Session Start: Thu Jan 27 12:38:01 2000
Now talking in #ion
Gwog changes topic to 'Deus Ex chat tonight!.'
Witchboy has joined #ion
[Witchboy] blarg
[XQ|Food] hey
[Witchboy] hi
XQ|Food is now known as XQ
[XQ] how you been?
VGM has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[Witchboy] working, but otherwise good
[Witchboy] happy
[XQ] what's the staus?
[Witchboy] of the game?
[XQ] yes
[Witchboy] we're getting really, really close
[Witchboy] we might actually make our date
[Durandal] whats the date?
[XQ] you have a date?
[Witchboy] march 31st right now
[Durandal] ah.
[XQ] cool
[Witchboy] i did a complete no-plotstopper playthrough of missions 01 & 02 two days ago and it was much more fun than a month ago
apache has joined #ion
[XQ] cool
[Durandal] id imagune
[apache] wee the handy chat browser
[Witchboy] so we are fixing bugs and a few plotstoppers in the later missions
[XQ] is it really great?
apache has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[Witchboy] it's not for me to say...
[jackchaos] ?
[XQ] is that humility or the ever present censorship?
BleemZ has joined #ion
[Witchboy] it's unlike other games out there
[Witchboy] sort of underworld meets system shock meets blade runner
[Witchboy] (bug meeting...will be afk for a while)
[Durandal] is unrealEd going to ship with the game
[Durandal] ?
[XQ] warren would likt hearing that
[Witchboy] the chat starts in an hour right?
[XQ] like even
[XQ] yes
[Witchboy] warren is in the bug meeting too
[Witchboy] :)
[Witchboy] see everyone at 8, texas time
[XQ] tell him I said Hi
[Witchboy] ok
Apache has joined #ion
[Durandal] its 8 pm here
[XQ] cya later
[Witchboy] afk
[Durandal] yea
[XQ] it's only 7 there
[Apache] 5 here
[XQ] hello Apache
[Apache] heya
* Apache is chatting from work :)
* XQ is chatting from home admiring my HTML
[Apache] im also writing a MDK 2 preview lol
* Durandal thinks: is chatting on irc client
[XQ] what is MDK?
[Durandal] Murder Death Kill i think
[Apache] Max Dog Kurt :)
[Durandal] that game looks good
[Apache] those are the three heroes
[XQ] More Dollars? Keen!
majin has joined #ion
Psycho has joined #ion
[Durandal] has anyone played the sof demo yet?
[XQ] yes
lark has joined #ion
[Apache] i luv sof
[Durandal] the Ghoul System rocks
[XQ] going off to eat, brb
XQ is now known as XQ|food
[Psycho] NI!!! NI!!! NI!!!
[lark] hello all
[Durandal] hi
[lark] how's everyone's evening coming along?
[Durandal] ok i guess
[Psycho] NI! NI! NI!
[Durandal] *sigh * L)
[lark] odd...
[Apache] heya lark
[Psycho] *snicker *
[Durandal] me = chatting while playing Ut
[lark] hey apache
54 has joined #ion
[lark] the UU DX forum has been sorta quiet lately
[lark] =P
54 has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
ksal has joined #ion
Psycho has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
ksal has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
jcal has joined #ion
[jcal] howdy
[Apache] yeah, that damn ion one is back online so no one posts on UU's board
[KeithV] wow
[jcal] hey apache
[KeithV] there is nobody here that was here a while ago
[Apache] plus the ION guys never posted there
[Apache] hey jcal
[lark] yah..
[Durandal] hmmmm
AndyM has joined #ion
[lark] personally, i have an affinity towards the UU forums, looks better =)
[KeithV] I hope not to many people show up
[Apache] :)
[KeithV] cause I hate crowded chats
[Apache] me too
[Durandal] or moderated ones
[lark] yah
[KeithV] Well I dont have to worry about the moderation part :)
[Apache] you guys have your questions ready?
[lark] yup
[lark] some, my co-webmaster fraek will have some coming also
[KeithV] "Whats the inspiration to use the name 'Deus Ex'? Meaning Of God or God is"
[jcal] i do...when is daikatana going to be....oh sorry wrong chat ;)
[Apache] it used to be called "Shooter" before Deus Ex
[Durandal] yea
[lark] really?
[KeithV] I did not no that
[Apache] yeah
[KeithV] know that is
Bob_White has joined #ion
[Apache] bob!
Crowind has joined #ion
[jcal] hey Mr. white
[Bob_White] Evening gents!
[lark] hehe, some ppl are early
[KeithV] Newbie question: Whos Bob White?
[Durandal] i havent been right on the dues ex mark lately just feeding my counterstrike habbit :)
[Apache] he's designer
[KeithV] Ohh wow
[jcal] im always early...wait, let me rephrase that ;)
[Bob_White] Just wanted to start this up and makes ure I am connected
KeithV sets mode: +v Bob_White
nickname has joined #ion
Byte|HV has joined #ion
[Crowind] Hes showing an IRC newbie (me) how to do this
sara has joined #ion
[KeithV] You guys sure thats the ream Mr. White?
[KeithV] :)
[lark] hehe
[KeithV] Ohh Sara, by favorite name
[Bob_White] Don't ream me!
XQ|food is now known as XQ
[KeithV] Sorry man! just making sure
[lark] It's all good.
[sara] thanks =)
[Apache] hey, did haskins really quit ION and get a job at GOD designing a blair witch game?
[Bob_White] Why is it whenever I get on chat board no one believes its me
[XQ] Hola all
[lark] hehe
[Durandal] hi welcome back :)
[XQ] I believe you
[lark] cause the world today is corrupted =P
[KeithV] Ever been to unoffical chats with the dev team of something?
[jcal] i want Haskin's job if that is true ;)
[nickname] I believe in you Mr. White
[KeithV] Well so do I.. I was just asking
* KeithV hides
[Bob_White] Haskins leaving...not that I know
[Apache] I think this is his last week at ion
[Apache] no wonder the web site has suxored for so long...
sara has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[lark] hehe
[Durandal] heh
[jcal] as i said..let me have his job..i'll shape it up ;)
[XQ] "suxored"? Get OUT you heathen
[KeithV] Well, Mr. White.. would you be so kind as to tell me if Dues ex is gonna be using nice and large textures.. like.. umm.. what is it? 2056x2056?
[Byte|HV] 2048x2048
[KeithV] ahh, thanks
[Bob_White] Hey Durandal. Name yuourself after the gravity bomb the US military uses.
[KeithV] Hmmm...
[Durandal] sortof
[Byte|HV] durandals rock
[Apache] the Gorns use Gravity weapons :-) (from Klingon Academy:)
Grayson has joined #ion
nickname is now known as MISMonkey
[Crowind] Oh no...grayson
[Durandal] part insane Ati part ant-runway bomb !
[Bob_White] Textures that size!!!In your dreams
[Byte|HV] heh
[KeithV] doh
[Byte|HV] 256x256 :)
[lark] hehe, that'd be neat though =)
[KeithV] I just wanted to see if my comp would choke
[Durandal] eheh
[jcal] so Deus Ex will not have the s#TC texture compression that UT has?
[AndyM] Can't S3TC/DXTC do that?
[KeithV] I believe so
[Bob_White] Monte Martinez(Grayson and Ricardo Bar (Corwind) are two of the other designers.
[Apache] hey bob, can you shoot me a screen of DX tonight? The guys from Annox usually release a few new shots every monthly chat :-))
[lark] hehe
[Crowind] Thats "bare" buddy!
KeithV sets mode: +v Grayson
[Grayson] thank you :)
KeithV sets mode: +v Crowind
[Bob_White] Hmmm... not within my authority.
[Byte|HV] well. i guess the cards will support it...... but pipeline real wont
[MISMonkey] Bare buddy? What goes on in that office?
[Crowind] hahah
[Bob_White] Logging out now. Back at 8
Bob_White has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[Apache] bob needs mirc
[Crowind] I meant my last name is spelled "bare" not "bar" heh
[jcal] what is the situation with multiplay? will it be there and if so, what kind?
[XQ] damn, I wanted to ask him a Q
[Apache] the ion chat thingie suxors
[Crowind] afk
[lark] hehe
[Grayson] pizza time!
[Apache] wooo
togg has joined #ion
[XQ] "suxores"? Get OUT you heathen!
[KeithV] I'm sure the other two guys joining us are able to answer just as well :)
[Byte|HV] pizza yum
[lark] uhm, i got balogna sandwich
[KeithV] pizza? lucky
[Durandal] i figure if theres gonna be multi play it will probly be cooperative
[Byte|HV] i had mexican ;)
[KeithV] hmm..
[Crowind] teams gonna go eat pizza well be back
[XQ] NOoooooo! not co-op
[lark] Okay.
[Byte|HV] cool
[jcal] ok
[lark] Co-op's not bad
[Durandal] ive played it on sshock2
[Byte|HV] bbl
Byte|HV has left #ion
Decay6 has joined #ion
[lark] Normal deathmatch sorta sucks
[KeithV] can you guys let me know if somebody from ion joins?
[Durandal] unless its half-life
[BleemZ] co-op is ok if its setup right
[lark] "Witchboy"
[XQ] Witch boy
[KeithV] I dont really know much about all this.
[lark] MISMonkey
[KeithV] ohh really?
[Durandal] hes afk
[lark] ahh
[Apache] then why are you a moderator? lol
[Decay6] doesn't the Deus Ex chat start in like forty minutes?
[XQ] yes he's Afk
[XQ] yes
[KeithV] I would op the dev team people but I was told by that one dude not to
[lark] on my clock it says 30 mins =)
[KeithV] ohh well, when it starts I'll get my ops taken away anyway
togg has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
* Durandal fumble with winamp
* KeithV listens to some rage
[Decay6] /me waits for chat to start
[Durandal] damn mouse
[XQ] mmm... winamp
[lark] how bout some NOFX?
[KeithV] "More for Gore, or the son of a drug lord. None of the above, fu *k it cunt the cord"
[lark] ;P
[XQ] you got Winamp goes 3d?
[Decay6] bout some "So Long And Thanks For the Shoes"?
[KeithV] cut that is
[KeithV] oops
[KeithV] lol
[XQ] yeah
[Durandal] got about 2 million plugins for it though
[KeithV] I make the stupidest typing mistakes
[Durandal] testing testing 1,2,3
MISMonkey has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
Durandal has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
Durandal has joined #ion
[Durandal] damnit
[lark] Welcome back
[Decay6] "act like a gorilla radio, turn that shit off..."
[XQ] Up
[XQ] not off
[Apache] you guys on mirc or the ion chat client?
[lark] MIRC
[XQ] same
* Durandal thinks: loves playing winamp on 5 spkrs
[Apache] I know they guys who aren't getting errors are on mirc :)
[lark] =)
[lark] 5 speakers?
[KeithV] hey, those arnt the words
[BleemZ] and its "Lights out, Guerilla radio"
[lark] dang, must be cool for Half-Life and so forth
[Durandal] 4 satalites 1 sub-woofer
[lark] ahh
[lark] what type?
[KeithV] its Lights out guerrilla radio
[KeithV] Turn that shit up
[Durandal] kapoesh
[lark] ahh
[Decay6] REALLY?!?!? You don't say??
[Durandal] damn i wish
[XQ] yes
zjet has joined #ion
[Durandal] cambrige soundworks actualy
[KeithV] this song is like one of their most government hating orentated songs yet]
[lark] cool
[Decay6] i was being obnoxious
[lark] i got some altec lansing, 3 spkrs
[Durandal] ah.
[KeithV] I got the four point surround system :)
[XQ] Wake Up is very anti govr
[KeithV] yep
[KeithV] I'm listening to Freedom right now
[Durandal] and monster sound mx300 to go along with ti
[lark] nice
[lark] i got Montego II
[KeithV] I got a SB Live! X-Gamer
[lark] does okay
[BleemZ] Bullet in the Head and F *ck the police are the best.
* XQ turns up Matrix Soundtrack
[Decay6] yeah, it's really anti-government to put out a album on a label owned by EMI who has defense contracts with the government
[lark] man i hate my 56k modem, too slow;P
[KeithV] I love my dsl :)
* Durandal wishes he had cable
[lark] Lucky you =P
[BleemZ] they`re not anti gov. anyway. they`re about changing the government
[Durandal] or dsl for that matter
[lark] ahh well, I'll have t3 lines next year =D
[XQ] that's why it's a conspiricy Decay
[KeithV] I spend all my money on my comp so it's PIMPED out
[XQ] you need a hobby
[KeithV] me?
zjet has left #ion
zjet has joined #ion
[Decay6] my friend broke Zach DeLaRoca's jaw at a Rage show in 1990
[XQ] yes
[Durandal] heheh
[KeithV] I build comps for a living..
[KeithV] it's my job man
Crux has joined #ion
Linguica has joined #ion
Crux has left #ion
[KeithV] so it is kinda my hobby
[Durandal] agreeable
[lark] what do you do XQ?
[XQ] ... that doesn't track
[XQ] Study
[XQ] hehe
[lark] You in highschooL?
Naga has joined #ion
[KeithV] yea
* Decay6 ha ha
[Durandal] i am
[XQ] actually I never study
[Durandal] my finals are almost over
[lark] yah, Highschool for me too, well, its my last year anyways
[KeithV] if your ever in southern cali and in upland stop by Comp-u-works 2000 at benson and foothill and I'll hook you up
[Linguica] upland?
[KeithV] yea
[lark] i got family in S. Cali
[Linguica] where the hell is that heh
[lark] tyte
[Durandal] got plane tickets ill go =)
[Decay6] hip, my parents live in W. Covina
[KeithV] lol
[XQ] ... I'll never remeber that, as a matter of fact I already forgot
[KeithV] just dont hold us hostage
[lark] hehe, i want to go to ION Storm in austin, only 3-4 hours away =)
[XQ] damn
[Durandal] eheh
[lark] next year, it'll be 15 mins away
[KeithV] I went to Westwood
[lark] cool
[KeithV] no not cool
* Decay6 is angered at the lack of chocolate chips
[lark] maybe if i go, i can get some new info =)
Osmosis has joined #ion
[Linguica] Westwood?
[Linguica] westwood roxors
[XQ] ...and was escorted off the premises
Bob_White has joined #ion
[Decay6] Westwood is less than a mile from my house.
zjet has left #ion
zjet has joined #ion
[Durandal] ive been to valve once
[Linguica] I go to UCLA
Protozone has joined #ion
[Bob_White] Who lives near westood?
[Linguica] so I'm pretty close to westwood heh
[Apache] I live in LA, we have Activision, Square, Xatrix and then some
[lark] UCLA? that school rocks
* Linguica looks out the window
[Linguica] look there's westwood
[Decay6] that means you're 300 miles from Westwood Studios
[KeithV] if I had gone after tiberian sun was out I woulda blown the place to hell and woulda made the dev team dance naked on the strip while shooting at their feet
[Durandal] id like to see their rendering farm heh.
[zjet] isnt this suppost to be a deus ex chat in about 30min?
[Osmosis] Yes
[XQ] yes
Naga has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[lark] yUp
[XQ] but not yet
[Apache] Westwood came and demo'ed Nox to us, that was cool
[Decay6] the two guys in charge of dev for Tiberian Sun are now running a hobby store.
[zjet] k thanks
[KeithV] argh
[KeithV] tell me what song I should listen to
Durandal has quit IRC (WinSock error 10053: Software caused connection abort.)
[KeithV] I have so many mp3s
[KeithV] lol
[XQ] TS was crap
[Apache] tiberian sun was like the #4 best selling game last year, scary stuff :)
[KeithV] .(°mp.3.°).(°A3 - Woke Up This Morning{The Sopranos Theme}.mp3°).(°4.85mb°).
[lark] hehe
[Decay6] I told them it should have been called: Command and Conquer-S.O.S. (same ol' shit)
[XQ] ooh I want that song
Durandal has joined #ion
Bob_White has left #ion
* Durandal Curses his isp
[lark] hehe
Bob_White has joined #ion
[lark] welcome back bob
KeithV sets mode: +v Bob_White
Naga has joined #ion
[KeithV] Hiya Bob
[Bob_White] Gracias
[Durandal] damn thats twice today
[XQ] hey bob
[Durandal] oh hi!
[Apache] wb bob
Kelster has joined #ion
[Bob_White] HAd to go get pizza from the break room
[lark] hehe
[lark] pizza, sounds good
[XQ] you at the office?
[KeithV] yep, your buddies made sure we all knew you were all eating pizza lol
[Durandal] eheh i oh wait hold on
* Decay6 works on the RoboPooh project
[Bob_White] Yes...Pizza - incentive to stay at work
[lark] hehe
[Durandal] yes my pizza is here
[jcal] pizza :)
[Kelster] hey all - 1/2 hour to go?
[lark] good pizza?
[jcal] magic words for me
[Bob_White] Not bad
[KeithV] Hey Bob (can I call you that? i'm formal person), think you can arange it so I keep my ops when the chat starts? ^_^
[lark] ahh
[Durandal] mmmm pizza
[Linguica] I wonder what id's next game will be
[lark] quake 23089
[Bob_White] Pizza is like sex. When its good its real good. When its bad its still pretty good.
[XQ] Quake Crap
[Durandal] eheh
[KeithV] lol
[lark] lol
[KeithV] preach on
[Osmosis] hehe
[zjet] lol
[XQ] That's true
[Apache] i dunno, I've had some pretty bad pizza
[lark] haha
[Linguica] bah
[Linguica] I want another Doom game
[Durandal] it also resembles coffee as well
Shades has joined #ion
[Naga] and it's better with xtra cheese
[jcal] Doom is dead
[Decay6] Quake IV-The High School Years
[XQ] Pepperoni or nothin
[Durandal] eheh
[KeithV] lol
[Shades] yo, osmosis, thanks for the reminder
[Linguica] Bah
Moco has joined #ion
[Linguica] Doom is immortal
[lark] hehe
[lark] true
[KeithV] Remember to tell me if anybody from ion joins
[lark] you can always play it again
[Osmosis] Yes
[KeithV] I dont wanna be rude and not voice
[Durandal] quake-XXVII had enough sequels?
[Bob_White] Naga is Steve Powers, one of our other excellent designers. Another Origin graduate
[XQ] bob's here keith
[XQ] hehe
pop has joined #ion
KeithV sets mode: +v Naga
[Witchboy] back now
[lark] wb Witchboy
[KeithV] witchboy is dev team right?
[Apache] wb
[Shades] lo witchboy
[XQ] yes
KeithV sets mode: +v Witchboy
[Osmosis] Yes
[Shades] who
[jcal] hey witchboy
Kyote has joined #ion
[XQ] how was the meeting?
[Shades] Kyoteiepoo
[Durandal] hiya
[Decay6] anyone else apalled at the lack of games for linux?
rattasak has joined #ion
[Kyote] Da Shadester
[zjet] me
[Shades] how ya doin
[Witchboy] hi
[Witchboy] good meeting
[Witchboy] good pizza
[Durandal] no i just use it for a server
[Kyote] Doin good, Shades...u?
[XQ] hehe
[KeithV] hey, somebody give me some pizza
[XQ] we were talking to Bob about it
[Apache] was it decided at the meeting that you would give out some new DX shots I can post tonight? ;)
[Durandal] i have some but its a little far away
[Naga] Monte is down there pigging out, it may be all gone
[Durandal] from you
[KeithV] doh
[XQ] they have to talk to marketing
[Shades] doin excellent - say hi to osmosis - Im going to be partnering up with him on
[pop] leave #ion
pop has left #ion
[rattasak] did you guys already integrate the latest build from UT?
[Decay6] man, this is bound to be the longest twenty minutes of my about something interesting
[KeithV] I dont think they use any UT code..
[KeithV] but hey, I might be wrong ;)
[lark] hehe
[Witchboy] yeah, we grabbed the latest unreal stuff
[rattasak] oh yeah, multiplayer is still a maybe?
[Kyote] Uhm...uhm...hey! I know! Let's talk about a release date!? huh? Huh? March? April? C'mon guys, we're dyin over here ;)
[rattasak] awesome
[Witchboy] multiplayer is probably for the add-in mission pak
[Shades] ditto
* Durandal hopes multiplayer is there
[Kyote] cool beans shades
[Shades] lets have a release date
fraek has joined #ion
[KeithV] When it's done. lol
[lark] lol let them do what they do
[XQ] make a good Sp then do MP
[Witchboy] we still hope to sign off march 31st...we're trying
[Shades] yo fraek
[lark] the game will come out when its done
[fraek] Hey
jcal has quit IRC (Leaving.)
[Apache] There will be a Deus Ex addon pack with multi player?
* Durandal thinks: *figures * :)
[Witchboy] that's the plan, XQ
[Osmosis] What are the system requirements looking like right now?
[Shades] but when will it be done?
[fraek] Shades sup
[Decay6] this is Ion'll never get a realistic release date this early
[Kyote] Early? I thought Deus Ex was basically done?
