-The mildly interesting and somewhat readable adventures of OiNutter, esq., Ladies' Man, Super Spy, and Master Grenade Climber Extraordinaire- #1
by OiNutter
Thats right! It's me! Teh Mastah! Teh Grenade Climbing Mastah!
Be afraid! Thats right, mucho afraidoness, Compudoc! (look girls,
I know Spanish!) Mmmmm . Fettuccini Alfredo No time for
nutrition now! I must write this article for your enjoyment! And enjoy
it you will!!!! (or else) Thats right! This article is one that
is all about my handsome good looks passion for grenade
climbing! Not to mention my passion for exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Eat that Clippy!)
If Clippy knew what was good for him he would phear my uber-leet msPaint
skillz They suck therefore they look for something to humiliate
Well, thats enough bad English for you simpletons out there
Now my abuse of ellipses will incinerate your brain ..
Aw crap, I went off on a tangent again Youll have
to excuse me Im incoherent. Anyway, to prove my point
that grenade climbing roxorz yer soxorz and give the article
a worthy kickoff Ive decided to grenade climb the Statue of
Liberty and write the article form there! (just for j00 because Im
that kind of nice guy.) So here I am Hold on a second
Hmm .
Note to self: remember to eliminate enemies before grenade climbing
large structures
scope is so wobbly it's like a lava lamp . eeeeeeeeeee
Er yes Grenade climbing! How fun it is! Now I bet
some of you are wondering Hey! Whut teh heck r grenade climbing
you f00?! (Dont try to hide it. I know you think in
poor sentence structure!) And my answer is Why didnt
you think of that question before? I mean it's what the entire article
is about and you are just NOW wondering? Of course then I
would go into a long speech which would result in you losing some
brain cells all in all it's obviously been done before
so Im not going to go through THAT again Poor Ghand
he used to be so intelligent before I repeatedly told him the Albuquerque
story Now he stole my crouton flavored cheese. I want that
back! Dont think that just by staying off IRC you can avoid
me! The swiss cheese cam was just a decoy! I have cheese cams in
your croutons too!!!! Mwahahahaha what? Oh sorry.
Grenade climbing! I shall now tell you what it is! You take a grenade
and stick it to a wall. Then you step on it and put another one
on the wall. You step on that one and NOT ON THE BUTTON!!!
MOVE AWAY FROM THE BUTTON! Okay, okay, just listen to me! Get off
the grenade slowl- ack okay now youre going to
have to press the quickload key Okay
on second thought just watch in awe as I grenade climb.
As I was saying, I climbed the Statue of Liberty!!!! Yeah
It's really windy up here and stuff There are some
pigeons and pigeon crap LOTS of pigeon crap And
lots of sharp pointy objects on which to impale myself if I were
ever to fall from the ledge on which I am precariously perched
Ah theres that vertigo! Um and there is an Easter Egg
up here. Yeah It's really cool with some uh gold ?
And uh toilets? With um Max Chen for no apparent reason
and a secret door that advertises for um Soldier of Fortune ?
And uh secret never before seen blueprints of the plot for
DX2! Yeah, thats it What? Well no okay so
I couldnt get to the top
But I was pretty darn close!!! Well actually no
But I didnt use any stairs! I used grenades! Gas Grenades!
The Grenade
Climbing Mastah recommends Gas Grenades for all of your grenade
climbing endeavors!
Whee!! Now the text is all squishy and stuff! See It looks like
Im writing a lot which makes you people happy, but actually,
hardly any thought process went into that
tiny little gap Wait was that out loud?
Er What I meant to say was that my first and utmost concern
is pleasing j00, teh unwashed masses general public.
Aha! Now that Im out of the little crevice there I can now
fill the page with more unnecessary pictures that I foresee using
many many many many times Like this one!
This is teh evil ledge that would not let me get up to the actual
statue It was slanted at such an evil curve that I was forced
to whack it profusely with my baton until it cried like a little
girly man Oh wait that was me neermind. So uh yeah you should send me mail.
Send it to oinutter1@attbi.com that would make me very happy
If you are feeling perverse and would rather see me sad, then send
me mail anyway. Dont make me threaten to kil yer hed. I have
a girly-man baton, remember? Send me comments, questions, anything
you want published. And if you want to threaten me, send it to feedback@forumplanet.com
heheh goodluck getting a response! Oh. Um disregard that last
sentence there is a rather large man here. He is threatening
urging me not to write that.
Hee! I have a surprise for j00 all! I have a letter in my non-existant
mailbag! Oh my, I wonder how it got here! I must be just that kind
of good! Hey! Stop thinking about it! Dont overanalyze! NO
CONCLUSIONS FROM YOU!!!! This message is from someone named NOTOiNutter.
What a coincidence! I have OiNutter in my name! Actually
it is my name Anyway, he writes:
Hey, I just wanted to comment on how freaking good looking you are!
If I was a woman I would be so attracted that my innards would eat
themselves. But thats only because of a rare genetic condition.
I just wanted to say that I tried grenade climbing once and would
like to share my story! Would you allow that?
Ah yes! That would be just great! Anybody else that wants to share
can do so too!!! Just MAIL ME!!!!
Um uh okay
Join me next month for another issue of wonderful Nade Climbin
Goodness (NCG) and a contest unless Despot, Ghand, Microsoft, and
Pete the pigeon kill me.
Heres where I give props to Gus, King Kashue, Despot, and
all others who thought that my grenade climbing and writing capabilities
were so horrible that it would be slightly humorous and exploitable
Be careful with them props theyre mad