Deus Ex Editing Tools
Everything you need to create your own Deus Ex missions and game assets. This package contains the mission editor (based on UnrealEd), the conversation editor, a script compiler, and a Lightwave model converter. In addition, ION Storm has provided extensive documentation.
This new version added all DeusEx headers and added better support for multiplayer mods. Make sure you have the most recent patch installed. For reference only, the older 1109fm SDK can be downloaded here.
Please note, though, the following paragraph from the legal rules included with the tools:
When you publicly distribute your level you automatically grant ION Storm and/or Eidos Interactive the perpetual, royalty free right to use, modify, license and distribute your level in any way we choose.
Deus Ex Beta SDK
DO NOT USE THIS SDK: IT HAS BEEN SUPERCEDED BY THE ONE LISTED ABOVE AND IS INCLUDED ONLY FOR CONVENIENCE. This is a beta release, and there are some bugs with implementing conversations.