Heavy Weapons
The heavy weapons skill affects the GEP gun, the Plasma rifle, the Flamethrower, and the LAW.
This is a great long-range weapon. It is very useful for suppressing fire, forcing people to stay behind cover. Its locking capability is also very useful, and has been enhanced from the singleplayer version. At short to mid ranges, it is more useful than the sniper rifle is at similar ranges. It also has an alternate ammo type, the WP rocket. The WP rocket does less damage, but has a much larger blast radius, and anyone caught in the blast radius gets set on fire. The GEP comes with a sniper scope attached by default.
There are a number of drawbacks to the GEP. First, more than any other weapon, this weapon relies on higher skill. With the GEP out, you cannot jump as high, run as fast, or turn as quickly. Skill reduces this somewhat, but does not completely eliminate it. The GEP can be almost completely stopped by the aggressive defense augmentation. It has a slow refire rate, and while you're waiting to reload, enemies can trace the trail of smoke back to figure out where you are. Also, because it causes explosions, this is not a good weapon to use at closer ranges if you have the vision aug on.
It is generally easier to get a lock than it was in the singleplayer game. To get a lock, try to hold your crosshair over the target. If it moves off a little bit, your lock will start slipping away, but won't go away instantly. If you generally keep it on the target, you should get a lock. Time to lock varies from 1.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds, depending on skill level. After the ammo counter indicates that you are locked, you will hear a tone. While you are getting the tone and the ammo counter indicates that you are locked, you are. If you have a lock and move your crosshairs off of the target, you have about a second to move them back on before the lock is lost.
For the curious, here is how a locked on GEP chases a target:
- 1. If the GEP rocket has a line of sight to the center of the target, it aims for that point. If it does not:
- 2. If the GEP rocket has a line of sight to the target's head, it aims for that point. If it does not:
- 3. The rocket heads for the last place where it had a line of sight to one of those two points on the target.
The GEP rocket slows down a bit for turns, but it still has a significant turn radius, so it doesn't corner exceptionally well. It doesn't cheat, it only updates targeting information if it has a line of sight to the target.
The cloak augmentation prevents locking. It is also very hard for someone to get a lock on you if you are moving around erratically. If a GEP round is incoming, moving out of the way when it gets close often causes it to miss, even if locked, as it has a minimum turn radius. Aggressive defense almost completely stops GEP rounds, and ballistic protection helps. Also, the rocket leaves a large smoke trail that indicates from where it was fired.
Plasma Rifle
The plasma rifle is an excellent suppressive-fire weapon. Fires three plasma bolts that explode on impact. It has a fairly good rate of fire and good range. If you want to force someone to keep his head down, this works very well. It is generally best employed by shooting at the ground near your opponent's feet.
The energy shield greatly reduces the effectiveness of this weapon. The splash damage can also hurt you if you are firing too close to yourself, and it can be dangerous to teammates. The energy shield helps reduce the penalties of self inflicted wounds.
Jumping helps to avoid splash damage from bolts hitting the floor. The energy shield is very effective at stopping this weapon.
This weapon has a very high rate of fire, and, if you back someone into a corner, you can kill him with it very quickly. It also sets people on fire when it hits them. This doesn't do a lot of damage, but it makes them easy to spot, even if they are cloaked. The flamethrower can function as a sort of alternate vision augmentation. If you hear footsteps nearby but don't see anyone, spraying the area with the flamethrower may set your opponent on fire, making him easy to shoot.
This weapon has very limited range, and the energy shield is very effective at blocking it.
The energy shield is extremely effective at blocking the flamethrower. If you have the energy shield, you don't need to worry too much about the flamethrower. If you get set on fire, jump in the water or use a medkit to put it out.
Does massive damage in a wide area. Will even do a significant amount of damage if the other person has aggressive defense up.
Only one shot, but it takes up a whole weapon slot. It also requires lockpicks to get.
There isn't a lot you can do when one is actually coming at you. Aggressive defense alone won't prevent you from taking a lot of damage. Aggressive defense combined with ballistic protection generally works fairly well. Ducking behind cover will also reduce the damage. All of these help, but if someone shoots a LAW at the ground near you, expect to take at least some damage.