Ion has combined the augmentation and skill systems into one sleek feature called biomods.
These augmentations have now been sanctioned for by the government for civilian use and
allow you to upgrade your abilities. There are now 15 different mods to choose from,
but only 5 mod slots. You have to choose wisely because while you can overwrite
an existing mod with another one, you can’t reuse an old mod.
The biomods range from defensive and skill enhancing to creepy and illegal. More specifically,
you can buy your mods from the black-market. While this allows you to use more unique
and ethically questionable abilities, each comes with a downside.
Each slot has three potential enhancements: 2 "legal" and one sold on the blackmarket
by the Omar. Once installed, an augmentation can be upgraded twice, optimizing the mod and sometimes
adding new abilities.