[BleemZ] Witchboy- are you going to be previewing Deus Ex at E3?
[Durandal] hmm march 31 hmmm
[Witchboy] wait...this is ION Storm-Austin
[Apache] it better be out before e3
[zjet] any one know what DX is gonna get rated or has it been rated and i dont know
[lark] yah
[Naga] hehe
MassChAoS has joined #ion
[Decay6] it and Daikatana are coming out on the same day, let's put it that way
[Witchboy] we will be at e3
[Osmosis] I remember the E3 show last year.
[Osmosis] It was good.
[XQ] Psychic XQ says: M rating
[Shades] daikatana
[KeithV] if I may ask, what does each of you do?
[Apache] that ION-8 who left to make the KISS game will release it before Daikatana sees light
[BleemZ] Good. I`ll be stopping by :)
* Durandal hopes to beable to go this year
[Shades] sheit, daikatana fell on its ass
[Shades] at least, Im disappointed
Neo has joined #ion
[Witchboy] deus ex is very, very close...
[Shades] maybe the fuull game'll be better
[KeithV] cool
Neo is now known as JConquer
[XQ] Is warren coming tonight?
[Shades] doubt it
[KeithV] Hey, if any of you guys want me to +m just let me know
[Durandal] hope its better than playing system shock on 4,4,4,4
[Witchboy] maybe
[Apache] If it's so close, how come there's no preview copies available yet? :P
[Kyote] if 'very close' is any later than late March, it ain't 'very close' :)
[Shades] whats +m
Burpfish has joined #ion
[Decay6] I agree. The demo was lame and that was MONTHS ago. I'd like to see some Deus Ex though
[Burpfish] I'm not crazy
[Apache] hey burp
[KeithV] moderate
[rattasak] way off topic question...have any of you tried the latest patch w/ U:IX?
[Osmosis] Really though, what are the system requirements looking like right now?
[Kyote] yeah, rattasak, I have it
[Shades] ahh
[Burpfish] Hi apache
[Burpfish] this is a moderated chat?
[rattasak] Kyote:are you using d3d mode
[Shades] decent - check out the TTLG Forums
[Naga] lastman is a DeusEx writer.
[KeithV] .(°mp.3.°).(°Bound For The Floor.mp3°).(°2.98mb°).
[KeithV] if it gets out of control it wil be
KeithV sets mode: +v lastman
[Kyote] rattasak: Nope, Glide
[Burpfish] Damn, it's going to be moderated ;)
[Apache] Speaking of Deus Ex writing, did you guys go with the idea that the US GOV has a deal with aliens to harvest live human beings and store them for food?
[Durandal] OpenGL? YAY
[rattasak] Kyote:i was hoping they'd release a new demo with the patch so i could try d3d b4 i buy
[XQ] yes that was in PCXL
[Deacon] LOL I just read a great article regarding that in this week's incite mag
[KeithV] Come on, you gotta use DirectX :)
zjet has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[Durandal] ehhe
Crowind has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[Naga] We had pizza with "soylent green" toppings
[lark] soylent?
[Apache] ION Storm snacks are people@!
[KeithV] yea...
[Durandal] eheh
[Shades] lol
[Kelster] ...
[Deacon] I don't think many young gamers even know what Soylent green was
[fraek] heh
[Osmosis] um...
zjet has joined #ion
[KeithV] you guys have played Xenogears huh?
[badson] lol, xq
[Kyote] rattasak: From what i hear, the new patch either screws your game into non-functionality, or raises your D3D performance up to about 95% of Glide performance. Most people seem to be getting it to work
[BleemZ] heh, that movie was good
denton has joined #ion
[fraek] Deacon want to explain it?
[Decay6] Soylent Green was the last film that Edward G. Robinson was in
[XQ] no it wasn't
[Kyote] I've never seen Soylent Green, but I saw Phil Hartman's Soylent Green/Charlton Heston impression ;)
[Shades] yes it was
[Deacon] hehehe
[lark] hehe
[Deacon] Great film BTW
[AndyM] Many young people have second or third hand pop-culture knowledge...
[Shades] why?
[Witchboy] too late, we are already in hell
[Witchboy] crunch mode
[Deacon] Sr. Zaius!
[KeithV] Hey, is lastman afk?
Bob has joined #ion
[BleemZ] Heston is god. err almost anyway. God...Moses.. close enough
[Shades] well, more like purgatory
Bob_White has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
Bob has left #ion
[Durandal] or limbo
[Burpfish] Did ya get snow down there in Austine?
Bob has joined #ion
[Naga] Crowind is our office "young guy"
[Witchboy] no snow
Crowind has joined #ion
[Shades] I blew it up?
[Deacon] so when ofoficially does the chat start this evening
KeithV sets mode: +v Bob
[Decay6] as Jean Paul Sartre said, "Hell, is other people..."
KeithV sets mode: +v Crowind
[Osmosis] It says up there.
* Witchboy fires a nuke at Crowind.
Bob has quit IRC (Leaving.)
[badson] Does ION need ant programmers adept in Commodore 64 BASIC? ;)
[Crowind] Thanks
[badson] any
[rattasak] are there any games(other than your own ;) that you ion storm guys are looking forward too?
[Shades] lol
Bob_White has joined #ion
[majin] k
[Witchboy] THE SIMS
KeithV sets mode: +v Bob_White
[lark] Welcome back Bob
[JConquer] bout any fluent in Access VBA? :) lol
[Shades] wb BobWhite
[zjet] i have 10 inches of snow outside ITS TO DAMN COLD
* Durandal this chatroom will explode in 10 seconds good luck jim.
[Decay6] so, this is going to run on DOS 3.1 right?
[lark] hehe i have no snow
[XQ] So waht you're saying is DX .won't. run on my Apple II?
[Bob_White] Screwing around with IRC
[fraek] How does the money system work?
[KeithV] Bob, you arnt using an mirc client are you?
[Witchboy] wb BW
[Crowind] Diablo 2
[Bob_White] Well yes actually
[Witchboy] you have 10 inches!!!
[KeithV] Ahhh
[Shades] theres a money sysstem?
[Durandal] we have about 4 inches here
[KeithV] it seems that people using the website java chat thing are having problems
[Witchboy] yes, in DX there are credits
[Shades] heheh
[zjet] yes 10 inches
[lark] credits?
[Shades] let em suffer
[Witchboy] buying and selling from NPC's
[Shades] um
[Witchboy] robbing ATM's too
[Deacon] Witchboy will DX support volumetic fog as in WOT?
[fraek] Credits? So you "sell
[Shades] i take that back
[Witchboy] yes
[JConquer] 6 inches here, but that's Canada...whole different planet
[badson] it sure is nice here in Orlando, Fl...haha ya northerners
[Burpfish] afk
[fraek] .."sell" experience for money?
[XQ] Whores?
[Kyote] Will there be any subtle System Shock references in DX? ;)
[Durandal] hmmm ill trade you this bottle cap for 40mm machine gun
[Decay6] money system? You give them your money, and hope they deliver a worthwhile product.
[Witchboy] i wish there were game dev companies in canada
[Deacon] Been dumping for 2 days straight in CO
TheZealot has joined #ion
[JConquer] There is Witch...Digital Extremes
[fraek] Bioware
TheZealot sets mode: +o TheZealot
[fraek] is in Canada
[Naga] dumping for two days?!
[AndyM] Is Relic?
[BleemZ] Ubi Soft
[Shades] Relic is in Canada
[Shades] vancouver
[zjet] what do you mean northerners im in northern texas and i have 10 inches
[Witchboy] what are they working on?
[Shades] to be precise
[XQ] I spent a week in Canada one day
[Durandal] ubi soft is in europe i think
[Witchboy] haha
[fraek] They are working on Baldurs Gate 2
[Shades] hell, I *live * in canada
[BleemZ] Ubi Soft is also in Can.
[fraek] and Neverwinter Nights
[Decay6] Matrox is in Canada
[Durandal] O' Canada
[Durandal] motorola is in canada
[JConquer] I'm just gonna stick with VE...only like a 45 min drive from my house
[JConquer] DE rather
[XQ] The CN tower is Evil
[badson] Vancouver is in Canada
Alchemy has joined #ion
[Moco] Canada = Cold
TheZealot sets mode: +o Alchemy
* Deacon pops open a nice bomber of Golden City brew
[Apache] Digital Extremes?
* JConquer nods
[Durandal] canada is in canada
[Witchboy] i played through mission 01 and 02 yesterday...they are ready to roll, except for recording voice. some of the other missions have a few plotstopping bugs. and we are tuning the balance on a bunch of stuff right now.
[Apache] I'm friends with the DE guys :)
[Alchemy] Been too long. :)
[XQ] no durandal it isn't
* Shades goes for a smoke
[Durandal] =P
Druin has joined #ion
[JConquer] hehehe...haven't delt much with them...dealt more with Epic than them
[fraek] So do you "sell" your credits for money?
[badson] how was it developing with the Unreal engine?
[Crowind] ?
[Druin] hello
[fraek] errr..
[Witchboy] no, you collect credits and buy things
[fraek] sell your experiense
[Kyote] Hurry up and release the game! WE HUNGER! ;)
[Naga] I love Unrealed
[Apache] BioWare is another great Canadian company
TheZealot sets mode: +o Bob_White
[Crowind] It has its advatages and disadvantages, like any engine I suppose
[Durandal] or bottlecaps hehe j/k
TheZealot sets mode: +o Witchboy
[JConquer] yeah...UnrealEd rocks
[Witchboy] unreal is cool, but our programmers have added a *lot * of cool stuff
[Osmosis] No please take your time with the game.
TheZealot sets mode: +o Grayson
[Apache] hey zealot
[Decay6] I found copies of "Zork 1,2, and 3 last week. It really took me back
[Witchboy] hey zealot
[AndyM] Leaning is in the game, right?
TheZealot sets mode: +o Crowind
[JConquer] I hafta agree with Os...take your time
TheZealot sets mode: +o lastman
TheZealot sets mode: +o Naga
[XQ] hey Witch boy, if I wanted to interview you for my site would I have to go through marketing like I had to to talk to Warren?
[lark] Are you guys allowed to talk about weapons tonight? If so, could you please give us some info in that area?
[TheZealot] Hey!
* Burpfish slaps TheZealot around a bit with a large trout
[Witchboy] no
[Burpfish] hi Zeal
[rattasak] is Warren coming tonight...this was asked b4 but i missed it...trying to study and chat at the same time sucks!
[Durandal] oh no
[Bob_White] Corwind is gay
[Alchemy] Yes, Warren should be here.
[fraek] So is the crowbar considered a non leathal weapon or a utility?
[TheZealot] Hey Burp
[Durandal] both i think
[Crowind] I dont know who corwind is...but my name is cRowind
[JConquer] Speaking of studying, I should really start on my thesis of Raven Software one of these days :)
[Witchboy] right now the crowbar is lethal
[Burpfish] Gwog said you would give me some cool Ion Storm stuff on the next ST contest
[Witchboy] but we have a number of stun weapons
[Burpfish] ;)
[Durandal] its good for clobbering people over the head and breaking into buildings
[Durandal] :)
[Witchboy] yep
[fraek] heh
[TheZealot] Heh, yeah right. :)
[lark] hehe
[Durandal] how about a club (hehe
[Witchboy] we have a lot of 'physical' gameplay that is not shooter-related
SniperDOG has joined #ion
[XQ] Witchboy: if I have questions can I just e-mail them?
[Burpfish] ;)
[Kyote] Ahh, Soldier of Fortune, there's an unsubtle and fun game ;)
[Witchboy] sure, xq
[Shades] burpfish
[Durandal] or a bation :)
[KeithV] yea, SoF is awesome
[Crowind] is SOF out? I didnt think it was
[rattasak] any deusex developers going to GDC? maybe to talk about the AI? :)
[XQ] why are the rules different?
[Deacon] how reactive will NPC's be to a killing spree approach
Warren has joined #ion
TheZealot sets mode: +o Warren
[Alchemy] When is GDC this year?
[Shades] theres only one person i know that slaps people with trouts
[Kyote] The locational damage/skins just blew me away in the demo. I'm sold.
[Witchboy] we are going to GDC
[JConquer] Kyote: I helped a bit with the OEM really rocks...full version is gonna be amazing
[lark] Hello Mr. Spector
[TheZealot] You guys planning on releaseing a demo before or after?
[Bob_White] I am going for a talk on Saturday the 11th, but no one will be talking about AI
[jackchaos] Will this be moderated?
[Shades] bbefore before
[Decay6] we have more ops than chatters now
[fraek] As you go from untrained to master in Low Tech weapons what improves, your aim?
[rattasak] Witchboy: awesome, can you reveal what your be talking about?(or is it already at the GDC hompeage?)
[Kyote] JConquer: From what I saw in that demo, I firmly agree with you. Great weapons, realistic locational damage, beautiful skins...Good quality FPS here.
[Witchboy] we are working out demo issues
* Kyote salts Warren's fries for him.
[Durandal] eheh
[Bob_White] Me, not witchy
[Druin] hehe
denton has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[Burpfish] That video on Gamespot rocks of Dues Ex. I can't wait for it. Is it going to have multiplayer co-op option?
[Apache] hey warren
[Druin] what video?
[Warren] Salt the fries! Someone remembers that?!
[KeithV] gamespot has a video?!
[JConquer] Kyote: Yep...I think it will sell a lot better than like Rogue Spear, and Swat 3 due to it's simplicity, but it will have enough staying power to become a classic
[Druin] I thought the video was pulled
[Durandal] yes
[Burpfish] Gamespot TV
[Witchboy] i remember salt the fries
[Durandal] from system shock
[Shades] what the - hello Warren
[Kyote] Warren: There are still a LOT of Shockers out there ;)
[AndyM] Lots of LG fans around here.
[Durandal] yep
[Druin] like me
[Druin] I'm a shocker
[Bob_White] I remember becasue my grame would crash leaving thopse words on the sceen :)
[Druin] ]:-)
[Shades] well, me too
[Durandal] anyone beat sshock on 4,4,4,4 ?
[fraek] As you go from untrained to master in Low Tech weapons what improves, your aim?
Scott_M has joined #ion
TheZealot sets mode: +o Scott_M
[Kyote] "Nice jump, Human..."
[Apache] hey scott
[Shades] yo scott
[Scott_M] Hi, all!
[KeithV] Hey Scott
[rattasak] Warren: were you a prof a UT b4? i think i read about that b4.
[Witchboy] i did about a hundred times, durandal
[Decay6] i'm looking for a copy of the original "Dune" game. The one by Virgin Interactive
[XQ] Greatings to all Ioners
[Durandal] ah
[rattasak] UT == university of texas
[Bob_White] You at UT
[Crowind] Faek: lots of different combat stats..
[Burpfish] Yup yup yup all the cool people have ops.. Hey, why don't I have ops?
[JConquer] Decay: Have fun finding bet would be to check out Westwood's online store
[Kyote] JConquer: The best description I've heard of SoF so far was Rogue Spear without the team/planning aspect. Seemed pretty accurate to me.
[Shades] heh
[Witchboy] low tech weapon skill affects a small subset of the weapons, upping several combat stats
[fraek] name DX-org-Fraek
[Deacon] Dune the building....of a dynasty, I loved that game
[rattasak] Bob_White: nah, Texas Tech :)
[TheZealot] You just answered the question Burp. :)
[Scott_M] Warren just stepped away from his desk... :) he'll be back
[fraek] ah
[Durandal] toaly i beat it about 21 times i beat it on 4,4,4,4 about 3 times
[Shades] wicked
[fraek] Can you give us an example?
[Burpfish] hehe
[Deacon] I have an orginal copy of that game
[JConquer] Kyote: Very true...I'm not much for planning anyway...I prefer a "Matrix" approach to FPS games :)
[Bob_White] So sorry to here about TEch. My condolances
[Kelster] hey witchboy, there are game developers in Canada. Bioware--]baulder's gate and Relic---]Homeworld
[Apache] Warren: How about releasing a couple new Deus Ex shots on the various fan sites tonight! :-)))
[TheZealot] Yeah
[Druin] lol
[Witchboy] cool...i love cold weather
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[rattasak] Bob_White: yeah, yeah...we got our asses whupped at football
[Kyote] JConquer: You and me both. i'm an action gamer, not a strategy gamer ;)
[Crowind] so do i..
[Decay6] the only one I can find is the one that is like Dune 2000. Deacon, where'd you get one?
[rattasak] Bot_White: at least we beat A&M :)
[Apache] I'd love to post one :-D
[Burpfish] Whoa... Did someone say shots
[Warren] Screenshots come from marketing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
[Alchemy] He could always release a few pics of our Christmas party. :)
[Bob_White] And I respect you for that :)
[XQ] I asked Chad Barron and he said there aren't any new ones
maxwell has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[TheZealot] Hehe
[Grayson] I think all you Deus Ex slackers should be working like me!
[Deacon] oh about 8 years ago. LOL
[JConquer] Kyote: Yepper...although Rogue Spear has it's up's, it ony lasted about a month and a half on my HD, while UT is still on it from the day it was released :)
[Shades] isint it Chad Warren
[Apache] that chad guy doesn't do much
[Scott_M] bleh :b
[lark] hehe
[Shades] thats bull
[Burpfish] heh
[TheZealot] They are born there and raised for 6 to 8 weeks. :)
[Apache] he says "ask warren" lol
[Warren] I don
[Kelster] anyone here from ?
[Bob_White] Eat my shorts Monte
[Shades] he was good enought to answer questions for us
[JConquer] Grayson: I'm working right now...and studying, and watching my screen :)
[Shades] at the forums that is
[TheZealot] I am from Stormtroopers
[Warren] I don't want to hear there aren't any screenshots. I've NEVER generated as many screenshots as we have for this game.
[XQ] I am from the DXZone
[Protozone] bah, screenshots are nothing... a still shot cant show a game, it needs to move...
[Grayson] we are multi-tasking bastages
[Alchemy] Grayson: Don't make me come over there and steal your Quake mouse
[jackchaos] dude! no, you typed it wrong.
[Osmosis] hahaha
[Burpfish] I am from... Lala land
[rattasak] Bob_White: UT alumni?
[Kyote] JConquer: UT has been on my HD since it was a demo...the very day it was released. ;) And I never stopped playing that demo till the full game released. And I haven't stopped playing the full game, either!
[Witchboy] stormtroopers make life easier by taking care of the people whose sites they host
[Apache] I think there's less than 20 screens for DX
[KeithV] Could one you shade some light on why it's called Deus Ex? I figure if you name a game Of God it must mean something
[TheZealot] Heheh
[Kyote] Warren: Any System Shock references in Deus Ex? ;)
[Druin] seems like I heard the demo for DX is going to be released soon, is this bs?
[Osmosis] There are a lot of screens.
[Warren] Actually, we've had a lot of trouble capturing our coolest stuff in screenshots. Movement really IS necessary.
[Bob_White] Worked for UT for several years in the fusion project
Raven has joined #ion
[Shades] Deus ex Machina - some kinda latin thing
[JConquer] Kyote: Yeah...same here...I like to get home from work/school and frag some bots...otherwise I just don't feel normal :)
[SniperDOG] Dues Bigalo Male Jigalo
[Witchboy] deus ex is short for the latin phrase deus ex machina
[Durandal] hmmm
[Shades] shit movie
[Crowind] I didn't think it meant "of god"
Burpfish is now known as Log4BFN
[XQ] "Ghost from the machine"
[Apache] Warren: If you bind the F9 key to a mouse button you can get AWESOME shots
[KeithV] I know, Deus Ex means 'of God' or 'god is'
[Durandal] ehhe
[Protozone] Deus Ex == saviour or something
[Shades] hmm
[Naga] sniperDOG: you need a job in marketing
[rattasak] Bob_White: awesome..i should have gone to ut...they have a hell of a lot better CS program thanhere
longshot has joined #ion
TheZealot sets mode: +o longshot
[Shades] god of machines?
[Kyote] Really? I thought it was short for "when it's done, now stop asking for a release date you blood-sucking leeches!"
[Alchemy] But you still can't capture movement. :)
[Osmosis] "God from the machine"
[Scott_M] "God out of" :)
[Grayson] we thought of putting Lara Croft in as main character and calling it "Day of Sex" but they shot it down.
[Deacon] Kudos on the secrecy DX team, but a few new shots WOULD be a tasty treat
[Durandal] ill look it up
[Osmosis] omg
[TheZealot] Any plans to release a demo before or after the game ships?
[Shades] God from Machines?
[KeithV] Deus Ex Machina would be either Soldier of God or Machine of God
[Naga] mmmm, lara
[Apache] you can release movies for movement
[Kyote] lol, Grayson...don't even joke...uuugh ;)
[Bob_White] Our lead programmer is a Tech alumini and he turned out realtively....OK
[Druin] lol
LuRCh_4 has joined #ion
GameRaven has joined #ion
[Witchboy] prsssure warren into releasing a new shot tonight!!!
