PlanetDeusEx | Deus Ex | Game Information | Player | Skills

Skill Effects
Weapons, Low-Tech Increases accuracy, damage, and rate of attack of melee weapons
Weapons, Pistol Increases accuracy, damage, and reloading while using pistols and the crossbow
Weapons, Rifle Increases accuracy, damage, and reloading while using rifles
Weapons, Heavy Increases accuracy, damage, reloading, and movement while using the big guns
Weapons, Demolition Increases grenade accuracy and damage, and increases safety margin for disarming active proximity devices
Electronics Reduces number of multitools required to bypass security systems
Swimming Increases swimming speed and lung capacity
Medicine Increases effectiveness of health packs, and reduces periods of toxic poisoning
Lockpicking Reduces number of picks required per lock
Enviromental Training Effect of suits and armor increased
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