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Late Night With Scarab & Silver!

*Zombie Band ala Ghand plays entrance music, Scarab slowly and very cheesily does the running man all the way to his desk, where Silver awaits in the first chair, fanfare ends*

Scarab: Well wasn't that special... Well we don't have much time, so here we go. We have a short film for you, usually not true, but tonight,it is. Isn't Silver?

Silver: It's true.

Scarab: That's right. As you all know, PDX is a member of the GameSpy network.

*Large, cheesy grin appears on both faces*

*enormous red pencil appears and scribbles out part of the Article before anyone can react*

*Cheesy grin fades*

Silver: The green..... the green....

Scarab: .... and that reminds me....

*Scarab takes two goat heads and two straws from the desk, tosses one of each to Silver. Silver pushes the straw through the ear, Scarab gouges it through the eye, both begin sucking out the brains*

Silver: You know what it tastes like?

Scarab: A bowl of snot?

Silver: No. Tasty Wheat.

Scarab: Never had tasty wheat. Any way, it's about time we got to our guest! Tonight we have Smike, from the Klystron Project on the show.

Silver:Aw man... I don't feel so good....

Scarab: Do the goat brains have a negative effect on you?

Silver: You have no idea...

*Silver gets up and runs back stage*

Scarab: Well, I guess we'll just have to wait...

*A man with a clipboard walks over and says something to Scarab, Scarab gets a disgusted look on his face*

Scarab: What are you talking about, vomit time was not factored into the schedule? He just ate goat brains man! Aw to hell with it, send Smike in...

*Band strikes up some catchy tune, Smike walks out, sits in SD's chair*

ScarabKing(16:03 PM) :
So, hows it going Smikey, may I call you Smikey?

Smike(16:03 PM) :
Well, I suppose if you really, really feel like doing so, you may - but don't call me Smikey-o.

ScarabKing(16:04 PM) :
Right, Smikey it is then! How are the wife and kids?

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