The Spotlight series of articles is where we get to go into a little more detail about specific things from the community that we feel deserve extra attention. You'll see mod descriptions here, maps and interviews with their creators, and a whole lot more.
- Hotel Carone: The Author answers
a few questions about his work.
- Musician: The webmaster from Deus Ex
Ed talks about himself and his extensive editing resource.
- Convergence: Cooperative multiplayer
exposed to the limelight.
- Slicer: Leader of the DEA clan and admin
of the Gamespy DXMP servers.
- Edge of Dark: Interview and hands-on with
this singleplayer conversion-in-progress.
- Raptor: Leader of the WarZone mod and
PDX's first "Interview of the Week".
- Midnight: Single player survival horror
- Deus Fortress: Let's take a look at the most
anticipated mod in the community.