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Interview of the Moment: Slicer

:Begin Transmission:

[Ghandaiah] Greetings, PDX viewers. It's me again, with the second official Interview-of-the-Week. Now, I know what you're going to say: "But oh Supreme Lord Ghandaiah, it's been well over a week since the last interview." Indeed, it has, and things have been busy (and when I say busy I mean not busy). But I'm here now, with some guy named Slicer, I don't know who he is either, just some weirdo that approached me on the street.
[Ghandaiah] Say hello to the viewers, Slicer. =P

[Slicer] Hello my precious viewers.

[Ghandaiah] So here goes, without further ado, let's begin Interview-of-the-almost-okay-not-really-Week #2.
[Ghandaiah] *ahem*

*uncomfortable pause*

[Slicer] ...

[Ghandaiah] So, Slicer, tell us... who are you, and why are you here?

[Slicer] I is... sorry *ahem*, I, slicer am the Leader of the Feared DEA clan! I rule the world of Deus Ex MP Conspiracy. I am here to look after my lil' servers by Gamespy and NGUK.

[Ghandaiah] Great! So how are the servers, anyway? Growing teeth yet?

[Slicer] Yes, they are fine! I spend more time on them than hunting down the triads in Hong Kong. They are growing nicely, I see a couple of tooths growing :) Occassional glitch of GPFs when they need to refresh themselves.

[Ghandaiah] Right. So, Slicer... do you actually PLAY on your servers? Hmm? Or do you just WATCH them?

[Slicer] Of course I play! I need to look after them inside out! I watch them 24 hour a day, 7 days a week, 365.25 days a year! I am their source of survival, without me, they will cry.

[Ghandaiah] Is there a lot of diaper changing involved? ...Maybe that's just me.

[Slicer] Errr... not really, they need it when refreshing themselves. A difficult job...

[Ghandaiah] ...never mind...
[Ghandaiah] 365.25 days a year? Where'd YOU go to school?

[Slicer] Ah, yes 365.25 days a year, I hired babysitters, one called BigCountry, another called ApocolypseNOW and the final one called OldGrandad to assist me when I need to leave for a while.

[Ghandaiah] Mmhmm.
[Ghandaiah] Many lamers on your servers?

[Slicer] We have a few lamers, I is one of them! :)

[Ghandaiah] You're a lamer? ... LIAR!
[Ghandaiah] What's your favorite color?

[Slicer] I like blue.

[Ghandaiah] NO! LIAR!
[Ghandaiah] Favorite food?

[Slicer] Cookies.

[Ghandaiah] WRONG AGAIN!
[Ghandaiah] I like salami. You like salami?

[Slicer] ??? Me don't like salami !!!

[Ghandaiah] Oh.

[Slicer] Mr. T doesn't like it, and I'm under his influence!

[Ghandaiah] Fine. How are the kids, slice?

[Slicer] :) The kids are fine, well looked after. :)

[Ghandaiah] ...are we talking about servers, or people?

[Slicer] Servers. I'm too young for people.

[Ghandaiah] Oh. How old are you, slicer?

[Slicer] 18 years 8 months 2 days 16 hours 38 minutes and 30 seconds exactly!

[Ghandaiah] Mmhmm. Know how old I am?

[Slicer] My guess is 24.

[Ghandaiah] Well that's very stupid.
[Ghandaiah] How are the kids, slice?
[Ghandaiah] ...Wait, I asked that already.
[Ghandaiah] ...Damn!

*uncomfortable pause*

[Slicer] Mr. Interviewer, I think Mr. T will be annoyed by waiting too long for me in his van.

[Ghandaiah] So, getting back to Deus Ex... You know, I've never played Deus Ex Multiplayer.

[Slicer] Why would that be?

[Ghandaiah] Not even once.

[Slicer] That is strange! Deus Ex Multiplayer is the most entertaining feature in life, you can't have missed it.

[Ghandaiah] Why? Well, simple, Slicer. It's your kids. They're SLOW.
[Ghandaiah] Actually, it's my modem.