[XQ] It's a theatre thing
[Alchemy] There are some new shots in the latest CGW (at least I hadn't seen them on the web anywhere)
[Apache] !!
[rattasak] Bob_White: was he CS?
[Shades] lol yeah right......
[Bob_White] Yes Chris Norden was CS
[Apache] Send me those so I dont post cheap scans
[Durandal] anyone have a pressure cooker ?
[Durandal] :)
[Shades] a what?
[XQ] he's told me twice that he can't, so I doubt it
Raven has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[Log4BFN] Warren... can i have a screenshot ;) Apache gets too many anyway..
[rattasak] then there's still hope for me:)
[Apache] cheap scans make the game look bad
PaG has joined #ion
[Shades] cheap scans are good
[Deacon] Also in Incite mag I saw a great shot of the stun gun, sneaking up on some helpless bystander
[fraek] IONSTORM: at making the game look bad
[Durandal] hmmm
[Shades] hmmm
Nazrax has joined #ion
[Deacon] they said that included on the CD was Game footage, but I personally don't like incite mag , so didn't buy it
[Shades] yo nazrax
[Kyote] JConquer: Been playing it less these days tho, Torment sucks up all my free time I just can't stop playing that game :)
[Nazrax] Hello.
[badson] Warren, I read there will be around 12 skills...didi this stay or are their still 12? What are some of them?
[KeithV] Ohh hey, all my friends always wanna use my DSL to download games, but i'm not gonna let them download Deus Ex :)
[Shades] Incite is good man
[KeithV] they gotta buy it
[Shades] lol
[Apache] incite is like a tabloid
[Shades] funny how we keep asking warren questions
[Shades] heheh
[Druin] torment is really good
[XQ] I'll bet when PDX goes live they'll have some new shots
[Shades] no answer
[Druin] to put it lightly
[lark] IONSTORM: How many nanotechs are in the game?
[Grayson] want a screen shot of witchboy tea bagging corwindy's keyboard?
[zjet] comp games mag has a nice long article of deus ex with lots of screens
[Apache] EWW
[KeithV] eww dirty
[TheZealot] XQ, if not I'll be driving to Dallas. :)
[Deacon] I'd have to track it down first, check Westwoods shop, I bet it is only like 15 bucks
[Shades] yeah i read that one
[Crowind] You want to know how many nanites are in the game?
[JConquer] Kyote: Haven't tried that yet...just got finished with Q3A, which I thought sucked. Currently, I'm just too busy with school, work, and extra-curricular activities (ie. bars, drinking, strippers, etc.) :)
[Witchboy] with my huuuge gnads
[Shades] how many
[Scott_M] A *lot *. :)
[lark] hehe
[fraek] IonStorm: Who drives the fastest car?
[Druin] I live in Ft. Worth :)
Psycho has joined #ion
[Kyote] Blah, Q3A...1997 gameplay, 1999 game engine.
[Shades] yo psycho
[Witchboy] i do not drive
[Moco] hello hugh
[lark] ION STORM: Could you give us some examples of nanites?
[Kyote] strippers? wooohoo! I applaud your good taste ;)
[JConquer] hehehe...UT...2010 gameplay, 2020 engine :)
[Durandal] q3a's bot = Zbot
[Psycho] (In a scottish accent) GREETINGS!
[Log4BFN] Zealot... theres snow and ice on Dallas... I never thought I say that
[Crowind] Witchboy is legally blind
[JConquer] hehehe...can't afford the whores anymore :)
[Witchboy] albert has the same exact car as scott
[KeithV] Hows the loading work?
[Grayson] i have a ford escort station wagon that is fuel injected!
[Shades] blind?
wubc has joined #ion
[fraek] Oh yeah your in Austin
[Shades] uhm
[Druin] ya
[fraek] I forgot
[Druin] snow today
[wubc] hello
[XQ] I have a 83 olds
alltel has joined #ion
[KeithV] are there big loading times after a large level or is it broken up like half life is
[Scott_M] I got my car first! :)
[Crowind] Its frightening to get in a car with him behind the wheel
[Druin] really amazing
[Shades] yo wubc
[Bob_White] Iv'e got a bitchin 1990 Accord
[Protozone] kyote - yeah, the gameplay should be round 1994 instead...
[TheZealot] I thought it snowed there every other winter or so.
[Crowind] Broken up
[Witchboy] keith, it depends
[Witchboy] it varies
[KeithV] WOOHOO!!!
[rattasak] Anyone at Ion: what is more important for programmer job considerations: a CS degree or good demo reel?
[Moco] al wants to be Scott
[Apache] Deus Ex type question: What weapons are in the game? (The whole list!)
* KeithV dances
[JConquer] I'm still selling my 85 Toyota Pickup, perfect condition, 563000km's, and grey...only $3500 :)
[Shades] woohoo what?
[wubc] is Deus EX chat about to start?
[Kyote] Protozone: I was really unimpressed with Q3A. I'll be more impressed with what other companies do with the engine.
[lark] eithV] Ohh hey, all my friends always wanna use my DSL to download games, but i'm not gonna let them download Deus Ex :)
[Druin] rarely snows here
[lark] [20:12] [Shades] Incite is good man
[lark] [20:12] [KeithV] they gotta buy it
[lark] [20:12] [Shades] lol
[lark] [20:12] [Apache] incite is like a tabloid
[lark] [20:12] [Shades] funny how we keep asking warren questions
[lark] [20:12] [Shades] heheh
[lark] [20:12] [Druin] torment is really good
[lark] [20:12] [XQ] I'll bet when PDX goes live they'll have some new shots
[lark] [20:12] [Shades] no answer
[lark] [20:12] [Druin] to put it ligh
[lark] whoops
[fraek] Haha
[KeithV] long load times totally ruin gameplay
[Druin] lol
[TheZealot] The Deus Ex chat is on
[Druin] I always do that
[Psycho] YAYYYY
[Witchboy] we have short and medium load times
[Durandal] rock on
[Shades] what the
[wubc] cool
[Crowind] Well, there are different categories...lethal, non-lethal, heavy, rifles, melee...ect.
[Bob_White] weapons...guns, knives, sticks, bananas
[Log4BFN] I went by the offices in Austine, but didn't go in.. had to get to Mustine Island
[Witchboy] depending on the size of the level, but in general they are small chunks
[Kyote] Deus Ex...The Sims...Thief 2..Vampire...Oni...oh yes, the next few months are gonna be good.
[XQ] ...
[KeithV] Witchboy: cool, thanks
[Witchboy] once in a while, we wanted like whole city blocks though
[Witchboy] with lots of shops and such
[Durandal] watter baloons, snails, rubberbands
[JConquer] *cough * DK *cough * :)
[Durandal] staples
[Apache] Please name the lethal weapon list
_wraith has joined #ion
[zjet] thief 2 demo kicks ass
[Shades] onoh yeahg
[Decay6] I've been waiting for ONI in a big way
[Witchboy] thief rules
[Kyote] Thief 2 rules my world. Oh god, I want that game :)
[Crowind] hmm...ill let warren answer that if he wants
alltel has left #ion
alltel has joined #ion
[TheZealot] What weapon takes up the most inventory space?
[KeithV] it's that I hate playing through a really heart pounding level, then all of a suddon the screen freezes and says "Loading"
[XQ] I'm mad I went to EB and they had a whole display of EMPTY the Sims boxes I WANTER TO KILL SOMONE
wubc has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 .)
[Log4BFN] AFK... off to work on website
[Durandal] i canst stop watching the intro
[Crowind] The big ones do
[AndyM] Thief 2 and Deus Ex within a month of each other, wow.
[PaG] Too...many...people...can't...breath...
[_wraith] HALO will release a tempest across the Nation!!!!!!!!!
[Protozone] kyote - you missed diablo 2, Team Fort 2...
[SniperDOG] Hey I have a question.... Where is Duke Nukem 4ever?
[Nazrax] I'm more interested in nonlethal weapons; there are lots of types of lethal, but what aside from pepper spray is nonlethal?
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TheZealot sets mode: +o jafo_QA
[XQ] Halo= Tribes 2+ Lag
[Crowind] A tempest of what?
[Durandal] cant stop watching the thief 2 intro
[Kelster] ..and you missed Tribes 2
[Scott_M] Having trouble keeping up here...
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[Psycho] (Psycho suffocates from all of the random conversation not pertaining to Deus Ex.)
[Kelster] ..halo has only 3rd person - tribes 2 has both
[Kyote] New Torment V3 U9 is good
[Crowind] Well, you've probably seen screenshots of the stungun
[JConquer] Along with DNF, where the hell is Max Payne? :) Or was it cancelled, and nobody told me
[Bob_White] Multitask Scott...multitaks
[Apache] if you guys dont stop yapping its gonna get moderated
[Durandal] its still on track
[XQ] Max Payne's still going
[Witchboy] do we want structure?
[Scott_M] Al & Bob: Thbhbhb :b
[Kyote] I don't know a thing about Tribes 2, so I'm not gonna buy it, I'm all for TF2.
[Psycho] I'm not old...I'm 37
[XQ] Ha! structure
[Shades] thats old
[Shades] lol jokes
[Druin] when do questions start?
* JConquer shuts up, and goes back to working on layouts
[Psycho] Well, I couldn't just call you "man"
[Durandal] lets bring cohos to order hre
[KeithV] Tribes 2 is tribes with better textures lol
[Psycho] You could try Dennis...
[Warren] Hey, 37 isn't old!
[Kyote] Apache, you're never going to get a controlled Deus-Ex-Related chat if you don't moderate ;)
[XQ] hehe
[Osmosis] Well it's 6pst here... so questions should start I think.
[Psycho] I didn't know you were called Dennis!
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TheZealot sets mode: +o MISMonkey
[jafo_QA] LOL@Warren
[Shades] MISMonkeyy
[Psycho] G'day
[Devoid] well golly don't see .. uh, much in the way of structure
[Shades] how ya DOIN man?
[Durandal] it fell
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[Durandal] it fell
[Witchboy] now that we've all gotten cozy, we should go to some form of "serious DX game questions mode?"
[Devoid] Q: Will there be any way to edit some or all of Deus Ex?
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[Psycho] O 'ello Bruce G'day Bruce "ow are ya Bruce?
[MISMonkey] Hey Shades....
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[Druin] isn't someone going to . . . shut us all up or something?
[KeithV] If you guys dont settle down Dr. Zealot is gonna hit the big red Moderate button
[XQ] hey Warren, thanks again for the interview!
* Durandal curses his isp
[TheZealot] Heh
[Apache] Deus Ex Question: Are there drivable vehicles in the game? Can you get into that Mech/suit?
[Warren] Someone asked how privately how dev is going. The short answer is "Really well."
[PaG] Q: When is it going to be released?
[Crowind] No
[TheZealot] Actually the big moderate button is blue. :)
[Kelster] Soylent Green...
[XQ] again?
[KeithV] Mines red :P
[KeithV] hehe
[Warren] Drivable vehicles ain't gonna happen in this game. We thought about it but it's really a different game than the one we're making.
[Kyote] Warren: Can we hope for release by March? O:)
[Kelster] :)
[Witchboy] we have no mech suits...we have a lot of bots, some hostile, some neutral and some with useful purposes and powers
[Scott_M] You can *always * hope. ;)
[Psycho] Long mazes of corridors? Puzzles? or straight secret agent action type stuff?
[Kyote] ok, can we REALISTICALLY hope ;)
[Shades] I want the third
[Warren] March? Man, if I answer this, I could get in a world of trouble.
[XQ] then what's in the Screenshot?
[Bob_White] It is the third
[badson] Is the game non-linear?
[Shades] answer answer
[KeithV] No puzzles that you wouldn't find in real life! please!
[TheZealot] Will existing Unreal editing tools work w/ Deus Ex or is the code base too different?
[Kyote] Aww, c'mon Warren. :)
[Shades] no its linear
[Crowind] Badson...nonlinear in what sense?
[Witchboy] imagine underworld meets system shock meets a SF-spy version of thief meets blade runner...that's sort of like Deus Ex
[fraek] Can you remotly control an type of security gun or robot?
[Shades] ooh thatd be nice
[Bob_White] Linear plot (they always are) but multiple choices within the plot structure
[Naga] The code is very different
[Alchemy] Existing Unreal editing tools will not work with Deus Ex.
[_wraith] how reactive is the "guns blazing" approach going to be to enemy AI
[Devoid] I've had a long term concept going for the design of a game that will be suprizingly simular to Deus Ex... has it been leaked and/or spoken of in any form to the public in the past? (distant past as the papers i've got are for the last year about)
[Witchboy] yes, remote control of some things
[Durandal] is UnrealEd going to ship with the game
[XQ] Warren can talk for hours with out saying a whole lot, but leave you satisfied you got an answer
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[Crowind] Some mamps/mission are linear from map to map, and others aloow you to travel back and forth between them multiple times
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[Scott_M] "Guns blazing" will tend to bring LOTS of heat on you... but it's doable
[fraek] Witchboy: What sorts of "things"?
[Warren] One of the QA guys was just saying he played through DX, blasting everything that moved and had lots of fun.
[Witchboy] gameplay is locally very nonlinear, but we have a strong story too
[Apache] Deus Ex Question: Are the enemies all human? IF not, name a few others
[Naga] robots
[Warren] The same guy said he played through the same missions by sneaking and non-lethaling and ALSO had fun.
[Shades] but you can still finish the game without killing anyone right?
[Naga] genetic creations
[Protozone] hehe
[Bob_White] Notall enemies are human, Robots very nasty!
[rattasak] is deus ex going to have be a trilogy any sequels wih tie ins to this first part? there's so many more conspiracy theories you guys can add to.
[Witchboy] remote control of security cameras, doors, autoturrets, shutting down of security bots
[jafo_QA] Right, Warren. LOTS of fun.
[Warren] The player's in control of how he plays the game. That's the cool thing about it.
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[XQ] ooh sneaking
[Kyote] warren: It's been said before that you can employ various methods to get through the games depending on your play style, sort of like SS2 and Thief...I can't wait to try that out
[_wraith] I prefer the sneaky approach myself
[Alchemy] Warren: You did finish writing part III, right? ;)
[Crowind] This is too nuts!
[JConquer] Warren: How far (based on a percent) is Deus near finish? What major bugs are left that need to be snagged? And finally, what ever happened to the "supposed" FBI visit to the Ion HQ a few months back?
[Shades] oh yeah
[Shades] bnuts is right
[Apache] DX Question: Can you win the game without killing anyone?
[Psycho] Talking? Strategy? Silent Kills? What about?
[badson] is the game more adventure/plot or action...or even combo?
[lark] The game is still coming on 3 CDs right? Or did I read wrong?
[Kelster] hey yah. what about that FBI vists?
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[Bob_White] Hopefully without killing anyone
[Druin] I think someone needs to make it to where everyone can't talk
[Psycho] what badson said
[Shades] whats the canadian release date?
[Scott_M] Hey, the FBI is monitoring this chat... :)
[JConquer] Shades: probably the same day as the US release
[Protozone] shades - no dates yet
[Witchboy] we are an rpg, with some sneaky pov game elements, plus some action/adventure elements
[Durandal] id imagune
[Warren] I had a trilogy in mind when we started but, in that organic way, DX is turning out differently than I ever expected and we can do LOTS cooler stuff in sequels than I originally "planned." So, no, there isn't a solid plan for followups. But they'll be very cool.
[Shades] rats
[Shades] wicked!
[Osmosis] Deus Ex Question: What is the basic polygon limit for each map?
[_wraith] man-O need some sort of mediation 2 many
[Shades] what?
TheZealot sets mode: +m
[KeithV] Warren, did you come up with the story?
[Witchboy] 300 polys
[Bob_White] max...300 polys and max 1.5MB tex mem
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[TheZealot] Ok we are going to try moderation now :)
[KeithV] Thank you :)
[Crowind] 300 polys on the screen at a time
[jafo_QA] Amen.
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[TheZealot] This is spur of the minute so bear with me
[Bob_White] yes 300 polys in view at any time
[Warren] The story has evolved to the point where everyone on the team can lay claim to it. That's the way it should be.
[TheZealot] Anyone who has a question message it to me
[TheZealot] And I will post them one at a time
[Witchboy] to do city blocks and bars and such we needed a lot more polys than unreal
TheZealot changes topic to 'Got a question? Message TheZealot.'
[Crowind] Thats only counting Geomatry though...
[Witchboy] 300 does not count characters and objects
[KeithV] Ahh.. I just really wanna know about the choosing of the name.. but I suppose it might reveal too much
[Crowind] er geometry
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[Witchboy] unreal had 150 polys at once
[TheZealot] Let me know if I go too fast guys
[TheZealot] [JConquer] How far (based on a percent) is Deus near finish? What major bugs are left that need to be snagged? And finally, what ever happened to the "supposed" FBI visit to the Ion HQ a few months back?
[Bob_White] Objects in the game don't count for polys
[Warren] I'd say we're 80-90% finished. But the devil's in the details and the details are all in that last 10-20%
[TheZealot] [BleemZ] What sort of copy protection will be used to prevent pirating? CD Key perhaps?
[Witchboy] how close to finished? we are tuning, balancing, polishing, fixing like a batch of plotstoppers and serious bugs, then we have to record speech and translate
[Bob_White] It loks like a game and it is very very stable. No crash outs so far
[MISMonkey] I can't speak to the physical visit of the FBI to ION headquarters, but they've certainly kept a close eye on our internet interests.
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[Warren] No comment on the FBI stuff. It's interesting to see who's been visiting our websites, though ;)
[Witchboy] right now we are using the time we have to deepen areas and smooth them (make them more fun)
[Bob_White] Lots of web visits from the Virginia and MAryland area...........
[TheZealot] [Devoid] will the game engine be kept secret for ion storm only, or will it be leased out for others to use? if so will the lease be entirely dependant on how many games the leasee sells or will there be a flat rate?
[Warren] If it were up to me there'd be no copy protection but I think we'll probably require a CD in the drive...
[Witchboy] who here was a fan of looking glass's UNDERWORLD?
[KeithV] Stupid question, but why would the FBI be that worried about your storyline?
[Grayson] I am tweaking and the end game levels right now.
[Bob_White] It is alrady out...Unreal
[Naga] Our version of the Unreal engine will remain in house
[TheZealot] [Kelster] How will multiplayer work?
[Scott_M] The engine is still mostly Unreal... I doubt we could license it
[TheZealot] [zjet] is it true you can go blazing away at rats and pigeons?
[Alchemy] We could probably license our modifications to other Unreal licensees though.. [grin]
[Witchboy] we licensed unreal to make an rpg with it
[Bob_White] Down the road for multiplayer
[Scott_M] zjet: sure can! One of my favorite pastimes. ;)
[TheZealot] [Nazrax] 2 questions: demo status and multiplayer modes.
[Alchemy] And cats!!
[KeithV] lol
[Scott_M] We do... :)
[Warren] We all want to do a demo but, really, the game has to get done first. That's our total focus right now.
[TheZealot] [_wraith] I remeber hearing about the Local Gang getting in a gun brawl with cops as being one of the most interesteing, unexpected behaviours of the AI.. Could you give us a few more tasty samples as to how the AI of the game shocked you?
[TheZealot] [Durandal] is UnrealEd shipping with the game
[Witchboy] AI/emergent behavior example:
[Bob_White] Cops chasing me through the streets only to be ambushed by robots on the far end
[Witchboy] yesterday i was sneaking past some guards when a doberman saw me...
[Witchboy] he ran at me and a single guard saw me. i crouched next to a bakery window.
[TheZealot] [Kyote] Easter eggs: can we expect any? If so, how many?
[Scott_M] Having certain NPCs follow me and blast the living hell out of my opponents while I watched... :)
[Witchboy] the guard fired a shot (alerted by his dog), which broke the bakery window.
[Witchboy] that set off an alarm, calling people from nearby.
[Witchboy] i leapt into the bakery
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[Witchboy] then went out into the alley through the back door.
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[Witchboy] (the end)
[KeithV] woah..
[TheZealot] [fraek] Is it pure coincidence that the chat is planned during the presidents speech
[Crowind] Several of us have talked about easter eggs jokingly..who knows.
[Alchemy] Kyote: There will be easter eggs. :)
[Bob_White] It was a lovely story and he told it so well.......
[Scott_M] Kyote: we're definitely planning some. ;)
[MISMonkey] Man, the day those guards learned how to squat to fire into airducts and gratings was a bad day for me (thanks Scott)
[TheZealot] [Devoid] so the game is largly a 1st person shooter modified into a RPG style game with focus on deepening the interaction between characters and sustaining a fluid storyline/plot deveolpment?
[Scott_M] We all need an alibi...
[Witchboy] hey, scott, we should let guard dogs run into airvents
[Crowind] I watched an enemy lob an explosive over a wall to get to me.
[Witchboy] even if we have to shrink the dogs a bit
[Scott_M] You're welcome, Chad. Anything else I can do to make your life a living hell? ;)
[Bob_White] But shooting isn't necessary unless you want it to be
[TheZealot] [Druin] How much emphasis has been placed on the end of the game vs. the rest of the game. I've seen many great games with endings that are a let down.
