A hard decision about AI is whether you want it to be realistic and smart or a bit unaware and more fun.
Ion seems to have gone with the fun choice. It’s not fun to have the AI foil all your carefully laid plans.
It’s not fun to try to get past guards who are so intelligent and well trained that they put a bullet
between your eyes before you see where they are hiding.
It’s much better to be able to lure a guard into a trap or catch a trooper unawares.
However, that’s not to say there are going to be stupid.
Invisible War’s AI takes into consideration a broad variety of circumstances such as lighting,
sound direction and volume, object attributes, and player gender.
For example, if the player is female, there are multiple AI in the room, and you
just pushed a burning barrel into a wood table a guard could yell to his comrades,
“She just set that table on fire!” Speaking of dialogue ("barks"), the AI will have around 30,000 lines to say for just about any situation you can create.
The AI isn’t just limited to talking, either. Someone who sits in a guard shack
alone is probably not going to be as alert as a guard who is patrolling out in the dark.
Similarly, if you individually kill off a lot of troops, their buddies are going to
notice they are missing and become more alert. If a guard finds a some bodies and yet
there is no sign of you, they are probably going to hit an alarm and then get out of there as fast as they can.