[Slicer] My kids are very fast!

[Ghandaiah] Probably. I wouldn't know.

[Slicer] So, what modem do you have?
[Slicer] Hang on. You are asking the questions!


[Slicer] Sir, Yes SIR!

[Ghandaiah] Muffins. You eat many muffins, slicer?

[Slicer] I eat a lot, but choked last night and nearly passed away!

[Ghandaiah] You choked on a muffin?
[Ghandaiah] LIAR!

[Slicer] Oh ... sorry!

[Ghandaiah] Yeah.
[Ghandaiah] You're thinking of Muffin Hunter.
[Ghandaiah] ...He's different.

*uncomfortable pause*

[Slicer] Yeah! I'm rather stupid, sometimes...

[Ghandaiah] What's your favorite weapon in Deus Ex, son?

[Slicer] The Combat Knife Sir!

[Ghandaiah] Don't call me Sir.
[Ghandaiah] Call me Walter.
[Ghandaiah] Why do you like the combat knife? Are you one of those... LPB's?

[Slicer] It can be used for any purpose necessary!
[Slicer] LPBs?

[Ghandaiah] Never mind.
[Ghandaiah] So you like stabbing people? Is that it?

[Slicer] Of course!

[Ghandaiah] ...sicko...
[Ghandaiah] So what's your best record? In DXMP. How many... frads? Is that the term? Fruds? Frugs?

[Slicer] 95 frags, 1 death, 66 streak!
[Slicer] Frogs?

[Ghandaiah] Frogs?
[Ghandaiah] You're confusing me, Kenny.
[Ghandaiah] Can I call you Kenny?

[Slicer] Yes you can. Would you like a picture to accompany?

[Ghandaiah] No thank you.
[Ghandaiah] What's the best map? The best DXMP map. In your opinion.

[Slicer] I would say: Released - Skyline | Beta Test - Hells Gate

[Ghandaiah] Are those popular maps with your kids?

[Slicer] My kids love them, but are not permitted to use them as they are not mature!
[Slicer] ...sufficiently mature.

[Ghandaiah] ...we're talking servers, right?

[Slicer] Yes... the specs are a bit low...

[Ghandaiah] Okay, Kenny.
[Ghandaiah] How many people do you usually see on your servers? What's the most you've seen at once?

[Slicer] They are always full, 12 out of 12.

[Ghandaiah] WOW! No kidding.

[Slicer] No kidding.

[Ghandaiah] Nooooo kidding.

*uncomfortable pause*

[Ghandaiah] Ever seen anybody with a really hilarious multiplayer nick? Like, uh... I saw one guy... His name was "GorillaBiscuit".

[Slicer] Ah, there are many.

[Ghandaiah] Many, Kenny? Are there really that many?

[Slicer] Well, some are rather explicit.

[Ghandaiah] Well that's good.
[Ghandaiah] Or bad.
[Ghandaiah] Whatever.

[Slicer] I'd rather not state them as there may be children out there reading this!

[Ghandaiah] Uh huh.
[Ghandaiah] I have to go home now, Kenny. We have to end the interview.

[Slicer] OK.

[Ghandaiah] This nonsense has gone on long enough.

[Slicer] Thank you for your time Mr. Interviewer.

[Ghandaiah] Your LIES have gone on long enough.
[Ghandaiah] ...

[Slicer] Yep, and Mr. T is waiting outside, can you not hear him horning the van.

[Ghandaiah] So remember, people. Slicer is the father of the Gamespy DXMP servers, so pay him a visit. Log on, say hi, cap dat aZZ y0. Whatever.
[Ghandaiah] Horning the van?
[Ghandaiah] How do you horn a van, Kenny?

[Slicer] You smash the horn.


[Slicer] Uhm...?

[Ghandaiah] Never mind.
[Ghandaiah] Okay, Deus Ex community. See you around.
[Ghandaiah] Say goodbye to the nice people, Kenny.

[Slicer] {!Cya!}

:End Transmission: | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | GameSpy Technology
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