[Naga] Monte?
[MISMonkey] Devoid: Looking for a job as a blurb writer?
[Witchboy] there are a lot of NPC's to talk to in the game...subquests and such--it is not a game like quake or sin
[Warren] I think the "shooter modified into an RPG" characterization is a little harsh. We're a hybrid of many different game styles. The balance is really cool.
[Bob_White] Monte?
[Crowind] Grayson has been slaving away at the endgame.
[Scott_M] Harvey -- cool idea
[KeithV] if I were to take out somebody with a silenced sniper weapon, could somebody around the corner hear the body fall and respond?
[Grayson] well, I have working about 2 weeks on it and I am very very happy with the way it turned out.
[MISMonkey] Not cool I don't dig on guard dogs
[TheZealot] [lark] What other things will be in the HUD besides the "Zoom Box", "Toolbar", and "Health bar"?
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[Scott_M] KeithV - yes
[Crowind] I believe, presently, some guards will here the death cries of victims if tey are close enough
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[KeithV] Very nice
[TheZealot] [badson] Just a suggestion...I can wait for the game to take longer to release...don't do what Origin did with U9!
[Bob_White] Compass, Damage direction and type indicator
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[Witchboy] haha,,,LOTS of character skills, powers, inventory items, notes, image maps, etc
[Grayson] We are not doing the punch the giant robot in the head and gib him ending.
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[lastman] The ending levels definitely feel climactic to me. Cool vistas. Tough enemies/puzzles.
[Bob_White] Damn....I liked that one too
[TheZealot] [XQ] Are there going to be zones of perception a la Kingpin, eg if you go up to a guy with your guns out will he mess with you?
[Witchboy] we have multiple endgames...all strongly tied to tough decisions
[Scott_M] We're NOT?!? Damn!
[Alchemy] Lark: There are various things on the HUD at all times (which you can toggle on/off), as well as several larger screens you can pull up (Inventory, augmentations, notes, images, etc..)
[Warren] We're also not going to reveal much more about the ending, right, guys?
[Crowind] Not too mention there will be miltiple ending scenarios
[Bob_White] Yes there are perception distances
[Grayson] I love the giant robot with Romero's head on it at the end.
[Witchboy] well, we should tell them about the ending that involves us all dancing naked...
[Bob_White] How much to keep me quiet Warren?
[TheZealot] [Osmosis] What program are the modelers using? What program are the texture artists using? What made you guys pick these tools instead of others?
[Witchboy] oh, wait, that;s the ship party
[Scott_M] Some NPCs can react to drawn weapons...
[MISMonkey] I think telling them the bit with the poodle would be OK, Boss...
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[jafo_QA] Witchboy, SHHHHH
[Bob_White] Photoshop and Lightwave
[Naga] All of our artists are out drinking
[Crowind] All the artists are out engaging in debauchery
[TheZealot] [Psycho] What about the enemy reactions? Realistic, or just based on polygonal distance from sounds, etc.?
[Warren] not the poodle!
[Warren] Scott -- enemy reactions?...
[TheZealot] [rattasak] "could you guys program the game w/o tinkering w/ unreal source that much(unrealscript only) or did you have to rip out some parts of the engine src?"
[Bob_White] Scott?
[Witchboy] we started with "realistic" then have tuned to "fun and realistic"
[Scott_M] Reactions vary based on the event an NPC hears...
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[Bob_White] Albert?
[TheZealot] [JConquer] Are there any steps being taken to prevent cheating, by use of either codes, or trainers, to give a true gaming experience? What kind of music tracks can we expect for DX, genre wise? And can we expect full support for EAX and/or A3D Environmental Effects?
[Scott_M] If an NPC hears footsteps, he'll start looking around. If he hears gunfire, he launches into combat mode.
[Alchemy] rattasak: Most of the engine is still there, we've just added quite a bit to it (especially in the RPG-centric areas)
[Naga] If you want to have fun, don't cheat
[TheZealot] [Apache] question: are there any plans for an Deus Ex expansion that includes multi-player support?
[TheZealot] [Apache] question: what are some of the cooler high tech inventory items in Deus Ex?
[Bob_White] You cannot plan on defeating all the cheats. Too many talented hackers. They will always find a way
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[Scott_M] So it's somewhat realistic...
[Warren] There's a big debate, internally, about cheats. We'll leave some in, for sure, but only the ones that won't let people break the game.
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[Bob_White] We would love a multi-player add on. In time...
[Scott_M] (hope that answered the question)
[TheZealot] [Devoid] does shooting = having a temp flag set on your person untill you have evaded detection for a certain amount of time?
[Witchboy] our NPC's can sit down,run to press alarms, swim, crouch, lots more
[MISMonkey] Jafo will be back shortly. I kicked his connection out of the wall.....Oooops.
[Witchboy], it's more sophisticated
[Crowind] NPC's will investigate for a period of time...then give up if they cant find you.
[Alchemy] I'd like to make it so if you use any cheats you can't save your game. :)
[TheZealot] [_wraith] could you give us an example of the physics engine coding in top form?
[Naga] NPC's will eventually get tired of looking for you if you remain undetected long enough
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[Bob_White] Things fall to the ground
[Warren] The music is being composed right now. it won't be John Williams ripoff stuff or techno. Unique. Exotic.
[Alchemy] Bob: haha
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[Witchboy] hiding is a viable option. npc's also hide from the player under certain circumstances.
[Scott_M] :)
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[TheZealot] [Durandal] is UnrealEd shipping (or somthing simmilar) with the game?
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[MISMonkey] Prrrrobably not.
[Warren] We probably won't ship the editor.
[Bob_White] We plan on fully modellling all the Newtonian physics ever known
[TheZealot] [Kyote] How much speech will there be in Deus Ex? Does the main character talk a great deal? Are most lines spoken or will there be a lot of text? On a related note, how many CDs are we likely to see?
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[Crowind] There is TONS of speech
[KeithV] Will the game support HT&L and textures that look as good as unreal? (you know, you walk up close and it almost looks bumpmapped)
[Warren] LOOOTTTTTSSSS of speech. Scary amounts. More than any game I've ever worked on.
[Scott_M] You should see our coreolis effect... :)
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TheZealot sets mode: +o KillCreek
[Alchemy] How about Quantum Mechanics, Bob?
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[Bob_White] Might be OK, but damn those integals are awfully messy
[TheZealot] [Viper118] When will the Deus Ex video be available for download?
[Witchboy] all npc's use speech
[Alchemy] Kyote: The plan is to have all the dialog spoken and there is *quite * a bit of it.
[TheZealot] [fraek] Can areas of the map be destroyed such as a support pillar?
[lastman] physics: The basketball bounces like a basketball, and grenades bounce like grenades; things things bob in the water.
[Bob_White] Is that some sort of comment about my name :)
[TheZealot] [badson] Read there are skills...what are some of them?
[Crowind] I tried to slam dunk in one of the basketball courts...but Im not too good
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[Naga] There are places where the wall can be blown down...
[Witchboy] parts of a map can be destroyed...certain wooden beams, weak doors, breakable walls.
[Scott_M] The pool table is pretty cool
[Bob_White] The basketball is a little tough to play in the game
[Witchboy] the basketball easter egg in system shock 2 was cool
[Naga] especiall with people shooting at you
[KeithV] Hiya KillCreek
[TheZealot] [XQ] What are some of the faction/teams in the game?
[Bob_White] Hi Killcreek checking up on us
[KillCreek] hiya Keith
[Witchboy] silhouette is a french resistance group
[KillCreek] Hi Bob :)
[Crowind] If we told you that there would be no conspiracy!
[Naga] It's JC Denton vs. everyone
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[TheZealot] [Osmosis] Why was lightwave used instead of 3DSMax?
[KillCreek] hey im just excited about the game! I want to know things. :)
[Witchboy] gnosis
[KeithV] French resistance? thats bound to fail. lol. I bet they alomst lost their own reveloution :)
[Warren] The factions? There are a couple of conspiratorial organizations and you're caught in the middle.
[Naga] Our artisit are all drunk
[Naga] they can't type right now
[MISMonkey] Heeeeyyyyyyy now....
[Witchboy] without the french, there would be no french maid costumes
[Crowind] I didn't think they could type anyway
[longshot] ummm... hiccup...
[KeithV] lol
[TheZealot] [Devoid] can/will you (the ionstorm people) accept new ideas for a different storyline for the Deus Ex engine if editors are unlikely in the future? (like Deus Ex II or something simular where its the same "world" as Deus Ex but different plot)
[TheZealot] [Devoid] Re: AI search and destroy, is the enemy AI simular to that of the playstation 'metal gear solid' .. or is it specific to the type of AI you encounter (MGS AI searches for X seconds then "returns to post")
[Witchboy] longshot is a dolphins fan
[Warren] There's another faction that used to be associated with the conspirators but isn't anymore. You think.
[TheZealot] [Devoid] If an AI sees you does it automatically enter combat mode, or only when threatened/only when you infringe on its territory/make another form of offencive action
[Naga] It depends on if the NPC like you are not
[longshot] witchboy is a cowboys fan...
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TheZealot sets mode: +o russman
[Witchboy] RUSSMAN!
[TheZealot] [AndrewV] I don't have a question, but I have to leave the chat now and just wanted to say: you guys rock, Deus Ex looks awesome, great job so far and I can't wait til the release
[Bob_White] Depends if they are true enemies or innocent civilians
[Warren] If the AI automatically went into combat mode, we'd pretty much have a shooter. And, while we're shooteresque, we're not one...
[TheZealot] [Durandal] Will the NPc's engauge in nonscripted conversation with eachother?
[TheZealot] [Durandal] /me wants
[russman] Howdy podna..
[Witchboy] someone should pool all our screenshots ever released and send me the url
[Scott_M] What they said. ;)
[Witchboy] :)
[Crowind] That actually depends on the AI's attitude toward you. Some are your enemies right off the bat. Some will only become hostile to you if you do certain things. And some of course are your allies
[Bob_White] Yes you can evesdrop on convos
[Witchboy] our npc
[Warren] Some of the coolest stuff happens when the NPC's start talking to each other!
[Witchboy] our npc's do talk to one another
[TheZealot] [lark] What are the suspected system requirements for the game so far?
[TheZealot] [lark] Could you name some more weapon enhancements in the game?
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[Witchboy] you can modify *all * of the weapons
[Bob_White] Silencers, Laser sights,...
[Witchboy] (or nearly all of them)
[TheZealot] [Viper118] When will the Deus Ex video be available to download, and what do you plan to show about the game in it?
[Crowind] The player will be able to modify most of his weapons. Keeping your own personal weapons throughout the game is really nice.
[lastman] NPCs talk to each other -- you can overhear them -- but as for "nonscripted", well, somebody has to write it. They won't be making stuff up that we don't know about.
[Alchemy] I tried modifying the crowbar and it didn't work, damnit. ;)
[Warren] System Requirements = Steep. Hate to say it. P2 300, prob'ly 64 megs RAM, Voodoo 1 (minimum). Pretty standard stuff, these days, I guess.
[TheZealot] [Osmosis] Are you saying that they picked lightwave because they all belong to AA?
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[KeithV] Geforce baby :)
[Witchboy] the game *flies * on a voodoo 2 or better
[Bob_White] p2300 and VoodooI is far from Steep
[TheZealot] [fraek] How useful is the EMP device? I saw a similar bit on a TV show and the "federales" used a crackling device that disrupted electronice devices..
[TheZealot] [badson] We have the NPC interactions where you ask questions from a list of choices, what do you think the next step in NPC interaction will be?
[MISMonkey] Hey, I have a DXXXXXXXA box that says it will require a 166....
[Alchemy] And looks great at 1600x1200 on a Voodoo3 or TNT2. :)
[Naga] It has saved me from hostile bots
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[Bob_White] Disrupt cameras, laser trip[s, robots,etc.
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[Warren] P2 300 and voodoo 1 is our MINSPEC, remember?
[Crowind] Exceptionally useful. There are numerous opportunities in teh game to overcome obstacles by "scrambling" the enmies technology with EMP weapons
[KeithV] Voodoo3? yucky
[Witchboy] eventually, AI's will be autonomous thinking programs that generate their dialogue on the fly based on the environment...right, scott?
[Alchemy] Hey, I didn't say it was my FAVORITE card. :)
[KeithV] :)
[Scott_M] Yeah, but not anytime soon. :)
[Naga] EMP's also give you quiet a kick, being a cybernetic guy
[Alchemy] I'm still waiting for my GEForce DDR.
[TheZealot] [Devoid] are the events in game scripted in a way that an ingenious hacker/programer could change them?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] do you as a character have stats that you modify with the implants, or if there are not stats, how are the changes handled?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] if a 3rd party editor is released will Ion Storm permit such a thing? or will the be hunted down and destroyed like an erant floating head?
[KeithV] I got mine for Christmas :)
[Witchboy] the player must manage his bioelectric energy (which powers his augmentations)...emp drains that
[Warren] Next step in NPC interaction will come when we don't have to prescript everything. Speed the day. I remember talking with Richard Garriott about that prospect over Chinese food during U6. I'm still waiting...
[MISMonkey] Picturesqe, Devoid....
[Bob_White] I am sure that with enough skill and patience anyone could break our game by rewriting the scripting
[Alchemy] Maybe for our next game, Warren. :)
[lastman] NPC interaction... the difficult question. The problem is that, for inputs, you're still limited to the mouse and keyboard. I would like to see a movement away from menu choices to real-world interactions, like using objects, changing the state of something in the world. We try to avoid menu-choices whenever possible.
[Witchboy] name dropper! "i know lord brittish!"
[Witchboy] warren is an NPC
[Witchboy] :)
[Bob_White] Monte did Lord British
[TheZealot] [Protozone] two cops are chasing you down an alley, you pull out a rocket launcher (if there is one??) otherwise some other powerful weapon, do they run away??
[TheZealot] [Protozone] is there any AMD 3D now! support??
[Warren] Hey -- you know lordbrit, too, wise guy!
[Crowind] I met Lord British in UO once.
[Alchemy] Is Warren's Invincible flag set? I bet I could Kick him. ;)
[Witchboy] NPC's run from tossed grenades
[TheZealot] [XQ] How important are the animals in the game: the pigeons, dogs, cats, etc?
[MISMonkey] Protozone: buy a real processor.
[Witchboy] i once got chris roberts to give me a dollar
[Scott_M] They don't run away from guys with rocket launchers, tho. They're stupid that way. :)
[Crowind] NPC, scot correct me if I am wrong, will try to stay out of your weapon range, while at teh same time trying to maintain enough range to still attack you as well
[Naga] I know the guy who played "Mocho" in "El Mariachi"
[KeithV] lol
[Alchemy] Protozone: Whatever 3D Now support is built into the Unreal engine.
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[TheZealot] [Nazrax] The Dark Engine used less than the average processor power to compute graphics and more than the average to compute AI routines. How computer intensive will the AI be in Deus Ex?
[Scott_M] But they try to close so you'll be affected by the splash damage on your own rocket...
[Warren] Animals are mostly for atmosphere but some guard dogs are dangerous.
[Witchboy] the animals in the game are cool ambient elements, but occasionally, they alert you to the prescence of approaching npc's
[Scott_M] Richardo -- correct, didn't see you'd already answered. :)
[Bob_White] Pigeons will fly up at a guards approach
[MISMonkey] Protozone: Athlon! Why didn't you say had me scared....I though you meant one of those K6 thingies
[Warren] Yeah, if you see pigeons taking off suddenly from around a corner, something's up back there!
[Naga] The pidgeons take flight when a guard is making his rounds
[Crowind] Uhm...that would be Ricardo...seems I have many names tonight
[TheZealot] [_wraith] are they going to be situations where NPC's and the conversations with them will be ESSENTIAL to the advancement of story, or can you be an @$$hole, blow off all NPC interaction and try to figure it out yourself
[Witchboy] scott's fish 'schooling' AI rocks
[Bob_White] Bare buddy!
[Grayson] Rilardo is really a nice guy though
[Scott_M] Duh. Typo. Sorry. ;)
[KeithV] Will there be a setting to change the AI level to conserve cpu cycles?
[Warren] Scott's fish rock. Best fish I've ever seen in a game. Go, Scott!
[Crowind] In many cases the player can be a jerk and blow people away, but you'll be sacrificing some great RPG interaction
[MISMonkey] Here we go again with the bare buddy stuff.....
[Alchemy] Yea, we should make an Unreal Fish screensaver. ;)
[Scott_M] Thankyew, thankyew. *blush *
[TheZealot] [Kyote] Long shot, I know but...any chance you guys'll optimize for 3DNow! ? :)
[Witchboy] swimming with fish, pepperspraying people and making them rub their eyes...only in deus ex
[Crowind] Im going to cry if you dont leave my many names alone
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[Warren] Don't forget killing pigeons!
[longshot] did someone say my name?
[TheZealot] [Apache] question: is the speech lip-synched?
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[TheZealot] [Apache] question: In Deus Ex is their a conspiracy between the governmant and extra-terestials to farm humans as food?
[TheZealot] [Apache] question: please give a roll call and tell who you are and what you do for DX
[MISMonkey] Golly, Sergeant!
[Alchemy] Kyote: We won't be optimizing for 3DNow! Whatever opitimizations Tim Sweeney has put into the Unreal Engine for different processors/3D cards is what we'll have in Deus Ex.
[Warren] Is your name "killing pigeons?"
[lastman] Essential conversations: Yes, there will be many conversations you *have * to see. Most of them can be skipped, but occasionally, in telling a basically linear story, you've got to cram something down the player's throat.
[Bob_White] Warren is from NYC they have a thing about pigeons
[Witchboy] yes, all speech is lip synched
[Alchemy] (or I should say, we won't be doing any *additional * optimizations on top of what's already in Unreal)
Gwog sets mode: +o Gwog
[russman] I thought that was arkansas??
[Witchboy] yo, gollywog
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[TheZealot] [Durandal] is there some type of grappleing hook in deus ex?
[TheZealot] [Durandal] will ememys lob grenades at you?!
[Gwog] hello witchboy
[Bob_White] Bob White...chief lackey
[Scott_M] Scott Martin, AI programmer for Deus Ex
[lastman] for the roll-call: I am a writer.
[Witchboy] enemies do lob grenades
[Scott_M] Durandal: yes!
[Crowind] Yes, some enemies are equiped with grenades (and different types at that.)
[Warren] I feel like I'm back in elementary school - My name is Warren. I like cars and movies and basketball and games. I'm the producer, project director, whatever I want to call myself today guy
[Scott_M] No grappling hooks, tho
[TheZealot] [fraek] Do any celebrities make an appearance in the game? The president maybe?
[TheZealot] [fraek] Can you destory evidence with a bomb or flamer thrower?
[Warren] We missed a bet on the grappling hooks. Darn,
[Witchboy] the character chooses his skills and one can have them all. then the character (ok, the player actually) chooses which ones to upgrade.
[Crowind] Rollcall: Im a designer. But my main job is to beat Monte/Grayson when he slacks off
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[Bob_White] We asked Minica Lewensky but she declined.
[MISMonkey] Bare buddy again.
[Alchemy] Albert Yarusso, programmer (UI, conversation system/editor, save/loading, various and sundry game systems)
[Witchboy] the flamethrower sets things on fire
[Grayson] Oh, coriwindo beat me! beat me!
[Witchboy] npc's running around on fire, if they bump someone else, sets THEM on fire
[MISMonkey] It's cool
[Gwog] whoa
[Naga] Steve_Powers, I am a design guy
[Witchboy] stuff burns until it goes out
[TheZealot] [lark] Is the skill use in DX as complicated as the one in System Shock 2?
[Witchboy] or until the npc enters the water
[Warren] You should see NPC's running around looking for water!
[MISMonkey] Tom servo, sarcastic commentator.
[Naga] or a shower
[Bob_White] Skill use is very extensive in the game
[russman] You can use fire extinguishers to put people out also.
[Witchboy] our skill stuff is as complex as shock 2 in some ways
[Witchboy] different in other ways
[TheZealot] [rattasak] "could you guys program the game w/o tinkering w/ unreal source that much(unrealscript only) or did you have to rip out some parts of the engine src?"
[TheZealot] [rattasak] is the deus ex game really more like a world where there will be more stories(sequels) like anachronox(though i understand they're different types of games)
[Crowind] But not complicated as far as use goes.
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[Naga] depends on how well this one sells.
[TheZealot] [XQ] Which developer is best at the game?
[Warren] It's amazing just how powerful Unreal Script is. Programmers -- want to tackle that question?
[Bob_White] QA
[Witchboy] we are focused on telling one story first...
