LAM An explosive device that can either be activated and thrown like a grenade, or attached to a wall to act as a proximity mine |
Scramble Grenade An device that can either be activated and thrown like a grenade, or attached to a wall to act as a proximity mine. Will cause robotic sentries to change sides for a short period of time |
EMP Grenade An device that can either be activated and thrown like a grenade, or attached to a wall to act as a proximity mine. Disrupts electronic activity |
Gas Grenade A gas device that can either be activated and thrown like a grenade, or attached to a wall to act as a proximity mine. Causes damage to organic enemies over a period of time |
Combat Knife Good for opening boxes and lethal for taking down unsus- pecting organic opponents |
Throwing Knife A quiet and quick way of dealing with organic enemies |
Sword Basically a knife with a longer range |
Dragon's Tooth A quick, long sword that does a ton of damage |
Pepper Spray Causes a cloud of gas that temporarily immobilizes organic opponents |
Crowbar Deadly when applied to the back of the head |
Baton With the right strength aug, you can knock opponents unconscious |
Riot Prod Will stun opponents. If you're unseen, one zap will take them down. If not, it takes two or they will come to |