge the camera and then enter the storage
room to hack the Security Computer. Disable everything (or blow
it up).
Secondary Goal: Pilot Ava: Activate Beacon
handheld weapon of mass destruction. |
Check out the medkit and datacube behind the barrels. Exit
the room. Head east and enter the 2nd (last) door on your right.
The one that goes under the landing pad. Go down the hall, turn
right twice and use a multitool to open the door. Inside you'll
find a repair bot, a concussion grenade, a medkit and a chest
with black market biomod and a spiderbomb. Run back to the
Control Tower and use the Pilot Beacon. Three guards will appear
you can handle the one near you and the one atop the landing pad
safely from the tower. Go to Ava's chopper and leave.
is just another term to refer to an elevator. Though the one
seen in Seattle is quite large its not as ambitious as the
ones planned that could
reach space.
SpaceElevator.com |
Conspiratorial nod to: Scorpio for Black Market
Mako Ballistics -->