PlanetDeusEx | Features | Poll Archive | Poll 20: Which fight is the most challenging?
Poll 20: Which fight is the most challenging?

Which of the (regrettably) forced fights caused you the most grief?

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The Poll

Which fight is the most challenging?
Total votes: 773
Anna Navarre: I'm riddled with bullets!
Gunther Hermann: The burning, the burning!
Walton Simons: His plasma gun broke my nail!
I'm a game cheater, so they wasn't hard at all.


Despot: Firstly, props to an unspecified user with the email address of for this poll--I neglected to mention that in the newspost. Must give credit where credit is due!

Beyond that, Walton Simons was a royal pain, primarily because it was impossible to play it of the few instances in Deus Ex where a certain style of play is forced. And, judging from the results of the Poll, this caused a lot of grief for the players. Except the cheaters, which I will now slap around in a most violent manner. *sounds of brutal slapping heard*

Kaigen: I'm surprised Navarre and Hermann even got a vote. They never even got a shot off with me. Now Simons however made me his bitch, which is a lot more than John Romero ever did.

Damian: Are you trying to say that you thought that those people were... HARD? You need to learn of a neat command called 'tantalus' Betcha can guess what my vote was.

Regenesis: The main reason that Simons is so tough is that he comes out of nowhere. With Gunther you get the infolink messages so you know to prepare for a big fight. With Simons you're just trying to get the hell out of the sub base and all of a sudden here he comes with his plasma rifle pointed at your head. If you're not ready it can be a very short fight. | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | GameSpy Technology
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