[Scott_M] We had to change some parts of the Unreal engine, in some cases extensively... but we left most of it alone, and just added to it
[Crowind] A conspiracy settin definately lends itsleft to further stories
[Bob_White] Probably MArsh
[Naga] I can get through Hong Kong quicker than anyone
[Witchboy] each designer knows his own area pretty well
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[Witchboy] scott knows the behavior of the ai's better than anyone
[Alchemy] Quite a bit of our game is written in UnrealScript, but we've also written a fair amount of C++ code, especially where speed is essential or in the few cases where's it's not feasible to do something in UnrealScript.
[Naga] Sheldon knows EVEYTHING
[Bob_White] Witchboy knows Grayson very well
[Warren] At this point, ex-LG'er Austin Grossman is probably the guy most familiar with the game, start to finish -- we made him play the whole thing when he started here as a contractor a couple of weeks ago.
[TheZealot] [Devoid] how is invantory managed in Deus Ex?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] do implants take the form of "ir goggles" that you can turn on and off, or combat/melee extentions that fill a slot (1-0) onthe keyboard?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] so becoming the tool of invantory or weaponselection?
[Scott_M] I'm pretty good at tromping NPCs now... :)
[KeithV] Why the Unreal engine?
[Witchboy] inventory is like system shock, diablo, fallout style
[Crowind] Our writer (who kicks ass) knows the game really well.
[Naga] Sheldon knows every nuance of every character. That is considerable
[Crowind] Sheldon that is
[Bob_White] It looks the best, has one of the best editors around and is easily scripted
[Warren] No need to reinventy the wheel, inventory-wise. We have our own twists but Witchboy nailed the influences.
[longshot] sheldon has some cool wheels...
[TheZealot] [badson] Warren, do you still do any coding or do you just walk around the office making sure everything is going o.k. and scream at your programmers?
[Scott_M] It's powerful, well-written and easy to modify
[Alchemy] For example, Scott wrote a very sophisticated GUI system in C++, allowing all the UI screens (there are many of them, from menus to in-game screens to the HUD) to be programmed from UnrealScript. It's extremely flexible and I've been able to do lots of great stuff with it.
[Naga] Warren did coding?
[Bob_White] Warren coding?
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[KeithV] Speaking of wheels.. Will Deus Ex support the mouse wheel funstion for anything special?
[Crowind] Wow, when was Warren a programmer?
[lastman] wheels... you making fun of my van?
[Warren] I've NEVER done any coding! Hahahaha! I'm a game guy and a manager.
* Alchemy spits out his Dr. Pepper
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[Warren] I can barely turn my PC on in the morning!
[Crowind] I think he 'programmed' the vcr in the break room. No one can get it to work
[Scott_M] Yes, the mouse wheel lets you switch between inventory items
* Witchboy wonders what "warren code" would look like.
[Warren] All of you guys are fired.
[Bob_White] Crap!
[MISMonkey] No comment from PC support personell
[Crowind] oops
[Witchboy] at last! sleep!
[Alchemy] Guess you guys won't be seeing Deus Ex anytime soon then! :)
[Gwog] *choke * haha
[longshot] yay!
[Warren] Just kidding. Really. Please don't leave. Come on back now. Please...
[russman] He doesn't even know the code to get in the building...
[TheZealot] hahaha
[Witchboy] RUSS SCORES!
[KeithV] woah dang
[MISMonkey] Damn
[Naga] Nice workin with you russ.
[KeithV] Fight! Fight!
[TheZealot] [Durandal] is the skill level system (difficulty) customiseable (the thing about grappleing hooks id be cool to try to kill a guard or "retrieve" and item from a third story building :)
[russman] It's all about the love..
[MISMonkey] Shall I cut your connection now, or would you like to finish the chat, Russ?
[Bob_White] No grapplinghooks
[Witchboy] we give you the option of 'acquiring' the ability to leap super far...
[Witchboy] the six million dollar spy
[Crowind] at the sacrifice of another nifty trait
[Naga] Six Billion Dollar Spy
[Warren] The skill system is all about customizing your character. Unclear whether we'll have customizable difficulty levels at this time. A lot will depend on QA feedback.
[TheZealot] [linlhutz] Are all Conspiracies in the game baised on any facts, or just made up by your writers? Which Theories are you favorites?
[Crowind] The player makes trade-off decisions all througout the game, in regard to his skills as well as his augmented abilities
[KeithV] When your hurt, will your life slowly return to normal if your rest? Or must you use some kind of thing
[Scott_M] Depends on how you define "facts"... :)
[Witchboy] no resting
[Bob_White] Almost everyone is based on a possibility.
[MISMonkey] Every conspiracy in the game has roots in the "alternative" community.
[Crowind] There are alot of ways to heal yourself in the game however. I know of at least 3
[Witchboy] you can get healed by medbots, use your skills and medkits
[Alchemy] Right now you have to use "some kind of thing" to heal yourself.
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[TheZealot] [_wraith] will you be restricted to levels or will there be freedom to move about the city regardless of mission objectives? Also will the character make use of subways trains busses, NOT driving.
[KeithV] lol 'some kind of thing' sorry bout being go vague
[Warren] There might also be an augmentation related to healing (he said mysteriously)
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[Witchboy] we use vehicles to transfer to various places
[Witchboy] certain parts of the city are open...some are closed off
[Scott_M] But you can't drive them yourself...
[lastman] conspiracies... Keep in mind that the game is set fifty years in the future. The conspiracies are very well grounded in fact, but the situation has evolved, become even more terrifying than it is today...
[Alchemy] But you don't actually get in them and drive around. :)
[Bob_White] You can usually move freely about a map once your on it
[TheZealot] [lark] What are the producers favorite pokemon? =)
[TheZealot] [lark] What other places in the world are we going to visit in the game?
[MISMonkey] Not EXACTLY 50 years.....
[Bob_White] BigusDickus
[Witchboy] i am holding my pokemon right now
[Naga] what's a pokemon?
[Alchemy] 50 years plus or minus 30 years? ;)
[Warren] We've all been working so hard we haven't had time to focus on pokemon, right?
[Bob_White] Witchboy's pokemon is awfully small
[Witchboy] it;s also purple tho
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[KeithV] What whould BigusDickus say? lol
[Scott_M] Um, uh, right (hides his Pikachu)
[Warren] New York, Hong Kong, Paris, some other places...
[Grayson] witchboy reminds me of assh katchum
[TheZealot] [Apache] question: are there any plans to make DX into a movie and or book?
* Alchemy hides the screenplay sitting on his desk
[Naga] I HOPE SO. I want to be an extra in the film
[Warren] There's been some talk about a comic book. We've had some less serious discussions about movies and books. Could happen.
[Bob_White] We hpoe to get Stanley Kubrick to direct it
[Witchboy] "deus ex, starring tom cruise as witchboy"
[Warren] Nah -- Chris Roberts.
[KeithV] haha
* Alchemy spits out his Dr. Pepper *again *
[Scott_M] Woody Allen as Scott Martin
[Naga] I also want an action figure of Nocolette DuClare...
[Bob_White] Ouch! good shot Warren
[Warren] Bet I just lost a friend there. Oops, there I go name-dropping again.
[Witchboy] realdoll nicolette!
[TheZealot] [fraek] will there be camo armour?
[Warren] Realdoll Nicolette! Rock on!
[russman] Real doll anna navarre
[Bob_White] And Monte MArtinez as the Beaver
[KeithV] Any plans to release the game on DVD?
[KillCreek] hahaha
[Witchboy] we have 'adaptive armor' and a form of cloak and also a form of radar transparency
[TheZealot] [Devoid] if the users (us) come up with an idea for a simular form of Deus Ex but with different plot/story will Ion Storm/youguys-gals be interested in creating it/rescripting deus ex into a new form (like halflife-teamfortress-....)
[TheZealot] [Devoid] how man implants/modifications can you have at a time? are they limited in number only by the location of the implant? fingers=5 arms=2 eyes=1/2 torso=3...
[TheZealot] [Devoid] do implants = skills?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] or are they both different
[Witchboy] real doll russ!
[Crowind] No camo armor that I know of...however, there are different forms of armor, as well as several forms of 'camo' technology
[MISMonkey] You won't even let us get a realdoll receptionist, Warren....
[Naga] If you are wandering through a jungle of force feilds, you will be cammoflauged
[Bob_White] No anaoaugs and skills are different
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[TheZealot] [XQ] How many "allies" will JC have?
[Bob_White] nanoaugs...typing dyslexia
[Witchboy] there are a LOT of neutral and friendly NPC's
[Bob_White] Several allies
[Crowind] Over five, off the top of my head
[Naga] He can collect quiet a few...
[Witchboy] 'allies' are special npc's
[Scott_M] And a lot of NPCs who *appear * to be neutral and friendly... :)
[Bob_White] Many bystanders will be helpful too
[TheZealot] [Protozone] is sydney in the game by any chance :) ?
[Naga] Sometimes you *think * you have an ally, and get the old knife in the back.
[TheZealot] [BigBoy] About the level of detail in the maps. Can you go into a building and explore every nook and cranny like crawlspaces, airshafts, bathrooms...
[Bob_White] No Australia locations
[Witchboy] yes, bigboy
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[Witchboy] we have painstakingly detailed many places
[TheZealot] Sweet
[MISMonkey] How many times have I heard that from Harvey?
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[Witchboy] down to the pipes under the sink cabinets
[Warren] The locations are as detailed as it's possible to make them given current technology.
[Alchemy] hahaha
[Witchboy] "yes, bigboy"
[Crowind] You can be assured though, that if there is a 3d space in the game, there will be something interesting for you to do there.
[Bob_White] Lots of hiding areas and crawlspaces and airducts. More bathrooms than any other game!
[TheZealot] [lark] Could you please set everyon straight on the way you pronounce "Deus Ex"?
[Witchboy] day-oos ex
[Alchemy] And yes you can flush the toilets
[Bob_White] Doo-sex
[Warren] And all the objects in the world have some function. That means we have fewer objects than some games (though well over 100) but ALL of them are useful.
[Alchemy] (before someone asks)
[Scott_M] And all the toilets flush...
[MISMonkey] Dos Equis
[TheZealot] [badson] Is DX an adult themed game (language, adult situations, seedy parts of town)? Any nudity? ;)
[Witchboy] "day of sex"
[Witchboy] we have hookers
[TheZealot] [Kyote] What rating can we expect DX to be? M?
[Bob_White] In our dreams
[Warren] No nudity but definitely adult themed.
[Naga] There are some hookers.
[Crowind] If it was a movie it would be pg-13 probably
[Bob_White] hookers!
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[Warren] It's going to be an M. I don't see any way around it.
[TheZealot] [fraek] Is there a web trapper in the game? Or a pellet shotgun?
[TheZealot] [fraek] Will their be a web trapper type gun? Will the be pellets for the shotgun as a non-lethal ammo type?
[Grayson] don't be perverts and try to look up npc's skirts!
[Naga] Do you count shooting someone in the head "adult"
[KeithV] deus, -i. (nom. plu. .dei. or .di.), god. XII
[Bob_White] Shotguns with shotgun shot and sabot rounds. No web trappers
[TheZealot] [_wraith] any thought of incorporting ancient mysteries into the plot usch as pyramids, Machu Pichu, legend of the 13 Crystal Skulls
[lastman] There is quite a bit of "adult" content, seedy parts of town; etc. But we've tried to do it with taste. The language is actually quite mild. It could probably air on TV.
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[Warren] We looked at the web-trapper guns. Some cool websites out there about those. But not in the game. Tough to pull off convincingly.
[Witchboy] wraith, we touch on the knights templatr
[Witchboy] wraith, we touch on the knights templa
[Witchboy] wraith, we touch on the knights templar
[Witchboy] oops
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[MISMonkey] You touched him where?
[Scott_M] echo... echo... echo...
[Warren] There'll be plenty of references to ancient mysteries in the game.
[TheZealot] [Nazrax] In an interview somewhere, an example of user choice was putting on an engineer's coat to remain undetected. Was this a hypothetical, or can you actually change clothes?
[KeithV] ex or e, prep + abl., out of, from within, from; by reason of, on account of. .Ex. can be used before cons. or vowls; .e., before cons. only. VIII
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[Bob_White] What's an engineer coat?
[Warren] The changing clothes idea was dropped a while back. You just can't do everything. Maybe some other game we'll go back to it.
* KeithV puts up his latin dictonary
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[Scott_M] Unfortunately, you'll be wearing that darned trenchcoat throughout the game... :)
[KeithV] Any plans to release the game on DVD?
[Naga] Most of the team members don't change clothes either
[Witchboy] it's what jc is wearting *under * the trenchcoat that is really interest
[Witchboy] ing
[Warren] No definite DVD plans at this time.
[TheZealot] [Devoid] do NPC's grow as the game progresses, meaning they are not programed to be more difficult.. a leveling system where as you grow the baddies grow and typically they are only a % or a %++ of your max abilities
[Alchemy] Although it would be nice. :) (regarding DVD)
[Witchboy] what's dvd?
[Witchboy] j/k
[TheZealot] [Osmosis] What type of engine limitations did the programmers and artists hit? What type of creative shortcuts did they employ to get around these problems?
[KeithV] What about other platforms? (Mac, linux)
[Warren] Great question about game progression but I'm going to plead the fifth for now.
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[TheZealot] [Apache] question: When will the Eidos press machine be awakened and start promoting DX?
[Witchboy] i am sleepy now
[Warren] Find me an artist who doesn't need MORE POLYS. Find me a programmer who doesn't NEED more cycles. Sheesh...
[Scott_M] Aw, come on, Warren... just ONE more cycle... :)
[Witchboy] whereas designers never bitch
[TheZealot] heh
[TheZealot] [lark] Could you tell us a little more about the story? Conspiracies? UNATCO? Grey Death? Something new that we fans haven't heard?
[TheZealot] [lark] In the game, can you set traps for your enemies?
[Alchemy] No, NEVER!
[Warren] I think the Eidos press machine is already doing a pretty decent job -- am I fooling myself?
[Crowind] Yes'
[KeithV] Eidos is puplishing it? It isint gonna have a stupid triangle box, right?
[Naga] yes, you can set traps
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[Grayson] [---punching time clock (if I use my hack skill I can get more hours)
[Crowind] AS a matter of fact you can turn their own traps and defenses against them
[Scott_M] Re: triangle boxes -- over our dead bodies :)
[Warren] No triangle box here!
[Alchemy] I'll let Warren answer the Triangle box question
[KeithV] Whew! good
[Witchboy] yes...traps are possible via various types of high tech wall mount devices and autoturrets that can be reprogrammed. and we have skills that support all those.
[TheZealot] [rattasak] Not a question really, just wanted to say DeusEx looks kickass and really lookin forward to it.
[Scott_M] Thanks!
[Witchboy] thanks, rattass
[Crowind] Thanks
[Alchemy] Thanks. :) I'm looking forward to a vacation.. [grin]
[TheZealot] [fraek] Will there be any commands/controls for your special NPCs?
[TheZealot] [fraek] Are their commands/controls for your NPC allies?
[Scott_M] Just conversation options...
[Witchboy] just through conversations...but yes
[Crowind] Presently, some NPCs can be manipluated through convos
[TheZealot] [BigBoy] I'm really hoping this game has super-interactivity. Will there be any ways to solve problems "MacGyver style?" Could you give an example.
[Witchboy] you can actually alter certain plot events by giving them orders
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[Witchboy] haha...we are the macgyver game, at certain levels
[Witchboy] we have a 'technical' skill
[TheZealot] [Durandal] will there be weapons that are self-powered like self recharging laser rifles or somthing simmilar?
[Scott_M] Crowbars... ;)
[russman] Except you can't make bombs out of toilet paper and cheese
[Warren] There are plenty of ways to improvise and use objects, NPC behavior and the game environment in interesting ways we never planned.
[KeithV] lol
[TheZealot] [badson] Does having an "M" rating affect sales of the game? Does it have any affect?
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[TheZealot] [_wraith] how much hacking of systems will there be and how integral a part of the gameplay? What about "Social Engineering?"
[Warren] To be honest, I don't think much about the ratings. We're making the game we want to make. Long as it gets rated appropriately, I'm okay with it. Don't think it has any effect on sales.
[KeithV] I'm only 17 and I can walk into my local eb and buy whatever I want
[TheZealot] [XQ] The website ( mentions that the pistol is invisable to metal detectors: do I smell an airport?
[Witchboy] hacking is useful for computers...breaking into accounts, reprogramming autoturrets, opening doors, shitting down security bots, etc
[KeithV] Hmm.. it was the same way when I was 16.. heh
[Warren] System hacking is as big or as small a part of the game as you want it to be. You can get through the game without ever using a computer. I mean, an in-game computer...
[TheZealot] [Osmosis] How many Megabytes was the last internal build? What build number are you on?
[TheZealot] heh
[Warren] We still fit on one CD!
[Warren] That's without speech and music, though.
[KeithV] Ohh.. haha
[KeithV] No CG?
[Alchemy] 523MB (I just looked)
[TheZealot] [Devoid] PCgammer has a two page ad, 86 and 87
[TheZealot] [Devoid] 7 screenshots and some blurbs about ingame plot
[TheZealot] [Devoid] are there many skills, thus building your character with the skills you learn (say 5 out of 50) and the implants you take?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] can you pick up and throw any handsized item you come across (to distract guards with)
[TheZealot] [Devoid] can you "sneak" some poison into drinks of the unaware?
[Scott_M] Version 0.072a is our current build... not sure that's helpful, tho. :)
[Warren] CG as in prerendered graphics? None.
[Witchboy] 472megs of that storage is an email msg warren wrote for the game
[KeithV] Ohh, well thats good
[russman] all in game
[KeithV] Cool
[KeithV] prerendered never works in pc games
[Warren] I never said I wasn't a verbose
[Scott_M] You can use almost any object as a distraction...
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[TheZealot] [lark] Do guns have a durabiltiy issue?
[TheZealot] [lark] like say you use a gun, and another enemy fires at it, will it be damaged?
[TheZealot] [lark] The game is still on 3 CDs?
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[Witchboy] no durability...NO WEAPON DECAY
[KeithV] Yes!!
[MISMonkey] 1 cd
[KeithV] I hated that about System Shock 2
[Warren] We're hoping for 2CD's. If it's three something's gone very, very wrong.
[MISMonkey] I have one...whatta ya gimme for it.
[TheZealot] [Apache] question: have you seen killcreek nekkid yet playboy? ;)
[Witchboy] you get a weapon, buy the skill for it, modify it with high tech addins
[KillCreek] heh
* KillCreek blushes
[Witchboy] what;s this about nekkid?
* Gwog fwaps TheZealot
[KeithV] I'll send one of you $100 for an internal beta
[Witchboy] hahah
[KillCreek] Yeah, Zeal, whassup what that? ;-)
[TheZealot] Hey, I made sure he wanted it asked
[Alchemy] It's already up on eBay for $2,598
[Witchboy] we light our pot with $100 bills
[TheZealot] He insisted
[KeithV] lol
[KillCreek] haha
[Scott_M] :)
[Warren] Here come the cops...
[MISMonkey] That's still not enough fo rthe reconstructive surgery...
[Gwog] hah
[TheZealot] [BigBoy] I remember playing Half-Life, and all of its great moments, but I also remember how linear it was. Is Deus Ex a go anywhere do anything game?
[MISMonkey] Oooops wrong time to type that...
[KillCreek] hahaha
[TheZealot] He says he wanted to make sure you were really watching, KC :)
[Witchboy] deus ex is radically different...much more like underworld
[Warren] Not a go anywhere do anything game but lots less linear than HalfLife.
[KillCreek] Im watching! :)
[KeithV] KillCreek, I havn't exactaly followed that whole thing, so I don't know what the story is... did you go through with it?
[KillCreek] indeed
[russman] Much more freedom
[Crowind] In a way it is. Some maps allow you to travel between them extesivley. Other guide you from one to the next.
[Warren] Funny, I was saying just this evening our incredibly well HL hid the fact that players were on rails the entire time they were playing.
[KeithV] Ahh.. very cool
[MISMonkey] I MEANT rebuiding my face after Warren gets done with me...Y'all can all stop whispering what a bastard I am now.....
[KeithV] forget that I said I was 17. lol
[Witchboy] every irc chat in the world always boils down to either star trek or naked chicks
[Crowind] But whats even cooler, is that in each maps there are multiple ways to tackle each obsticle.
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[Warren] Hey, Crowind, even the maps that guide you allow for multiplepaths. Within a map, you typically have a LOT of freedom to explore.
[TheZealot] [Durandal] when you "create" your character will you beable to select different player models or will just one to select from?
[TheZealot] [Durandal] when you "create" your character can you select from more than one player model or will there be just one?
[TheZealot] Had to bring up Star Trek, didn't you Witchboy? :)
[Witchboy] yes, different player skins
[Alchemy] Durandal: We will have several skins you can choose from when you start the game.
[Witchboy] ethnicity and such
[Warren] We have multiple skins. one model but you can be dark haired, blond, black or, well, brown. (I still hope to be able to have Hispanic ans
[Scott_M] No females, unfortunately...
[Warren] and Asain.
[Warren] Asian!
