Aggresive Defense
This aug has a fairly low drain, and is quite effective at keeping away unwanted rockets. It is also useful as an umbrella for teammates, so if you are close together, only one of you needs to have this turned on. This is a great aug to turn on while crossing open areas. The offensive use of this aug is when you turn it on while very close to someone firing rockets or 20mm at you. The closer you are to them when they fire, the more likely they are to damage themselves. The other nice thing is that you can often hear incoming rockets and thus have time to turn this on quickly, thus negating or at least reducing the damage you take.
This is not a stealthy aug. Whenever you have this turned on you and nearby players will be able to hear a distinctive sound somewhat like a sonar pulse. This makes it much easier to find you if you are trying to hide. There have also been some major changes from the way this worked in single player. The only things aggressive defense will block in mp are rockets, wp rockets, 20mm, and the law rocket. It will not block placed or thrown grenades, darts, knives, or any of the other things it stopped in the singleplayer game. Also, depending on the skill of the opposing player and the weapon they use, you may still take some damage from incoming rockets even if you have this turned on. The best example is the law, which will still cause significant damage to you if you get caught in the open and try to defend yourself with aggressive defense.
Listen for the distinctive sound of this aug and be very careful before you start firing rockets around. When you hear this aug turned on, or you see a rocket detonate with a large blue explosion (much like an EMP explosion), it's time to switch weapons to something else. Since EMP grenades are not blocked by this augmentation, don't be afraid to toss one at your opponent.