Expand your mind. Know that you do not know. Within these pages lay
the keys to achieving knowledge. One will come who will seize the eye
of the Pyramid, will it be you? I have seen much, and much do I know...close
am I to the pinnacle...yes, close to the eye...Your knowledge is nothing
to me, every victory brings me closer to illumination...will you challenge
me? Are you able to grasp at the apex before me? We shall see...yes,
we shall see... uh...speaking of seeing...have you seen my car keys? No, that doesn't
count towards illumination...why?...because I said so, that's why!
**Installments are listed from newest to oldest, so if you've never been here before, start at the bottom**
The Second Age
- See the First Dawn breaking over a new world...
One world has passed away and another arises in its place...Witness the creative
force of mankind in it echo of the divine...We indeed have a big bang to herald in the
launch of King Kashue's new website, and this installment is loaded with more questions
than you can shake a stick at...not that questions do much of anything when you shake
a stick at them, no matter how many of them there are...lazy bastards...
The First Age
- Wisdom is given to those born under the Thirteenth Sign...
We continue with our AUG-STRAVAGANZA, trapsing through the a garden of
fragrant and pretty flowers...fertilized, like all pretty flowers, with a generous layer of
bull crap...We've got Zodiac signs, dead guys on horses, the mating habits of blue
whales, and the rare earth elements Grenadine and Linoleum...Come on in, the water's fine...
Though you'll need to make sure you don't disturb the whales...
- Hear the counsel of the Twelfth Majestic...
Continuing with the cheap and gaudy promotion attempts, The Path to Illumination
brings you AUG-STRAVAGANZA!!! This first installment includes part of Carl Sagan's catch
phrase, epic battles on the high seas, revealing and innapropriate photos, the poetry of a
manic-depressive opium addict, and a explanation of why the PlanetDeusEx staff will never
ever ever find love...ever...never...doomed...every one of us...doomed to a lonely and cold
life...devoid of the warmth a human touch can bring...forever...alone...*pause*...I'm gonna
go to an all-you-can-eat Chinese Restaurant...they'll always accept me there...
- The Eleventh Hour draws near...
I am back again...returned from a long and perilous journey...Yes, I realize that
I take a lot of long and perilous journeys...I'm mysteriously powerful, it's one of the things
that mysteriously powerful people do...Anyway, I have returned from this most recent long
and perilous journey with presents...*appropriate oohs and aahs*...Indeed!...I have for
you big dogs, a country named after a StarWars character, and links galore...In fact, we
have so many links, that in this installment we're going to have a "LINK-A-RAMA"...Oh yeah...
get down wit' yo' bad self...
- Sing the song inspired by the Tenth Muse...
I could tell you why I've been away so long...but then I'd have to kill you...
well, maybe not kill you...But I'd definitely have to rough you up a bit...Rather than indulge
in fisticuffs, let's get started back down the path to Illumination...I know you've been sitting
for a while and your left butt cheek is asleep, but knowledge waits for no man...unless that
man happens to be me...'cause I'm the author...But It waits for no one else!...I'm pretty sure
...I'll have to go look that up...
- Prepare to enter the Ninth Circle...
After the intense excitement of the extravaganza that we threw in the last
installment, I am extremely tired (those extravaganza's are heavy!) so we're returning to
normalcy in this installment...(or a least as normal as we can be with Ghand hanging out)...
This week we have King Arthur, Pretty Birdies, and some culture for the seething unwashed
masses...no, I'm not talking about you...I'm talking about a totally different seething
unwashed mass...don't be so paranoid...
- Is this now the dawning of the Eighth Age of man?...
Returing after a medium length absence, I come bearing an extravaganza.
This week we have a Lord of the Rings tie-in (hint: It's the title), internet fan-fiction,
ancient engineers (other than the ones designing cars for Oldsmobile), 60's Musicals,
an answer for what happens when we die, and someone asks THE QUESTION I CANNOT ANSWER™...
we are soooooo going to partay!
- Prophecy speaks of the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son...
The number seven is significant in the world beyond our sight...it's unknown
power is apparent even in this world...though to the undiscerning its meaning is uncertian...and speaking of
uncertainty, this week we've got black holes, severed body parts and a in-depth examination
of the phenomenon of "man-nipples"...you won't want to miss it...
- What secrets are revealed to those with the Sixth Sense?...
The physical world we know is not all there is to be known...beyond the scope
of our five senses, a world exists...a world filled with shadowy truths and eternal realities...
a world filled with the secrets of existence...a world filled with giant volcanos, mercury
thermometers, Heineken beer, and giant sleds full of cheese...oh yeah, you're curious...
- Can you feel the calling of the Fifth Element...?
Beyond our sight lays a world we do not comprehend...Ethereal, it hangs on
the edge of our perception...but the mind can sometimes feel its call...the question niggles
within our minds..."what is the Matrix"...oops, sorry, wrong movie...my bad. This week
we have Barbarians, Wars (and not quite wars), plus another piece of folklore for Disney
to turn into a hackneyed and mindless summer blockbuster...it should be a blast.
- Extend your mind into the Fourth Dimension...
The moon hangs low in the sky tonight, it bodes ill for those whose eyes dwell
in darkness...but we have the light of our knowledge to illuminate the truth...by its light
this week, we can see Nazis, flying pigs, the lost City of Atlantis, and my hair falling out...
sound like fun? Of course it does...
- Learn the mysteries of the Third Man...
Continue down the Path to Illumination, add to your knowledge and grow
in power...or just get some handy-dandy tips on how to spice up your school play
by using severed body parts and how to turn giant lumps of fungus into beautiful artwork.
All of that PLUS a message from Orson Welles on behalf of the Rotund Cinematic
Genius Guild...did you know he was in the Transformers movie? Seriously...
- Nothing is hidden from those with The Second Sight...
The first questions are asked and the first answers are given...
Illumination is still far away, but the journey is properly undertaken...draw knowledge
from the dark night...and speaking of (k)night, we have Knights of Malta, Knights of
the Round Table, and Jedi Knights...well not the last one, but everyone loves STARWARS
so I figured more people would read it if I said that was in there...sorry...
- The longest journey begins with The First Step...
Begin down the Path to Illumination. Meet the wise
King Kashue and hear his challenge. Can you ask the question
he cannot answer? Can any? Are there any who can grasp the eye
of the pyramid? We shall soon find out...all of that, PLUS Red Sox Hall of Fame
Left Fielder, Carl Yastrzemski!!!