[TheZealot] [Linguica] Will there be any "showstoppers" like in Half-Life where killing a critical scientist would cause the game to immediately end, or will the plot mold to anything that it's possible to do in-game?
[Crowind] NO!
[Witchboy] well, dying stops you
[KeithV] Aww, no coming back after your dead to float through walls and break the game? ohh wait, thats noclip
[Witchboy] in places, if you decide to go crazing and start shooting up your allies, it turns out like it does in most rpg's...
[TheZealot] [Kyote] are you guys in Alpha now, or Beta?
[Witchboy] alpha plus
[Witchboy] plus plus
[TheZealot] [Devoid] can you customize your characters apperance? sex/height/color/etc?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] is there poison in the game, do you need a skill to use it if so?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] can you manipulate all items in the world or only certain things such as guns/doors/normally-movable-items
[TheZealot] [Devoid] can you build notority and fame through actions? 100kills = americas most wanted? can you avoid being peged with the crime? can you be framed for other crimes?
[Alchemy] That's Alpha++
[Scott_M] Alphabet. :)
[Crowind] I think we're in alpabeta limbo
[KeithV] the Ghetto supermarket
[Warren] We won't be beta until all the audio's in and that'll be a little while yet. Not a real long time, but a while.
[Witchboy] no poison, but poison gas :)
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[Warren] I want to say everything's usable but someone will find something you can't use and make me a liar. Most everything in the game is interact-with-able.
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* Witchboy yawns.
[Scott_M] suddenly, everything gets quiet....
[KeithV] EAX or A3D?
[Warren] We're not doing a universal reputation thing...
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[Warren] But NPC's will take note of your actions and act appropriately and not always right there at the scene.
* KeithV tries to break the silence
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[TheZealot] [_wraith] great fielding questions Zealot, also CutScenes, are we going to see some dramatic tension and/or character attachment? The time has come to feel remorse for lost comrades!
[Scott_M] Whatever Unreal supports... :)
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[TheZealot] Thanks :)
[Alchemy] 3D sound is awesome. :)
[TheZealot] and no I didn't add that myself. :)
[KeithV] Ohh! EAX baby :)
[Gwog] [BruceL] if you guys DO do (doodoo hehe) multiplayer, would you release a map editor?
[Witchboy] arg--time to go. thanks, everyone. see you at the next chat.
[KeithV] OpenGL or D3D?
[TheZealot] Cya Witchboy!
[Crowind] Adios Amigos
[Witchboy] (another 14 hour day...sigh)
[Alchemy] I've heard EAX on Chris' machine and it sounds great, don't have rear speakers in my office, though (Hmmmmmm must take care of that!)
[TheZealot] [Apache] question: are there any virtual reality type devices that trigger movies?
[TheZealot] [Apache] question: how many crates in are Deus Ex? what's the cut-off point of crates where it becomes a "crate world" ?
[KeithV] ohh wait... whatever unreal supports.. :)
[KeithV] Get the Klipsch Pro Media
[KeithV] they are great
[Witchboy] there are 12,345 crates
[lastman] building a reputation: NPCs definitely respond to your playing-style. We're still wrestling with specific details. Typically, if we count kills, a player who makes 17 kills and think he's a tough guy and gets treated like a wimp, when someone who kills 18 gets a different reputation... that sort of thing has caused some confusion. We will probably be keeping closer track of how the player solves specific goals during a mission.
[Alchemy] D3D is faster, at least it was on my TNT2.
[TheZealot] [BigBoy] I found it hard to beleive in Half-Life that you were in a real scientific lab, because there was only one path through the whole thing! Deus Ex has "real" places right?
[TheZealot] [BigBoy] You guys haven't got an empty world I hope. There will be all kinds of stuff like office plants, moveabole desks, power tools maybe?
[KeithV] yea, D3D looks better too
[KeithV] In Unreal anyway
[russman] worlds full of stuff.
* KeithV drools over unreal textures
Witchboy has quit IRC (i live half within your shadow.)
[Alchemy] Basically, you can use Unreal Tournament as a benchmark for how well our game will run on various hardware.
[lastman] We're doing our best to put some emotion and high drama into the story. We'll see if it works...
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[TheZealot] [XQ] If you are as non-violent as possible what are your odds of dying?
[Scott_M] Our writers are awesome. :)
[Warren] DX has some real places and lots of believable ones.
[KeithV] You know how in Unreal, with the settings cranked up, if you walk up to a wall or something it looks REALLY good? like almost bumpmapped? Well, is Deus Ex gonna look that good?
[Warren] The world isn't as densely populated as the real world (surprise!) but it's pretty darn dense.
[Alchemy] KeithV: Those are detail textures and yes, we're using them also..
[Naga] My my, look at the time. See you next week
[KeithV] Awesome :)
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[TheZealot] [Devoid] do NPC's figet/walk about/do normal things when they are not activly seaking your distruction?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] can you losen the sink plumping make a flood and kill the guards from behind when they come to investigate? OR can you kill the maintenance man and use his cloths/id to sneak into the complex?
[Warren] Have to agree about the awesome writers comment. I think you'll really find yourself caring about some of these characters!
[russman] chow
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[Scott_M] Yep, and many do. Lots of wandering, looking around, fidgeting...
[Warren] We have some really nice fidget anims. And you can sometimes use them to gauge an NPC's mood. Which could determine how you deal with him or her.
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[TheZealot] [Durandal] will there be any sub-plots if so, will there be any "fed-ex" "quests"?
[TheZealot] [Durandal] Nerve gas LAughing gas??
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[Warren] Unreal doesn't do flooding all that well. Sure would be cool, though. Next game maybe.
[TheZealot] [lark] Are you allowed to use two guns at the same time? I think its called 'akimbo' correct me if i'm wrong.
[TheZealot] [lark] Will the NPCs look the similar with minor adjustments?
[Warren] There are plenty of sub-plots, secondary goals, things you can do to gain an advantage that aren't necessary to the completion of the game.
[Warren] No John Woo, 2-gun action.
[lastman] There are quite a few sub-quest's, and we are continuing to add more.
[TheZealot] [ShihTzu] What thoughts are being given to in-game sound and music? I know this game wouldn't work with a Suikoden-type score, but are there plans for an ambient soundtrack like Thief's, or just pure "environment" sounds?
[Scott_M] Tear gas, poison gas, a couple of other gasses that I can't remember... but no nerve gas or laughing gas
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[Warren] I love Suikoden!
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[Warren] The music is going to be a combination of ambient sound and environmental sound.
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[TheZealot] [fraek] Can you make dialogue options, and see the repercussions later in the game? Ex... ordering a hit on a guy infront of building blah...
[Scott_M] We have many different body types... fat people, thin people... there's a pretty good range (within our memory requirements :)
[Warren] Audio is so important to figuring out how the world is responding to you that we can't afford to drown it out with a classic game or movie score.
[TheZealot] [Nazrax] In SS1, the puzzles needed player skill to get through. In SS2, puzzles depended wholy on character skill, not player skill. How will Deus Ex handle such things as hacking, weapons modifications, etc.?
[Warren] There's one mission where you're ordered to assassinate a guy. You have to decide whether to do it or not. And deal with the ramifications of your choice. That's all I'm saying about that.
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[TheZealot] [Vitas] Hello there! I'm excited about the game! Will I get to sneak around like in Thief? Shadows are way cool! :-)
[TheZealot] [Vitas] How many skins are there? Will all the different people look different?
[lastman] dialogue options: Yes, every choice is designed either to have an immediate consequence, or to have a major consequence down the road. If someone does a favor for you, you might have to reciprocate. And if you don't, you may have a harder time later in the game.
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[Warren] Shock was entirely the game of player skill. Shock 2 was very character-skill-driven. We're walking the line between those extremes.
[Warren] You'll be able to sneak, the way you did in Thief, but you won't HAVE to.
[Scott_M] Yep, you can sneak... and shadows affect your enemy's ability to see you.
[TheZealot] [badson] Enough chat! Get back to finishing the game! I, for one, will buy it as soon as it hits the shelves. Even before the first patch ;)
[TheZealot] [Devoid] what is Ion Storm's position of "like games" that are simular but different? (like Quake and some other 1st person shooter....) ?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] is there a money system/barter ? Will junkies trade for more drugs, can you buy your way out of a fight with street punks?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] is there positional gibbage? hit a shoulder take the arm? or is it just "you hit me i die" sort of thing?
[TheZealot] [Devoid] do you track ballistics? large projectile = low penetration but high damage quoten
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[Warren] There's a money system. How/whether you interact with it is up to you. (I sound like a broken record...)
[Scott_M] Yes, we have a credits system, and you can trade items for information...
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[TheZealot] Alright, we are going to open up the chat now so you can try to get in a quick question before the team has to go
TheZealot sets mode: -m
[Warren] We have positional damage. And head shots can be deadly.
[Kyote] HEAD SHOT!
[Devoid] Example: 5 thugs jump out of the shadows around you, you have money, can you say "HEY WAIT!" or will the go direct to attack... that not being an option..?
[Apache] Have any of you played Shen Mue on the Dreamcast? Will Deus Ex have a similar feel/envroment? (but in English, or course)
[Kyote] :)
[Octane_VE] I just wanna know when the Killcreek edition of Playboy will be out (if you dont mind me asking =)
[Protozone] any jumping from rooftop to rooftop or stuff like that?? :)
[Alchemy] Apache: Have not played Shen Mue yet, but lokoing forward to it.
[_wraith] any plans for T-Buffer support in the Glide version?
[lastman] Yes, there is money. You can enter into commerce with junkies and dealers, though I won't reveal the exact play-through. There is not a general-purpose barter system, but a fair amount of buying and selling, and trading, through conversation.
[Warren] There are several opportunities to jump rooftop to rooftop.
[Durandal] how is falling damage handled
[Devoid] can you stop an attack on you through speaking?
[Alchemy] Durandal: If you fall too far you die!
[Durandal] ok, if you dont fall far enough
[Apache] how fast can JC run? is he doom guy fast with all his cybernetics? :)
[TheZealot] [zjet] deus ex kicks serious ass!!! keep up the good work!
[Warren] If you have the right leg augmentation you can fall a LOT farther...
[_wraith] great phyics Alchemy!
[KillCreek] Octane: sometime in the next few months..
[Vitas] What do NPC's do? Do they stand around or go about their business? Will it have the kind of ambiance that Ultima Ascension attempted?
[Devoid] when you fall, do you automatically fall feet down?
[Apache] octane wants scans
[Octane_VE] Awesome =)
[Warren] How fast JC runs is dependent upon augmentations. You're pretty fast to start (though not Quake fast!) but you can get lots faster if you pump your leg augs.
[Durandal] can certain high-calabur weapons penetrate multiple targes walls npcs etc?
[Warren] You want to land on your head?!
[KeithV] KillCreek, all I can say is that you better win playmate of the year cause you are damn fine :)
[Alchemy] You can fall a *reasonable * distance without dying. I don't recall exactly how the algorithm is setup, probably a linear scale based on how far you've fallen.
[Scott_M] NPCs don't have Ultima-esque schedules, unfortunately...
[Wargazm] Where do babies come from?
[Devoid] yea, wanna go for a dive off the empier state building!
[lastman] If you are attacked, there isn't an option to shout or anything. You pretty much have to fight. However, conversations the need to angry NPCs who attack. And, after a battle, you can often talk to one of the survivors, who might be someone you rescued, or someone whose homies you just offed.
[Alchemy] Yes you fall just like cats. :)
TheZealot changes topic to 'Deus Ex Chat. Ask Away.'
[Scott_M] Storks!
[Shades] lol
[Wargazm] Storks? Thats gotta hurt..
[KillCreek] Keith: thanks .. :)
[Durandal] anarks
[Devoid] UA didn't have scheduals either.... :)
[Apache] if you give JC a high combat awareness score, will your aiming almost be like a bot?
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[Kyote] Hey Warren: How many hours of gaming are we looking at now? The worst thing about SS2 was that it somehow managed to be even shorter than SS1.
[Warren] UA didn't have schedules? Sheesh. Too bad.
[Shades] round 40 i think?
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[lastman] Forgive my typos. I'm using my voice.
[Nazrax] Do you need to eat/drink?
[Octane_VE] UA had a schedule all right... get it out before Xmas or else...
[Vitas] Are there different skins for each NPC?
[Shades] hours of gmapleay i mean
[Kyote] LOL, Octane, SO true
[_wraith] want to thank you guys for hanging so long, been a very informative chat since Deus Ex nibblets are hard to come by
[Devoid] they tried.. but no.. no real scheduals
[Alchemy] hahahaha
[Warren] I think the average player will take 35-40 hours.
[Devoid] unless you call walking around in a circle for 24hours a schedual
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[Durandal] hmmmm
[Octane_VE] same way qqith Quake 3
[Kelster] how can Deus Ex be compared to "the Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall"
[Apache] yeah, I posted a msg from one of the UA dev team on VE about that
[Kyote] and how about thorough players? What's the max hours I can expect to squeeze out of this game as a thorough player?
[Octane_VE] err, with
[Warren] An expert player might take fewer than 35 hours (can't wait to see the record QA time -- that's always fun)
[Osmosis] hehehe
[Durandal] lol
[Warren] If anyone compares DX to Daggerfall, well, I don't think they're that similar.
[Shades] yep]
[TheZealot] [BigBoy] If you pay a guy for information, and he doesn't give the answer you want, can you pop him and take your money back?
[Nazrax] If it's not too integral to the plot, how much "real world time" goes by between the start and end of the game?
[Vitas] I love exploring places. Will I have any sense of wonder going into these levels, or will they be as predictable as real life? :-)
[BigBoy] sorry zealot
[Warren] Thorough players should get 50+ (but, really, we haven't timed that, yet. Too early.)
[TheZealot] np
[Apache] Is deus Ex comparable to any game? Or is it a whole new big thing?
[_wraith] what is the most frustrating design issue you've had to tackle with DX so far
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[Protozone] how close would i be to the gameplay (cops chasing you, ect) if i said deus ex was grand theft auto from 1st person shooter perspective??
[badson] Anyone famous doing the voices. Or anyone we would know from previous game?
[Shades] Warren - why dont you update your designers diary? I enjoyed reading the first chapter
[Warren] We're trying to avoid the whole real-time passage thing.
[Kelster] is there a night/day cycle? how does this cycle compare to a 24 hour day?
[Apache] will people be saying "Will X game be like Deus Ex?" :)
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[Durandal] is it possible to get one shot kills in deus ex?
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[Warren] I haven't updated my design diary because the game's been occupying every darn minute!
[Octane_VE] only thing I can think of that reminds me of what deus ex is like is BurnCycle...
[Nazrax] When do we get the movie?
[Scott_M] No day/night cycle. Just a night cycle. :)
* Shades hides under a rock
[Shades] Im sorry
[Devoid] can the character get drunk?
[Shades] yes
[Apache] you can email me your diary and I'll HTML it for you warren :)
[Devoid] bake bread?
[Durandal] eheh
[Devoid] (snicker)
[Protozone] pigeons at night??
[Scott_M] Yes, you can get one-shot kills
[Durandal] cool
[Alchemy] Devoid: Yes drunk
[Durandal] decapations?
[XQ] doh
[Kelster] if I could decribe deus ex to other games i'd say: it's daggerfall + fallout + urban chaos.. but something totally innovative and different. But this game. ;)
[Alchemy] Bake bread, haha no not that I'm aware of.. [grin]
[Devoid] of the implants are there melee/combat extentions?
[ShihTzu] Warren: you can make up for that by putting up your real diary instead of your designer's diary...could potentially be more interesting and lurid too ^_^
[Warren] I wanted a baking bread easter egg.
[g3rmz] =)
[Durandal] robotic brass nuckles h,,,
[Devoid] lol!
[Alchemy] Warren: It's not too late! :)
[lastman] The money system is pretty tricky right now. We have ways for you to recover money, in specific cases, but for the most part if a character charges for information, he gives you something useful.
[Apache] octane wants a copy of the Killcreek issue as an easter egg
[ShihTzu] heh
[BigBoy] Can you fight kung-fu style with your hands?
[Devoid] yea just need a bread machine in that (AHEM) bakery
[_wraith] what about the character JC Denton, does he model after or represent any other characteres?
[Octane_VE] mmm.... bread....
[Shades] dee-licious
[Durandal] you havce the option of throw bread at npcs :)
[Vitas] Do you have references to other games in the game?
[KillCreek] cheese rocks down bread any day
[TheZealot] JC Denton represents JC Haskins
[ShihTzu] Is JC Denton a modern-day Raskolnikov?
[Warren] I've never seen a game that had HTH combat that didn't look goofy and play worse. I expect to get a lot of grief about it but there's no HTH...
[BigBoy] can you put seasame seeds on that bread
[fraek] How does the demolition skill get better as you gain experience?
[Scott_M] No bread, but lots of soy vending machines :)
[Durandal] bread wars Muahha
[badson] Warren, what game are you most proud of (besides this one)?
[Devoid] u6 u6 u6
[Octane_VE] yea, if you give a homeless guy some bread in DX then he gives you a special edition of the Killcreek playboy...
[Shades] yea yea
[Octane_VE] so i hear =)
[Warren] I'm proud of just about every game for one reason or another.
[g3rmz] am I mistaken or does the game have night - day time cycles?
[Apache] speaking of food, where the hell are my taco el poco dinners I ordered an hour ago, sheesh they're taking their sweet time
[Durandal] break into the bakery during the day sheesh
[Shades] yum
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[BigBoy] Can you hurt enemies/slow them down by throwing liquor bottles at them...
[_wraith] Warren is such the designer's designer
[Devoid] has bouancy weight size or other such things been implimented as a part of the world physics?
[Vitas] If I give the presidential candidate some money, will he stop bugging me? :-)
[_wraith] ooo what about malatov cocktails?
[Shades] i hope not
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[Octane_VE] [munches on chick-fil-a sandwitch]
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[fraek] If a guy is running after you can you shoot his leg to get away faster?
[BigBoy] ah yes, malatov cocktails
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[Warren] It's really cool to see stuff bobbing in the water. Bodies, plants you throw in there - you name it.
[Scott_M] Bouancy, weight and size are all built into Unreal...
[Shades] that mOlOtov
[HDrambo] molotov
[KillCreek] we are addicted to chick-fil-a
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[XQ] Morningstar Farms?
[Octane_VE] mmm,,,
[Warren] Yes, you can shoot a guy in the leg and he'll slow down.
[Apache] Octane is considering posing for playboy himself
[BigBoy] whatever, it needs molotov cocktails
[Durandal] hmm pouring gasoline into water and and shooting it hmmm
[Devoid] so the 250lb body of the robot i throw in the water will bob there and await discovery?
[Devoid] can you dive?
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San is now known as San_PU
* Protozone wonders if theres any bricks to throw at people? :)
[Octane_VE] i'll trade you my stuffed chick-fil-a cow (like a beenie baby) for a autographed edition of the playboy =)
[g3rmz] is there and animation for shooting a guy in the groin?
[KillCreek] Warren: That Emergen-C stuff is *awesome *
[Kyote] mm...bouncy...oh wait..bouancy..not the same thing...
[Warren] Whoa! Can we do gasoline in water and lighting it? That'd rock! Al, Scott -- remind me to talk to Chris!
[Vitas] What game do you reccomend to kill time before Deus Ex ships?
[San_PU] y0
[HDrambo] will Romero's head on a stick make an appearance again
[fraek] I heard the game is set in the year 2052, is that correct?
[Durandal] or cut bodies into little pieces and throw them into the water
[Scott_M] Hmmm...
[XQ] I should've nicked my self XQ_DXZ...
[Shades] HDrambo - lol
[HDrambo] :D
[Warren] Play System Shock 2
[Alchemy] Warren: I think Chris might slap you. ;)
[HDrambo] icon of sin
[BigBoy] I want to know about this gasoline thing still...
[BigBoy] fire...
[ShihTzu] Warren: does Deus Ex have a playable Dreamcast contained within the game?
[Apache] you pyro
[Shades] heheh
[Octane_VE] lol
[Scott_M] UT... I've heard Planetscape: Torment is really good, but I haven't tried it yet... :)
[Durandal] firestarter at work here
[Vitas] I started SS2 on expert and gave up because resources were so scarce! Will I face that?
[Devoid] is fire just a yellow orange fog or is it poly flame?
[ShihTzu] Torment is neet
[Shades] Scott - PlaneScape is excellent
[fraek] Can you play Deus Ex on one of the computers in Deus Ex?
[fraek] :P
[Warren] Aren't you supposed to ask if there's a version of DX for the Dreamcast rather than the other way around?
[ShihTzu] hehe
[Kyote] I'm keeping busy with the original System Shock at the moment, and Torment. Oh god, the maintenance floor...I don't think I can ever, ever go through the Maintenance floor again :)
[Apache] planescape=
[Alchemy] fraek: Not yet.
[Scott_M] I bought it but haven't had any free time to play it! :)
[KeithV] yuck, all there is to eat in my house is wheat things.. diry diry stuff... how can people eat this?
