PlanetDeusEx | Deus Ex | Game Information | Inventory | Weapons | NonGuns
Weapons: The Non-Guns

An explosive device that
can either be activated and
thrown like a grenade, or
attached to a wall to
act as a proximity mine

Scramble Grenade
An device that can either be
activated and thrown like a
grenade, or attached to a wall
to act as a proximity mine. Will
cause robotic sentries to change
sides for a short period of time

EMP Grenade
An device that can either be
activated and thrown like a
grenade, or attached to a wall
to act as a proximity mine.
Disrupts electronic activity

Gas Grenade
A gas device that can either
be activated and thrown like a
grenade, or attached to a wall
to act as a proximity mine.
Causes damage to organic
enemies over a period of time

Combat Knife
Good for opening boxes and
lethal for taking down unsus-
pecting organic opponents

Throwing Knife
A quiet and quick way of
dealing with organic enemies

Basically a knife with
a longer range

Dragon's Tooth
A quick, long sword that
does a ton of damage

Pepper Spray
Causes a cloud of gas that
temporarily immobilizes
organic opponents

Deadly when applied to
the back of the head

With the right strength aug,
you can knock opponents

Riot Prod
Will stun opponents. If you're
unseen, one zap will take
them down. If not, it takes
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