[Apache] my game of the year 99!
[fraek] heh
[BigBoy] Deus ex does have interative fire right?
[Octane_VE] that was a shameless plug apache =)
[Apache] :)
[Warren] Mmmm. The Maintenance level...
[Octane_VE] i'm proud of ya =)
[_wraith] what other games have the team played that stand out as exciting
[Protozone] can you play deus ex on a dreamcast in deus ex :)
[fraek] hahah
[Durandal] hmm engineering level my nightmare for years to come
[BigBoy] Please tell us about the fire!
[BigBoy] Please
[Devoid] yea yea
[Shades] burrn traitor burrn
[Devoid] is fire just a yellow orange fog or is it poly flame?
[HDrambo] [beavis voice]yeah fire hehe heh heeh
[Scott_M] Half-life and Thief are favorites...
[Protozone] or particles??
[Shades] ditto!
[fraek] if you fall into the water in new york harbor do NPCs react to your stank?
[Kyote] Warren, you and the rest of the SS1 team are evil, evil men. May you be tormented by Pokemon for all eternity after your death for creating those invisible mutants. :)
[g3rmz] I bet they are using the Unreal Fire code
[Warren] Fire is pretty interactive. You can set things on fire, those things set other things they contact on fire. Water and fire extinguishers out fires out. What do you want to know?
[BigBoy] Thank you!
[San_PU] Warren.:. Do any of the maps in Deus Ex take place in low gravity?
[Devoid] refresh my memory, unreal was so long ago...
[Durandal] what about setting building on fire
[Protozone] warren - whats fire made of??
[Durandal] ?
* ShihTzu remembers setting forest fires in Magic Carpet ^_^
[Scott_M] Re: NPCs smelling... believe it or not, this was planned at one time... it fell through. :)
[Shades] made of as in particles or polys etc
[HDrambo] yeah magic carpet rocked
[Warren] The only DX maps that take place in low-g are the ones we cut. Sigh... Some other time.
[fraek] darn
[Apache] How interactive/breakable is the average room in Deus Ex? Can you bust through doors, windows, walls?
[fraek] hehe
[XQ] ok guys, my eyes are crossing involuntarily, I'll see you all later, Ion: keep up the good work, and everybody check out my site at
[Vitas] Does the game get harder as I play? After all, I get pretty good as I play a game.
[Apache] cya xq
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[Devoid] can you explode ground to make a crater to hide in / return fire from relative saftey?
[fraek] There are different difficulty settings right?
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[Warren] Certainly, the game gets harder as you play. Have to keep challenging players.
[Devoid] or just "trigger item" that can be destroyed through destructive force?
[BigBoy] Wait...
[Vitas] That's reassuring!
[_wraith] what are the graphical barriers that you guys see as being broken in the next 10-20 years
[Warren] No craters, I'm afraid.
[San_PU] Warren.:. That's a shame - that would have been interesting.
[Durandal] potholes?
[BigBoy] can you catch on fire and then touch baddies, setting them on fire too?
[g3rmz] will you be releasing tools to create new levels/maps?
[Octane_VE] lawnmower man style graphics by 2005...
[Shades] thats crazy bigboy
[Apache] Warren on a scale of 1-10 what's the chance you'll be releasing a new Deus Ex shot tonight? :)
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TheZealot sets mode: +o MISMonkey
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[BigBoy] ... for gameboy
[Devoid] just to say that there is such a thing or is it a school you can do?
[San_PU] these situations in a way in which they will fail to work or make sense?
[Durandal] Deus Ex GOlf 2001
[ShihTzu] Deus Ex Gold/Silver
[Durandal] ?
[Apache] Deus Ex machina!
[Durandal] Deus Ex Golf 3.5
[Kyote] W-W-Welcome to my DE-DE--DEATH MACHINE...interloper...:)
[Warren] The ending will be satisfying. We have some cool stuff planned.
[ShihTzu] Deus Ex Gaiden for the Neo Geo Pocket Color?
[_wraith] I thnk Deus Ex has the potential to be a Massivle Multi-player X-files in the future!!
[Alchemy] The fire in that shot was done with Unreal's dynamic textures
[Shades] jesus and buddha
[Durandal] four!
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[BigBoy] no, no...fore
[Protozone] all the major characters get killed cept you??
[Durandal] oh yea,
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[KeithV] Any chance of you guys releasing a shot of the in-game menu?
[TheZealot] Are there any damage skins?
[Devoid] plot critical NPC = no kill/invunerable?
[Warren] We're staying as far away from scripted situations as we can. There aren't any in the game. No matter how smart or careful you are, they get broken. (We have other things you guys will find ways to break, trust me!)
[ShihTzu] Deus Ex 2 starring Eric Idle
[Kyote] Is there a KillCreek model in the game? O:)
[Shades] lol
[MISMonkey] And Ben Stein as Warren Spector......
[Alchemy] KeithV: I just finished redoing all the menus and am working on the in-game screens now. No screenshots exist of them yet. :)
[BigBoy] is there still an in-game text editor. It was mentioned at E3
[Warren] No damage skins (see earlier message about cutting room floor ideas)
[g3rmz] but are there assuances you won't get "stuck" in a game?
[San_PU] Kyote.:. Exactly... except that she doesn't realise that you've just rigged the entire room with enough explosives to destroy every robot she's about to unleash in an instant. :)
[Durandal] Deus Ex : Opossing Fore err. force
[KeithV] The menus dont get enough attention.. *sigh *
[Warren] Ben Stein! That's a new one. Unfortunately, I can see it...
[TheZealot] heh
[KeithV] Alchemy, are you actually designing them?
[Alchemy] KeithV: They actually look quite nice, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
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[Durandal] whare you play the consiritors
[Durandal] conspiritors
[KeithV] I mean, yourself.. heh
[BigBoy] Deus Ex: Corkscrew Follies
[Kyote] San_PU: Maybe the second time you play SS1, but the first, I didn't even get to hear her entire quote before I died.
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[Warren] I was just telling Al this evening how cool the new menus are. I can't stand looking at our placeholder stuff anymore. Finish now, Al!
[Devoid] can you completely customize/remap all controls?
[Kyote] When I replayed that room, i tossed in three or four shakers ;)
[KillCreek] Rollercoaster Tycoon ............ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[Vitas] Geez...maybe I should avoid reading more about the game...I want it to be a complete surprise :-)
[gamer] Hey, your chat compteted with the State of the Union Adress
[Alchemy] Devoid: Yes
[Durandal] Deus Ex: Some asspembly Required
[Devoid] ultracool
[Alchemy] Warren: I'm surprised you let me into the chat room! ;)
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[BigBoy] ...batteries...included
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[TheZealot] Roller Coaster Tycoon is fun!
[Durandal] almost.
[Octane_VE] doh, power went out
[TheZealot] I've been playing that
[Warren] Al's a UI geek. Or maybe that's just "geek"
[San_PU] Kyote.:. hahaha - me too! There are very few games that have connected with me on a deeply emotional level, and System Shock is one of them. Very scary game - thanks Warren. :)
[Durandal] a rebate for 10$ in bateries
[ShihTzu] Are there any plans for really cool additions to the box besides manual and CD? Something along the lines of Infocom's packaging, which really helped the player get into the spirit of the game?
[BigBoy] Can you ride a roller coaster in Deus Ex?
[KeithV] Have any of your played Xenogears?
[Warren] Thank the guys at LookingGlass for Shock.
[Vitas] Al's a very focused geek :-)
[KillCreek] Zealot: shit yeah. I am so hooked. I cannot stop playing that game. And there are so many scenarios .......!!
[Kyote] We do, Warren..regularily! And you too, we all owe you for SS1.
[gamer] Warren, whats your favorite game of all time?
[BigBoy] can you ride on rolling chairs, anything like that?
[Devoid] way back in the day i remember playing system shock.. had visions of mechanized monstrosities chasing me around at work.... it was good.
[Warren] Hard to say about packaging. I've talked to folks in Dallas and at Eidos about a bunch of cool stuff. We'll see if it happens.
[Kyote] San_PU: Which scared you more, SS1 or SS2?
[MISMonkey] I tried to talk warren into a glass capsule of cyanide, he worried about it affecting sequel sales.
[ShihTzu] neeto
[Warren] Favorite game? Probably Zelda for the SNES.
[TheZealot] I know, I love building my own coasters, most are too intense, though
[Devoid] will DE repeat the depth of that enviroment?
[Scott_M] Hahaha! :)
[Kyote] Warren whatever you have to do man...DONT' LET THEM USE THOSE EVIL EIDOS BOXES! :)
[g3rmz] ?
[Shades] edios makes good boxes
[BigBoy] that intensity gauge is tough!
[San_PU] Warren.:. It's a shame my "conversion" of SS for the Unreal engine never got beyond the healing suite on the Hospital level - I'd really like to play SS again with a more modern rendering engine.
[_wraith] what major game design criteria do you feel has been overlooked by recent games design team?
[g3rmz] who gives a f about the box?
[Warren] No evil Eidos boxes. That battle's been won. Question is what's inside it.
[Vitas] Packaging? something cool with it like the old Infocom games...they're the only packages I find worth saving!
[KeithV] hmmm...
[Octane_VE] 9mm in the box?
* Kyote worships Warren. "We're not worthy! We're not worthy!"
[KeithV] lol
[Warren] Infocom boxes ruled.
[Durandal] free 9mm handgun with rebate
[Devoid] i still have my planetfall patch
[Kyote] Damn straight they did. I still have my scroll from Enchanter, with the wax seal
[KeithV] you guys have the box designed yet?
[Scott_M] Ahhhh, Infocom... :)
[Kyote] ok, the fake wax seal, but anyway....
[San_PU] Kyote.:. I haven't had a chance to play any more than the demo for SS2 as yet unfortunately... the demo lived up to my expectations though, and more. :)
[Warren] No way I'm trusting you guyswith a 9mm. Especially not you, MISMonkey.
[Octane_VE] the "gold" version comes with a Glock
* ShihTzu still has his Zork I-III boxes + Hitchhiker's, all for TI-99/4A :)
[Devoid] and the little plastic "first leutenant" creditcard thing
[MISMonkey] Don't use small arms....
[Kyote] Gaaaaah!!! San_PU, you owe it to yourself to play SS2, man!
[Scott_M] I've still got my Wishbringer stone, plus Popular Paranoia from Bureaucracy...
[MISMonkey] Don't need 'em
[Shades] a glock! [drool]
[KeithV] Glocks are 9MMs... heh
[Durandal] hmmm no wonder its rated "M"
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[Octane_VE] silly me
[Shades] Glock 17's
[Kyote] I have very little of my original Infocom stuff. Most of it got caught in a house fire :/ All I have now is a cd-rom edition of all the Infocom games.
[Warren] We just got our first box mockup. No lie and no hype here -- it's the best first pass at a box I've ever seen. With some tweaks it'll kick.
[Vitas] Got my Don't Panic button! :-)
[Shades] Desert Eagles are wicked
[Durandal] no GLock 36!!1
[Apache] there's a nice desert eagle in soldier of fortune
[g3rmz] i bet Daikatana has had about for about 3 years now
[Shades] Glock 36 = too long (for my tastes)
[_wraith] good to hear W
[g3rmz] =)
[Alchemy] Yes, the box looks great!
[Octane_VE] the Black & white box is by far the best I've ever seen...
[Devoid] oh god i remember fire now
[g3rmz] let me reaphrase
[KeithV] Desert Eagles are .45s... damn big guns
[Kyote] Can we see a shot for the box? :)
[Shades] hell yeah
[Shades] ]:)
[San_PU] Kyote.:. I'm far too busy I'm afraid... I will do it one day though. :)
[BigBoy] please
[Devoid] (caps lock immaginary on) oh god it will rock
[Durandal] or a full size .50 DZ
[g3rmz] i bet Daikatana has had a box for about 3 years now
[BigBoy] I want a box shot
[g3rmz] better
[Apache] man, we're getting pathetic asking to see the box ;)
[ShihTzu] heh
[_wraith] lol
[Warren] Soon as some of those tweaks I mentioned get implemented, we can talk to the marketing dudes and see about posting box shots. Neat idea.
[Durandal] a full size DE .50 has some kick
[San_PU] Kyote.:. The Lost Treasures of Infocom CDs?
[KeithV] Come on man! Show us whats in the box!
[KeithV] Please please! whats in the box?
[ShihTzu] NOSSING!
[Alchemy] Air
[Scott_M] Umm... the CD? :)
[KeithV] yummmmy yummmy ummy it's bacon!
[KeithV] errr
[Octane_VE] a CD
[HDrambo] desert eagles are .50Ae
[Durandal] a free used bannana peel ???
[Warren] You guys are all weird.
[Shades] heh heh
[Durandal] yea i know
[BigBoy] we really are so desperate, that we will take anything to tike us over until release.
[Shades] thank you
[Osmosis] hahaha
[Kyote] San_PU: Lost Treasures was a 3.5" disc collection. I have the newer one...Can't remember what it's called, lost the box ages ago.
[BigBoy] tide
[ShihTzu] will we be able to get Deus Ex T-shirts? :)
[Devoid] .Q:. what sort of items are/have been designated Ionstorm only/DE only ?
[Devoid] program wise
[ShihTzu] or other merchandise? Dragon Quest VII has slime earrings ^_^
[Octane_VE] I want a deus ex trench coat...
[Durandal] i still have the disk version of system shock :)
[g3rmz] it's the CD art that is of any consequence, the box and jewel case usualy get tossed out neway
* Shades yawns ostentatiously
[San_PU] Kyote.:. Do you know if it includes Planetfall & Stationfall?
[Warren] I'm quite certain the Mighty ION Hype Machine will make t-shirts available.
[Shades] i have to go sleep - english exam tomorrow
[ShihTzu] I'd wear a Deus Ex trench coat
[Apache] warren: can you release a mpg of the Deus Ex e3 demo? I have a real video clip but it really sucks (very low res)
[Scott_M] Warren, we should make T-shirts with the CGM artwork on it... :)
[Shades] byebye poeple
[Alchemy] okay good night folks, see you next time.
[Apache] night
[_wraith] Warren , why don't PC games advertise on TV?
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[Kyote] San_PU: The CD-ROM edition includes every Infocom game, pretty much, except Hitchhiker's Guide.
[Apache] nice to meet you
[gamer] they do
[Vitas] g'night Al
[KeithV] .Question.:WIll there be plenty of snipin'?
[Warren] Doesn't make economic sense to advertise PC games on TV.
[ShihTzu] Kyote: Masterpieces of Infocom?
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[gamer] command and conquer did
[Devoid] Mechwarrior3 advertised in the theaters in NY and i have to say, .good god. i wanted that game and i already bought and won it
[Kyote] PC Gaming is way too specialized a market for tv advertising, by and large.
[Warren] If you want to snipe, there'll be plenty o' snipin'
[Octane_VE] Killcreek, are you working on DX any or just polishing the heck out of Daikatana?
[Vitas] Don't let the conspiracy bugs bite! :-)
[ShihTzu] I think that was the CD one (never had it, only Lost Treasures Vol. 1)
[Kyote] ShihTzu: Yes, that's it.
[Wargazm] Gwog you be r337
[San_PU] Kyote.:. Wow - ok. I'll have to see if I can track down a copy.
[Apache] I've seen Rollercoaster Tycoon TV adds
[_wraith] really? just of production cost and airtime ?
[KillCreek] Octane: I just work on DK :) Polishing!
[Kyote] Oh man, i always wanted a copy of the Lost Treasures Vol 1. Had a sweet set of maps.
[Apache] that sells a LOT Of copies
[Octane_VE] awesome =)
[Durandal] ive seen a descent 3 commerical
[g3rmz] y
[Linguica] me want daikatana
[Octane_VE] bout time we had a decent single player FPS...
[g3rmz] and a forsaken commecial too
[AndyM] Even with all the monetary and time problems, do you think you could ever stand working on anything but huge first-person simulations?
[Vitas] Who watches TV?
[Warren] Hey guys, I think I'm outta here. Got a game to make and the insides of eyelids to look at.
[KillCreek] Soon!
[Warren] g'night.
[Wargazm] I am a Descent3 commercial
[g3rmz] but I think that was multi platform
[Durandal] night all
[Scott_M] I think that's it for me, too... g'nite!
[TheZealot] Later Warren!
[ShihTzu] San_PU: a lot of the fan IF is really cool too...check and
[Apache] night warren!
[San_PU] Kyote.:. I wonder if there'd be anywhere where it would still be available...
[HDrambo] does bobby still work at Ion KC?
[KeithV] Hey KillCreek, when did you get into games?
[g3rmz] nite
[Kyote] Good night Warren, thank you for chatting with us! Don't forget to salt the fries.
[TheZealot] Bye Scott!
[ShihTzu] night Warren!
[Vitas] g'night Warren.
[Osmosis] later
[Octane_VE] AMF guys
[Durandal] cya all later
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[San_PU] Later Warren.
[BigBoy] Game commercials need to be aired during Fox's Sunday night Simpson's/X-Files, that would work
[Apache] thanks for coming, I've learned tons of deus ex!
[Linguica] Adam Cadre hehehe
[Protozone] cya warren!!
[_wraith] night guyz thanks for the lengthy chat was great
[KillCreek] HD: nope
[Linguica] 1-0 roxors
[Linguica] er I-0
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[HDrambo] what about Noel and Joey
[KillCreek] Keith: Ive played games since I was a wee baby
[Protozone] bye bye
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[Apache] now that warren's gone, how is Daikatana shaping up KC?
[ShihTzu] yah ^_^ I'm going to by Ready, Go! for sure, just from the games of his I've played
[Kyote] San_PU: The lost treasures vol 1? try ebay
[KillCreek] Hd: Noel yes, hes a coder on DK. Joey went off to Stanford. :)
[Durandal] my first game was strike commander
[Octane_VE] i bet you play quake in your sleep...
[KeithV] Well, you can't be over 25 or so.. what games were there back then? heh
[KillCreek] Apache: Just great! :)
[HDrambo] kwel
[HDrambo] kewl
[Apache] OMG! foods here afk
[g3rmz] Killcreek, within ION, which in house game is respected most?
[Devoid] are there job openings at ion?
[gamer] DX!
[g3rmz] like recives all the oohs and ahhs
[MISMonkey] Hey no fair starting infighting....
[ShihTzu] will there ever be a position for music writer at Ion? :)
[Octane_VE] if Ion ever needs a PR guy, lemme know =)
[TheZealot] Solitare gets the most respect
[ShihTzu] heh
[KillCreek] g3rmz: I think we all repect each others' games .. they are completely different
[_wraith] lol minsweeper here at Mines
[Vitas] Solitaire?!?! :-)
[HDrambo] did they lift the ban on Tekken3
[KillCreek] Devoid: not that i know of
[Osmosis] hahaha
[Wargazm] Anyone for a game of Big Rig?
[Wargazm] :)
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[BigBoy] Minesweeper is better than Solitaire
[Devoid] not even on a volounteer basis?
[Vitas] Minesweeper kicks Solitaire!
[TheZealot] Yeah there is a jop opening
[KeithV] .KC., wanna go one on one in q3 sometime? :)
[gamer] Do you guys play each others games?
[KillCreek] HD: well, let me just say ... theres no need for a ban when people can control themselves ... so its not really an issue anymore. :)
[HDrambo] heh
[Octane_VE] I can pimp anything...
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[TheZealot] ION is looking for a production assistant on Anachronox
[KillCreek] keith: im not very hardcore in q3!
[_wraith] \nick Wraith_peeeeeee
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[San_PU] KillCreek.:. What's your view on subtractive vs. additive level construction?
[KeithV] Good! maybe I'll have a chance then :)
[KeithV] I got q2 installed too :)
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[KillCreek] San: I have very little experience with subtractive, so I couldnt tell you. Looks pretty cool thoguh.
[g3rmz] KillCreek, how many maps have you made personaly for DK anyway?
[Durandal] i cant beleive i still have q1 still installed
[Devoid] q1 tf was the best thing ever
[KeithV] I still play GLquake
[Durandal] yea
[Devoid] couldn't gib enough as a demoman
[HDrambo] I still have ROTT installed
[gamer] kill...have you gotten to play any DX or Anachronox?
[MISMonkey] Golly...did you get enough info from this for your faq?
[KeithV] I play the SoF demo a lot right now though
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[Durandal] i just, cant remove it *sigh *
[Kyote] Devoid! TF rules :)
[KillCreek] g3r: I have 3 full maps in the final game (actually comes out to 10 submaps) .. a deathtag map .. and a few others that I tried my best to make mine. :)
[Durandal] it does
[Linguica] is there really all of 1 deathtag map?
[ShihTzu] Gwog: how's Gollywogette holding out? :)
[Durandal] i have over 175 maps for tf
[HDrambo] I have Mustaines beta maps for all the dethtags
[KillCreek] gamer: no, im trying to stay away until they are done. Dont wan to ruin the surprise! :)
[Durandal] still.
[KillCreek] Ling: for now ... if i have time .......
[Octane_VE] is there alot of community mapping for Deus Ex (or Daikatana if killcreek wants to answer)]?
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[San_PU] KillCreek.:. Would you feel comfortable with working on a project involving the Unreal engine in the future, or would you prefer to stick with id technology?
[TheZealot] Shih, I think Gwog is off doing something else.
[Vitas] Does DX have a lot of interesting places to explore, or are the locations mundane real-life places?
[KillCreek] I would prefer to work with new tech
[ShihTzu] okee
[Devoid] so is multiplayer possible... somehow down the road.. where the team can be made of a set of specialists? leap/sniper vs something else...
[Octane_VE] i bet 3 years of working on the Q1 engine gets old
[_wraith] okay folks TF2..... hype or revolutionary?
[TheZealot] He's prolly playing System Shock 2 :)
[MISMonkey] If you call an alley full of thugs who want your ass for supper mundane.......
[Durandal] hmmm hard to day
[g3rmz] KillCreek, unless this question has already been answered... faivorate DK weapon?
[Osmosis] I thought system shock 2 was great... then my weapons broke. And I never played it again.
[Durandal] valve has a good track record so far
[ShihTzu] hehe
[Gwog] I am back
[Vitas] I can go downtown for that ;-)
[g3rmz] hurra
[_wraith] one release thogh???
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[KillCreek] g3r: hmmm ... I like the Sunflare, Shotcycler, Ballista, Slugger
[HDrambo] KC how good do u rate Noel in DM is he still Saytan himself
[MISMonkey] Hey G....How's the missus?
[g3rmz] that's too many
[g3rmz] =)
[Gwog] ShihTzu: gollywogette is superb, and in fact will be joined in not too long by gollywog jr #2
[Durandal] i stopped playing sshock2 on the the many level on impossible
[TheZealot] KC, is the sunflare the greek fire?
[ShihTzu] oooo nifty
[KillCreek] HD: hes very good, but I 0wn him. ;-)
[HDrambo] wow
[KillCreek] Zeal: yeah .. TONS of fire!!
[_wraith] MISMonkey what part do you play on the DX team?
[TheZealot] heh
[KeithV] Did anybody else notice that KC is the focus of the chat? lol
[HDrambo] play him in D00m2 map 3 shadow heh
[Octane_VE] cause shes the only hottie in here
[Devoid] .Q:. How does the game vary from a 1st person shooter to get you hooked into the "reality" of the enviroment?
[MISMonkey] Just what the name says baby...I make the network work....among other things....
[ShihTzu] I'm hot
[Osmosis] Because the other developers left.
[Octane_VE] sure ya are Shih
[Gwog] TheZealot is a major hottie
[Vitas] Getting late, gotta go...Looking forward to the game! g'night.
[ShihTzu] shake that bootie Zealot
[KeithV] cause she's the only hottie female gamer O_o
* TheZealot shakes his groove thing
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[HDrambo] why did bobby leave ion KC? he is at ritual or something now?
* KillCreek blushes
[Gwog] Rogue
[San_PU] KillCreek.:. Are the original character skins Kenneth Scott did whilst he was at ION the ones which are being used in the actual game?
[HDrambo] yah
[g3rmz] I'd like to see TheZealot in playboy too
[TheZealot] hahaha
[Gwog] xcAlicebur
[g3rmz] =/
[HDrambo] rogue sorry
[KillCreek] HD: erm, no comment..
[BigNoodle] hey all
[Durandal] hahaha
[HDrambo] uh oh
[HDrambo] i know what that means..
[KillCreek] San: Some. We have a guy named Chris Perna who is a mega badass ... hes done tons of new skins too.
[MISMonkey] Golly....did you get enough info from the chat for your faq?
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[KillCreek] But there is a lot of Ken's stuff in there still too. He is amazing./
[Devoid] Unreal was a nice game to play but you learned all the tips and tricks by level 3, the rest was just repition
[g3rmz] Killcreek, tell us the rumors are not ture, you and romero are not an item right?
[Devoid] how does Deus Ex avoid that?
[San_PU] KillCreek.:. Ok. :)
[TheZealot] Chad, read you E3 story, that was pretty good.
[KillCreek] g3r: yeah, like only for a year now. heh.
[Gwog] senor MISMonkey I was not here for the majority of it, but it sure looks like I could write several zillon faqs
[Octane_VE] is anyone taking a log of the chat?? I'd love to post it on VoodooExtreme...
[MISMonkey] Thanks...wish I'd finished it.....may yet....
[Devoid] i've got a log
[Devoid] yes
[Devoid] from the begining
[KillCreek] ack
[TheZealot] I've got a log
[Devoid] (or when i got here anyway)
[KeithV] me too
[MISMonkey] Well it looks like you logged it....
[KillCreek] dont post this part where im talking!
[Gwog] Octane: you may post the news of stormtroopers log on VE :)
[San_PU] Devoid.:. Well, Deux Ex has absolutely nothing to do with Unreal to start with.
[KeithV] I was the first person in teh channel :)
[MISMonkey] so you should have the hookup.
[TheZealot] Hahahaha
[Octane_VE] can I get you to mail it to me Zealot? (
[g3rmz] ?
[Octane_VE] what stormtroopers log?
[Gwog] haha
[Devoid] San_PU aside from the engine that has been modified into what it is now....
[KeithV] Octane? Billy 'Octane' Wilson?
[TheZealot] Sure Octane, but not until after we post it.
[Octane_VE] Dave "Octane" Morrison
[KillCreek] hahaha
[Gwog] the one that's going up on
[KeithV] ooops
* ShihTzu huggles Ion
[San_PU] Devoid.:. I thought you were talking about the game, not the engine.
[Octane_VE] Billy "Wicked" Willson...
[KeithV] haha wow I feel stupid
[Gwog] the "killcreek talking" parts of the chat will be posted on Planet Daikatana muahaah
[Devoid] the game relighs on the engine...
[Octane_VE] heh
[Devoid] doesn't it?
[KeithV] funny thing too, considering I go to ve like 3 times a day
* KillCreek grins
* Durandal spawns the game world
[_wraith] Octane and Outlaw don't you guys have arm wrestiling or something as to who is cooler?
[KillCreek] hey, i just try not to talk :)
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[HDrambo] is OldManMurray gonna destroy id KC?
[KillCreek] it .. ermm .. seem to make things easier :)
[MISMonkey] Work speaks for itself, Ms. Killcreek
[KillCreek] HD: huh?
[HDrambo] check there site
[KillCreek] MIS: indeed
[g3rmz] huh indeed
[HDrambo] the logo infringement
[Wargazm] What is Romhairo doing right now?
[Octane_VE] that was a PR stunt HD
[Durandal] ehh
[HDrambo] :(
[KeithV] romhairo lol
[HDrambo] man
[Durandal] lol
[KillCreek] hes working on something ...
[Octane_VE] hes probably in the rinse cycle about now
[KillCreek] oh, hes working on fixing one of the fonts
[KeithV] 'on something'?
[g3rmz] can't you make hom cut that or somthing Killcreek?
[KillCreek] i had to ask :)
[KillCreek] g3r: no!
[g3rmz] tell him to sleep on the couch or somthing
[Durandal] probly took his hair to the shop :)
[g3rmz] =)
[ShihTzu] Romero should get a tattoo or something so people have some other physical feature to fixate on O_o
[Devoid] ok when Unreal plays, by a certain time (early on) you have learned how to move/kill with even the better bots, the interactivity of it has died... how does Deus Ex variy from that?
[HDrambo] u ever see kee anymore KC
[Wargazm] dont get me wrong, I love the guy, I even got pics of him at E3 with the lovely Ms. Killcreek - two nice people - they sat thru my lighting probs :)
[_wraith] you nkow the polys look low on lots of DX shots, is there going to be scalable detail?
[KeithV] am I the only person that thinks he should cut his hair?
[KillCreek] HD: nope
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[Durandal] dont think so
[HDrambo] if it doesnt ship by say next xmas someone should cut it
[KeithV] .KC., break club him over the head and shave him bald muawhahaha
[ShihTzu] heh
[Durandal] just as long as it doesent any bigger
[San_PU] hahahaa
[Devoid] i know that there is an unwholy amount of difference in the game themselves but there are no more suprises that cannot be dealt with, with a certain amount of prior experience
[KillCreek] what is the deal with the hair? its like is some sort of entity or something. Its just hair. :)
[KeithV] wait, remove the break
[KeithV] lol
[Gwog] yeah, no kidding
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[Wargazm] Beware the hair! :)
[MISMonkey] Yeah, what the hell is wrong with my hair?
[KillCreek] I get people asking "Does he let you touch his hair?"
[KillCreek] hah
[Kyote] John Romero is one hot chick!
[Octane_VE] lol
[Wargazm] Gwog wants hair
[TheZealot] hahaha
[Kyote] LOL
[Gwog] a community full of fifteen year old computer geeks who are fixated on John Romero's hair
[Durandal] it will be down to his ankles by this summer =)
[San_PU] lol
[KeithV] He'd be a sexy chick
[HDrambo] some ex-dwang people got to touch romero's hair at a quakecon
[KeithV] lol
[Kyote] "Dude, John Romero is a GUY!"
[MISMonkey] Kyote reads too much Penny Arcade.
[ShihTzu] have you ever played that NES game, "Kabuki: Quantum Fighter," where you have huge red hair and kill people with it?
[Osmosis] hahaha
[g3rmz] oh, dose romero have a facination with that bade dude from "The Crow"?
[Kyote] "DESIGN IS LAW!" "Sorry John. No game, no hot dog."
[KeithV] remember in Mallrats?
[KeithV] haha
[g3rmz] same long hair.. big sword etc
[KillCreek] g3z: heh nope
[KeithV] "I'd be a sexy chick!"
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[MISMonkey] It's "no game, no wiener....
[HDrambo] speaking of liaw
[Gwog] hehe
[Gwog] Joey
[_wraith] You know KC indians used to believe that hair was a persons history
* Kyote mistakes John Romero for Rynn from Drakan and embarasses himself horribly by sending him flowers. ;)
[HDrambo] vachaniman
[Devoid] Who is "John Romero" ?
[TheZealot] I talked to him a few months back
[HDrambo] vachina for short
[KeithV] How long has DK been in dev?
[Wargazm] its Romhairo...
[TheZealot] I need to get him to come to the next Anox chat
[g3rmz] a while
[Gwog] since march of '97
[Osmosis] Ages
[KeithV] ohh.. that isint THAT bad..
[Gwog] no more than many, many other games
[KeithV] not as bad as Tiberian Sun
[Osmosis] But its scope is HUGE.
[Osmosis] So it needs to take time.
[Octane_VE] asherons call has been in development since 96 and it just came out...
[KeithV] and it was cool!
[Octane_VE] it started as a text adventure
[g3rmz] y, DN4 has been in dev longer i believe
[KeithV] till turbine fucked with it
[KillCreek] yes
[Gwog] a three year dev cycle for a huge game that had the entire team get poached is no big news
[ShihTzu] *coughPreycough *
[Osmosis] The reason it gets so much attention is that they were not secretive about it from the start. So lame fans just bicker about it.
[_wraith] gotta say I love AC, got some short comings but overall damn addictive
[MISMonkey] I pride myself on being a sarcastic dick and not terribly into company loyalty (I worked for Acclaim, can you blame me?) but I gotta say that JR is one of the nicest fellas I've met, particularly compared to the reputation he gets....
[KillCreek] the whole problem was that everyone heard about dk since before it was even in development.
[Durandal] is Ac worth buying?
[Devoid] The game, does it peeter out or are ther suprises throught the entire thing?
[Osmosis] hehe
[KillCreek] MIS: thats awfully kind of ya. Glad you think so. :)
[Octane_VE] dont buy AC if you value your free time
[Kyote] However long it takes to make it good, that's all that really matters...
[ShihTzu] yeah, they had big ads like two months after development started and the "consumer awareness" soon backfired
[Durandal] ah
[TheZealot] 3Drealms has done Duke Nukem to death with all their 3rd party liscensing. Duke is getting old hat.
[Gwog] John MUST be nice: he's the only person on the planet that uses as many smileys as Killcreek
[HDrambo] how good is shadows ai KC? can he still rock the code
[KeithV] .dont buy ac period..
[_wraith] agreed octane
[ShihTzu] my three roommates used to do nothing except play Asheron's Call
[g3rmz] Duke is not old hat
[Osmosis] If Half life had been public info from the start. People would have bitched about it till it was released.
[KillCreek] Gwog: hahah ... We think alike!
[g3rmz] I actualy have not played a duke game since Duke3d
[HDrambo] no dn4ever will r00l
[KillCreek] HD: hell yeah. Hes made some teriffic ai for the sidekicks
[TheZealot] g3rmz, it is if you play all the liscenced Duke games
[_wraith] anyone played allegiance though? Not quite the same
* Kyote hands g3rmz a copy of Tresspasser, "Here ya go buddy, best game ever made!"
[Octane_VE] they have all been "Duke takes Manhatten" and stuff
[Gwog] "Duke takes it in Manhatton"
[_wraith] Masssively Multi-play friendz that is the future
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[Wargazm] ah well - back to beer. See ya you crazy cats you..
[Durandal] tresspasser is an insult to humanity
[Devoid] (hate to shift the topic back to Deus Ex again)
[Kyote] Duke Does Dallas ;)
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[Octane_VE] lol
[MISMonkey] Go for it Devoid
[Kyote] picture THAT cover, baby!
* Kyote shudders
[KeithV] I dont wanna picture that cover
[g3rmz] Duke does Oz
[Durandal] im suprised dreamworks wasent tried for war crimes for mass genocide
[Octane_VE] staring Ron Jeremy as Duke Nukem...
[Devoid] .Q:. really would like to know how tied to the unreal form Deus Ex is through its engine
[ShihTzu] will there be a way to combine Daikatana, Anachronox, and Deus Ex into one game? (much like Clouds of Xeen and Dark Side of Xeen became World of Xeen)
[San_PU] KillCreek.:. Do the main character's have individual personalities which effect thier mood, actions and speach durring the game?
[Kyote] lol...Ron Jeremy? No way...Peter North!
[MISMonkey] Bow chicka wow wowww
[HDrambo] ha ron jeremy as the tentacle in HL
[Gwog] heh
[KeithV] hahahaha
[g3rmz] jeez
[Kyote] "Your face, your ass....yeah, let's go with the ass."
[Gwog] ron jeremy as the gasbags in psycho circus
[Octane_VE] they say that Duke is a bad mother fu.... shut yo mouth...
[KeithV] lol
[HDrambo] haha
[g3rmz] that game makes me laugh
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[Octane_VE] that game is cool as shit
[KillCreek] San: yes, each of the sidekicks has a distinct personality and responds differently to situations
[Durandal] when my foirend played tresspasser all he did was look down all the way through the game
[KeithV] .(°mp.3.°).(°various artists - theme from shaft-1.mp3°).(°3.02mb°).
[Octane_VE] I can't wait for Psycho circus
[Apache] back... so when'd DK gonna be released? :)
[San_PU] Octane_VE.:. Does your contract with VE dictate that you need to mention Ron Jeremy at least once per day or something? :P
[Gwog] me neither
[San_PU] KillCreek.:. Excellent.
[HDrambo] heh
[Octane_VE] yea, its in there somewhere...
[_wraith] DX: any regrets choosing the unreal engine?
[TheZealot] Ok folks I'm outta here.
[Apache] cya z
[TheZealot] Cya later!
[ShihTzu] baibai Zealot
[Durandal] cya
[Octane_VE] down with required usage of the word "dialed" and "reach-around"
[g3rmz] cya
[_wraith] latez Z
[Durandal] great chat
[HDrambo] no only if ur with limp bizkit or K0rn are u contracted with ron jeremy
[MISMonkey] by Zealot
[San_PU] _wraith.:. They're all gone.
[KeithV] I love this song
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[MISMonkey] er...bye....rather
[Kyote] and don't forget 'a big wet one goes out to....' if I didn't see that at least once in a VE update, I'd worry.
[Octane_VE] i have the whole soundtrace Keith... very good if you like mild funk
[HDrambo] hey kc tell Noel "SHABASH" for me ok
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[Gwog] Octane: has anyone ever thrown up after reading VE?
[Octane_VE] not to my knowledge...
[KeithV] lol you've got the whole thing?
[KeithV] wow
[g3rmz] I hope DK dosn't have cheesy voice acting
[Octane_VE] yea, i bought it
[KeithV] your my idol
[_wraith] I'm a bout to
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[Apache] man, this chat totally fuxored my productivity tonight, I was supposed to post a MDK preview lol
[ShihTzu] will there be a Daikatana hit single?
[Devoid] can you use 3rd person perspective?
[KillCreek] HD: ok .. heh
[Octane_VE] I heard someone went into labor after reading one of Billys jokes once...
[KillCreek] g3r: i love our voices
[Devoid] are you tied to 1st person /w gun sticking out of the corner?
[HDrambo] I cant email him for some reason got a shitty addy
[Kyote] Mmm, MDK2....
[g3rmz] ok, take your word 4 it
[HDrambo] do u know his email?
[San_PU] Gwog.:. Only when I discovered that Apache had been allowed onto the team.
[KeithV] Billy makes jokes? *cough *
[ShihTzu] okee, night all
[_wraith] what about Soverign that one has dissapeared off the scope
[Gwog] heh
[San_PU] Apache.:. ;)
[Kyote] night Sihtzu
[Apache] :)
[KeithV] .(°mp.3.°).(°A3 - Woke Up This Morning{The Sopranos Theme}.mp3°).(°4.85mb°).
[Octane_VE] soveriegn looks pretty dull...
[_wraith] something scay about getting a page cause your workd is getting attaacked
[Durandal] cya all later
[g3rmz] cya
[MagicBoy] i really like the concept of sovreign
[g3rmz] oh?
[Durandal] great chat
[KeithV] Anybody here look at Halo and think "why the HELL didn't somebody think of this earlier?"?
[Gwog] g3rmz: you the germz from the planet dk forums?
[g3rmz] point me to a web site
[_wraith] it's too broad though
[g3rmz] y
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[KeithV] "I woke up this morning, and got myself a gun"
[g3rmz] why gwog?
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[Apache] this was one of the better ION chats, that's for sure
[Zarkon] halo looks great
[Octane_VE] halo = tribes 2
[KeithV] "moma alwas said I'd be the chosen one"
[Gwog] that knob nucas is flaming you down
[Apache] halo=tresspasser
[g3rmz] oh?
[g3rmz] hmmm
[g3rmz] it's ok
[Kyote] KeithV: When I look at HALO, I simply begin drooling uncontrollably and stop thinking entirely.
[Zarkon] wrong apache
[Devoid] how long as Deus Ex been in the works?
[Octane_VE] gonna be very similar IMHO
[Gwog] another genius that can't read
[_wraith] you think Apache?
[g3rmz] I'm not going to respond
[g3rmz] I'm done with that thread
[KeithV] when I look at Halo I get kinda ha.. errr excited
[Devoid] when was its first hint and/or release to the public?
[Apache] hard to say without playing it
San_PU is now known as San
[Gwog] hehe I'm going to respond
[Kyote] I get tingly. In funny places...Mmm, Halo
[Zarkon] bungie has never screwed up like trespasser
[Apache] but when a game's that hyped up...things are gonna be a let down
[Gwog] I think Deus Ex has been around for like two years
[MISMonkey] Yep.
[Zarkon] only if you let the hype get to ya
[San] Whilst I was at Gamespy I downloaded the ~80MB movie... I can't say I was overly impressed.
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[HDrambo] duke is hype i hope broussard does a good job
[Devoid] ok... when was the first release of data?
[Zarkon] the screens looked great
[Gwog] I have the original PR linked from ST with Epic talking about the lisence
[Apache] duke doesnt get much hype
[HDrambo] yeah true
[_wraith] true i don't understand how they can attempt to make it MMP from a 3rd person perspective however Myth was damn fun
[HDrambo] thats the hype!
[Apache] heh, anti hype
[_wraith] I respect Bungie
[MISMonkey] Well, if there is no more misinformation I can spread about DX.....
[HDrambo] george b is a cheater in doom
[Gwog] g'night Monk
[Kyote] Me too, Bungie hasn't fumbled the ball once. I think Oni and Halo will rock
[MISMonkey] Golly, see you in the forums...
[Octane_VE] oni looks bloody cool though... theres a third person came...
[_wraith] take care MIS and kudos on the website
[Octane_VE] game...
[Gwog] cya
[Apache] as soon as Diablo II goes into beta, no other games will even matter ;)
[Apache] cya dude
[MISMonkey] Ms. Killcreek, have a pleasant night....
[Octane_VE] lol
[KillCreek] you too!
[Gwog] damn, I "ganked" that link
[KillCreek] night :)
[MISMonkey] Bye, y'all........
[Platinum] hehehe
[Zarkon] there's another company that hasnot fumbled (much)
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